Done. Have been for quite a while. The border is my main issue, but there are others. So let’s see what he’s saying:
- National Guard will back up the Border Patrol by monitoring, watching, installing, and other such stuff. = National Guard will back up the Border Patrol by doing paperwork and watching TV.
We’re gonna have a high-tech fence. = (Virtual fence.) We’re not gonna have a fence, we’ll just draw a white line in chalk or lime and ask the illegals to pretty please stay on the other side of our “fence”. Pretty please.
I’ll ask Congress for additional funding so we can end “Catch and Release” once and for all. = We’ll have “Catch and Release” forever because I’m counting on Congress to never pass the law I “support”.
We need a temporary worker program = Amnesty.
It is against the law to hire illegals, so we’re going to have a foolproof ID card for immigrants. = Yeah, Congress won’t pass that one either, so we’re gonna yell at employers who hire illegals. We might even send them a letter.
Amnesty is wrong. I oppose it. But let’s not send anyone home. That’s not amnesty, what I’m describing. = Amnesty is the only way! Yay amnesty!
Some illegal people have been here a long time. It would be bad to send them home and uproot their illegal roots. They have families. Let them stay. = Amnesty for those who have been sucking money from our society without paying into it for the longest time. They deserve amnesty! Yay!
Congratulations, Mr. President. You are now officially a really bad President in my eyes. But I’ll still call you President Bush out of respect.
From my perspective here in Tucson, Arizona, Bush’s speech was sickenly disappointing. I kept hoping for good news, but it never came.
Is this the end of the GOP majority? Probably. Do I care? Barely. As bad as Bush is the Dems will be worse (somehow).
Fence First!
And this is why our guys can only run for two terms. Why he thinks it’s so important that we make nice with Mexico is beyond me, so I can only hope he’s got some supersecret thing going that we can’t see, but I’m still not voting Dem next election.
How about instead of a fence, lining up retired/ex military snipers along the border..say roughly 1 mile apart, my calculations have that number of men at 2100 bodies….behind the snipers have the guard and border patrol….if the illegals can run the gaunlet, make their way through, then give ’em papers.
We’d cut down dramatically of the numbers flooding into the States from the south…plus make all us ex’s feel useful again.!!!Plus I need the practice.!!!!!!Fire up the Soylent Green processing plants!
Damn, W., ya had a chance to knock it out of the park, and instead we got a bunt, and a weak sacrifice bunt at that.
(but I still won’t vote Dem. either!!)
Good article about W’s speech here. Some pretty good points. sigh I miss W from 2001, tough cowboy guy, where’d he go?
Mexico is not our friendly neighbor. They are unloading their trespassing poverty problem on their neighbor, then calling up concerned, when the neighbor calls the cops.
Letting illegals, sit in American homes, waiting for citizenship, is not putting them at the back of the line; it is amnesty.
my solution? take over mexico, install puppet commie government there. then they can come over here. we keep it like that for about 18 months, then invade again and set up a democratic government. everyones happy. oh, and the illegals here we deport, but they can come right back. yay! beno in 08!
We have met the enemy, and he is the President of the United States. What an idiot.
I’m with ya, SarahK. I’m done with Bush. [sigh]
Be prepared for a visit from Darth Rove – “I find your lack of faith disturbing”….
I can’t stomach voting for a dem, either. But this year, it’s everything for the true conservatives (vote, $) and NOTHING for the RINOs, RNC, or committees. Nothing. If some dems win, so be it. RINOs are at least a bad as dems and maybe, just maybe, President Bush will get the message and some backbone on domestic issues.
President Bush is wuss! I voted for him twice!
Seems like they are all (Demicans and Republicrats)in colusion!
I am an Independant for a reason.
Thanks SarahK, for your frank honesty.
Every wave of immigrants gets amnesty. The Pilgrams got amnesty, the Irish got amnesty, the Chinese got amnesty. The Mexicans too are gonna get amnesty. We ain’t shipping out 11 million people. Not gonna happen, so quit dreaming about it.
The real question is how to secure the border. For that we have to wait until after the July Mexican elections. We bring down the boom before then, and Chavez’s commie puppet gets elected. You want to see a !War for OIL! Then you just wait until Chavez controls our intake. Don’t get so fixated on the new arab enemies that you forget the old commie enemies. Commies have still killed more people than the arabs have.
Great post, Sara. I’m glad I’m not the only one that felt that speech was likened to felatio. I kept waiting for “we’re going to eliminate incentives”, but got served a second rate guilt trip instead. I say we arm the Minuitmen…they seem to be he only ones interested in doing the job right. What happened to the George Bush we elected in the first term? The only thing that comforts me at night is knowing at least we didn’t have Gore in office on 9/11. I just prey we get a real conservitive in 08. If not, I can’t help but hear that flushing sound.
Communists are Still the Enemy (and right you are):
I agree that it’s not practical to round up 11 million people and ship them across the border. But a couple of ways occur to me that we could get them to deport themselves.
1) Use real ID for hiring including biometrics over the internet so there is no excuse for hiring an illegal. Easy to do. Fingerprints are now done electronically. Right now, employers are in a catch 22. If they knowingly hire an illegal, they’re busted. If they look too hard at the illegal’s papers, it’s a civil rights violation.
