Ladies and gentleman, as a professional blogger I have to say this is quite upsetting.
We are just now being, just NOW being informed that Representative Patrick Kennedy was involved in a car crash early in the Thursday AM.
Were they planning to keep it a secret?
Do the traffic laws not apply to the Kennedy clan? Can they not drive? is this a “Buick thing?”
I am beside myself. I demand a full investigation into what can only be a cover up. Here we have a member of congress who goes out there and crashes into another car in the middle of the early am, thus denying that car owner the ability to get to work and feed a family which I’m sure is has already suffered enough based on the poorly performing economy and the whie, cruel hand of Republican rule. For all we know, this car owner is probably wondering where his or her next meal is going to come from. And who did this? A Democrat of course.
I say let’s demand a full senate investigation (led by Ted Kennedy) into what really happened that night!
Here are the “facts” as we know them.
Patrick says he consumed no alcohol. We know how ‘those Democrats’ are at that hour of the morning. Probably driving with a bottle of booze in one hand with his other hand on a whore’s knee.
The police were called in right away.A likely story. Involving the authorities right away! Next thing you’ll hear is that insurance carriers were notified. I’m not buying it!
He held a press conference. Sure AFTER the news started to leak out. Right now as we speak, the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy and the Lefty Religious zealots are hoping this goes away! They’re trying to keep us from focusing on the war on poverty and it’s horrible failure!
A history of bad behaviour. Since this congressperson has a history of depression, alcohol and drug abuse, I guess we can safely assume, without even needing any facts, that he was Higher Than a Gallon of Gasoline! Not to mention that fact that he’s a Kennedy. Police should check the trunk for any dead secretarial help!
In fact, it might be reasonable to ask for resignations!
Oooohhh. I”m mad!
What are your thoughts on the matter?
Are you pissed off that everyone complained that it took 2 days for Cheney and his cronies to get their stories straight now you want to blame Kennedy?
Yes, us Democrates like to drink and be with women unlike THOSE republicans who like to lie to their wives, shot their colleagues (friends in the chest) and molest little boys.
I doubt anybody is forgetting about the messed up war that Dubya started for no reason. By the way, the only time a republican cares about the homeless is when a homeless person approaches them at the market.
I’m gonna use the “L” words, thats all that will fit…
Loony Liberals!
Man, I wasn’t sure if I was going to comment on this one, since most of the time it’s pointless and Frank J. just calls us all “asinine,” but now that Joe went on his whole leftier-than-thou, “go Democrates” speech, I feel compelled. He also doesn’t understand humor, and on this site, it’s the job of us IMAO frequenters to tell those crazy loonies who had their funny bones extracted as a child that it’s meant to be a joke (see provided link if you’re confused, idiots).
So, yes, sorry for that screaming rampage, RWD. I think I’m good now. Thanks for teh funny. I totally agree that the blogosphere should be informed two days before any reputation-damaging event happens to any Democrat holding federal, state, local, or dog-catcher office. They can wait for a few weeks after the fact to inform the mainstream media, since they’re so slow that we bloggers can run news cycles around them. (Insert hopeful drum crash here.)
Looks like someone forgot this is a HUMOR blog.
sigh…Joe, you missed the point. Nobody is angry here but you.
Great post. It ranks right up there with the Chickenhawk Q&A you did. My better half was laughing so hard she had tears coming out of her eyes.
Mary Jo Kopechne’s ‘could have been” daughter, could not be reached for comment.
Joe, you seem to be the only one who’s “pissed”.
The only good “Democrate” is one that has been ripped open with a crowbar and then chopped into little pieces with an axe.
Hey Joe;
It might have been a joke… like you.
maybe he was “chanelling spirits” like his familia… being wrong shouldn’t end with family, yeah???
IMAO… I wish I could quit you…
I love how Kennedy expects us to believe that he took his sleep/digestive medications, went to bed like a good little congressman, GOT UP at 3AM thinking, due to the medication, that he needed to run to the hill for a vote, then crashed.
Whatever he was on, his laywers must have been cut in when they thought that one up.
I can think of exactly one person who would believe that.
Do you think Joe knows I’m talking about him yet?
Probably not.
My thoughts are that I’m going to pick up my boy and then go hoist a few. Maybe we’ll pick up some broads later, but, as we say in my family, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Uhhh…Joe…hang in there, buddy. I’m sure your medication will get there soon. In the mean time, might I suggest a nice tin foil hat? Besides being flashy, I also hear they do a good job with blocking out those pesky govenrment mind control rays.
Mr. Kennedy…wouldn’t it be more prudent to say you’ll crash through that bridge when you get there? In the mean time, you and your boy go drink up…it’s time to celebrate Cinco De Mayo with all your staff servents…errr…employees!
There wasn’t much choice in having the cops called in right away, since he almost hit a squad car.