2) Stop the transfer of money across the border without proof of citizenship. This has the added benefit of really pissing off Vicente Fox.
It could be done if we have the will to do it. Having some libertarian leanings, I prefer the second since I don’t particularly like a national ID. Like they and the supermarkets don’t already know everything there is to know about me.
Sorry for ranting without even a bad pun, but that seems to be the mood on this post.
The chinese got amnesty? No they didn’t. We let like none of them in.
And for that matter, there was no immigration law for the pilgrims to get amnesty from.
anyway, the point is, if they have to live here without being able to work, and being worried about getting deported… they will hopfully go back on their own. take away incentive to stay, and they won’t. or at least stop coming.
i’m just glad to see that the issue gets discussed outside of the border states (i’m in southern california)
you know, amnesty might not be so bad if we closed the border securely
agree sarah. i voted for bush twice (and probably would again if the choices were the same),but at this point the only thing to do is vote against each and every incumbent. i can’t think of a single conservative that is effective and getting rid of reid, pelosi, kennedy et al would more than compensate for any conservative loss.
vote “no” on incumbents this fall
“If they can’t find work, they’ll go home”–what makes you think so? Aren’t they just as likely to get false documents, or turn to other crimes?
I wonder if the best approach might not be to open the border and say “You’ll pay a processing fee, then you’ll pay taxes like everyone else. If you commit a felony, you’re deported immediately.” Generally the people who will pack up and move to another country have some initiative, and overall I think adding that to the American mix would be a good thing. We’d need to deal with the Aztlan nonsense but I wonder how much of that is home-grown anyway–sounds to me like that idea came straight from the People’s Reublic of Berkeley.
People should start buying land at the US-Mexico border and build their own wall privately. Just talk to your neighbors and make sure that your wall lines up properly with theirs.
I won’t vote for fake Republicans. I voted for Bush twice, but I’m staying home next election. Despite what some people may say, there’s no difference between Republicans and Democrats at this point, so at least if it’s a Democrat acting like an ass I can complain, instead of trying to make an argument supporting the assinine actions of some phony Republican that I voted for.
Let Hillary have it – she’d have more balls than the Liberal president we have now, and we could go back to the mainstream media telling us our country is in great shape again because a Liberal was running it.
Republicans count on the base forgetting that they promised things like tort reform to get elected, and believe your vote is wrapped up no matter what, so they spend all their time trying to please Democrats. Screw them, I’m not voting for them again until they start trying to please us conservatives that elected them in the first place.
son of bob-
i appreciate your position, but don’t stay home. you are correct about the gop and the dems. take the opportunity to break the hold of the two parties. vote independent or libertarian. constitution or reform. as long as the populace accepts that we only have two parties, that is all we will have. in days gone by, parties died and new ones flourished. it is time for that to happen again.
After last night, I may be coming down with a case of BDS.
Gotta agree with you. In the early days of the war I was damn proud to have President Bush running the place, but it seems somebody has been whispering sweet nothings in his ear during his rare private moments, “Canamerxico…Canamerxico. You know you want it. Why should the EU have all the fun?”
I’ve never been a conspiracy theorist, but his behavior with the border is simply too baffling to comprehend until you begin to see the agenda, which is North American union, where the US will have to prop up Mexico the way Britain and Germany had to prop up France and some of the other lame countries. And this is all happening far sooner than I would have guessed.
All I heard last nite was…”Good evening, blah, blah, blah, amnesty, blah, blah, blah, you’re wrong…I’m right, blah, blah, blah, we’ll taunt them a second time, blah, blah, blah, goodnite.”
What gets me is that it’s not practical to deport all of the illegals yet somehow it is practical to institute some kinda biometric ID card? And employers are gonna all have some kind of access to this technology. Who’s gonna pay for it? Hmmm, the American taxpayer. All of us who are already paying for the illegals to free-load off the welfare system.
We should build a big, big wall with guns, razor wire, electrify it, mine it and shoot anyone who gets within a 100 yards of it. I, too, am tired of Bush.
Constitution Party Website
If enough people finally realize that the lesser of two evils is still evil, then maybe a third party can make a dent. At the least, if the Repugs get their tails handed to them in ’08, maybe we’ll see a resurgence of conservative values (like after congress got whooped after the AWB).
Johnny Catbird, the Minuteman Project is already seriously talking about doing this.
I’m not opposed to some kind of guest worker program at some point down the line. But security absolutely has to come first. For Pete’s sake, if we can spend $100,000,000 a pop for a new F-22 Raptor, we should be able to spend a few million to build a decent fence to at least stablize the problem.
You’d think that the idea of stopping some of the drug cartels would be motivation for the D.C. idiots if nothing else was.
It would have been really easy for the President to have convinced me that he was getting serious about the issue, and he completely failed.
AAARRGGHHH, Fair weather friends;
Come back to reality. Stop talking wingnut trash ’bout ‘W’. This is not the daily Kos or DU. We are supposed to be the rational ones.
Seriously, the position that Bush takes is the only realistic path. I know it is frustrating, but you can’t be taken seriously with the whole: I-Hate-Bush-Now-Round-Em-Up-and-Ship-Em-Out-Build-The-Fence talk. Those who say such things are seriously diluded.
I cannot believe anyone thinks it would be physically possible to round up all the illegals. This would take 20 years and billions of your tax dollars. Can you say TAX INCREASE. BOOOOO!!!
Likewise with the fence VERY expensive and guess what; with the only 700 miles of the 2100 mile boarder with Mexico being done, the illegals will simply go around it. Even if you covered the entire boarder ($$$BBBBillions) The illegals would take a boat. It won’t work. Stop thinking it is a good idea.
Also, the whole enforce the law on the employer part. Once again, VERY expensive. Imagine the number of Government employees it would take to pull this off. Again 20 years and billions of dollars.
The only solution to this problem is to let Mexico’s economy improve to the point where there isn’t a desperate reason to flee North. That is happening and free trade is helping. Meanwhile, increase the Boarder patrol, enforce employer punishment as best as possible, remove other incentives like welfare bennies etc. There are many things that can and should improve, but lets not get looney tunes here.
Jim Garner kept the local bad guys in his new town’s prison, without bars, simply by dripping some red paint on the floor past his “line of death,” (in “Support Your Local Sheriff”). I fully trust that the Border Patrol can do the same.
May I suggest sharks with frikkin’ lasers, or perhaps alligators with frikkin’ lasers, as part of the fence?
I agree with Scotty. It’s a no win situation. The border is out of control and we simply don’t have the resources to control it without committing crimes against humanity. No joke.
The only way to secure the border is to build a wall. It’s not 100%, but it would be the best option for security.
With that said, the guy that solves this problem without a wall would be the same guy who can solve the Y5B problem. Ain’t gonna happen.
So, President Bush has taken the stance that instead of trying to prevent illegals, we should make a better effort to track them. I liken this to the idea of a pistol permit. We all know what kind of people go out of their way to get a permit, and the kind of people who don’t. It’s a nice theory, but not practical.
Large wall. Lots of electronic sensors. Minimum “breach response” teams. It’s the only way. Breaches would likely be detected, isolated, and much easier to control where only one point of entry is obtained.
Paying for it all, of course, is another story.
As a nation of patriots who have always managed to do the unimaginable, why is a border fence such an out of reach idea? Why is coming down on W’s (and the GOP for that matter) wobbling over the issue “fair-weathered”?
We’ve came down on his justice replacement attempt(s). We’ve came down on the spending increases. We’ve came down on other security issues (port ownership, airport security).
The GOP garnered control of the government in 2000. They have managed to squandor most of the enthusiasm all of us (the voters) had. That means they’re squandoring their support and $$.
We do that in hopes that one of them will wake up and smell what they’re flinging at us. (At least I do anyway.)
/ranting done for now…
On the lighter side, would the landowners ont he border who build a fence get a tax deduction for property improvemnts?
Thanks Sarahk. Good post.
shimauma: “I miss W from 2001, tough cowboy guy, where’d he go?”
Vicente Fox has him paper-trained and playing “roll over” for puppy treats.
I like Leo’s suggestions, but I’d add
7. Put ALL employers of illegal aliens on chain gangs breaking rocks (preferably with their heads) for 20 years (or until they die) w/o parole. Confiscate their businesses and sell them at public auction.
8. Pay a bounty of $2,500 per head for (live) illegals turned in to local authorities for deportation (don’t trust the feds). I’d be able to retire comfortably to Mexico w/in a month. To Vail w/in a year.
9. REFUSE access to ALL “social safety net” programs to ALL persons who cannot produce multiple incontrovertible evidences of citizenship. Arrest and deport anyone who cannot produce such proof whenever they attempt to access the system. (Yeh, I don’t care if they are third generation Americans. If they can’t produce proof, send ’em to Mexico. Let Mexico have some of OUR stupid, illeterate poor.)
10. Mexican authorities all the way up to Vicente Fox condone, even aid and abet in the violation of American sovereignty, so… Declare war on Mexico. Annex it and throw the illegals out. Yeh, the Mexicans. Let ’em go live in Cuba or something. Rape the land of its resources, build one BIG ole wall at our current border and then give their land, absent its richest resources, back to ’em. Let ’em eat cake. While we’re at it, give ’em a radioactive parking lot where Mexico City now stands, just as a reminder that reconquista was a bad idea. A very bad idea.
All of these are very, very good ideas, IMO, which is why they are all safe to suggest. because we all know that good ideas–ideas that in any way benefit the U.S. or its citizens–are never going to be adopted by either the Democraps or the Republican’ts.
“We are supposed to be the rational ones.”
Good to see some real humor finally on this website!
That one sentence was better than anything in Frank J. tedious editorial!
Monkey Faced Liberal
I voted for GWB the first time. It took about 10 months to figure out that this guy is a very dangerous moron. Five years later is better than seven right? You loosers have been too busy punching liberals in their “dumb monkey faces” to even have a basic understanding of where this gorgeous chap is leading us.