What’s with the moonbats who seem to just search for sites to yell at? I mean, trolls add a bit of flavor to the comments, but it just seems so pointless to the troll. Who are these angry people looking for places to type about how wacky angry they are? Why do they come here? I can just see them furrowing their brows on their monkey faces as they try and fail to understand the humor at IMAO, and then they start flinging poo.
Stupid monkey-faced liberals who need punchings.
Remember Frank, a lot of these idiots don’t have real jobs. While a lot of us post during lunch and during break times, the looney left whiners collect welfare checks or depend on their parents to pay their internet bills.
He said liberals have “monkey faces”.
Wit, they name is Frank.
The reason trolls do what they do is very simple. If instead of writing they actually expressed their opinions out loud in a conversation with adults, they would be ridiculed and/or ignored. If they continued, the adults would simply continue to ignore them and even walk away.
By posting, the trolls force us to read their drivel (or at least the first 5 words or so until we realize that the post is a steaming pile of monkey poo).
The reason number went down. Are you reposting old items out of laziness, or are you just a stupid rethuglican who can’t count?
(Picking a large number at random for humorous effect, you say? But you didn’t say that ChimpBu$Hitler sucks. How can that be funny?)
Other than what shimauma and formerhostage have already commented upon, the only other reason I can come up with is that they want to show us how “intelectually superior” they are. “Intelectual sTuperiority” and the fact that over the net, we can’t reach out and punch them. Two! Two reasons that I can come up with. “Intelectual stuperiority”, the fact that you can’t punch them and we aren’t there in person to embarrass them with a real debate. Three! Three reasons….
O MONKEY! my Monkey! Your fearful typing is done;
The puter has weather’d every rack, the post you’ve flung is done;
The bong is near, the bubbles I hear, the homies all partaking,
While follow eyes the posted screed, the trolling grim and daring:
But O brain! brain! brain!
O the leaking thoughts of poo,
Where on the screen your respect lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
poo too sweet
I know I’ve said this before, but I DO SO love you Wolfie!!!
Insulting libs with Python is the ULTIMATE!!!
Just The Facts – The word “monkey” – like “duck”, “pants”, and “Kalamazoo” – is inherently funny. Anyone who uses the word is automatically witty.
I always thought they had monkey feces…
but faces work too…
My friend made a post about Liberal Democrats and was set upon by a moonbat troll. It was amazing – he’s not a big blog. How the monkey found the site so quickly after the post is a mystery.
Check it out: http://www.lifeinerror.com/archives/000224.html
Funny, AND I will take it seriously on one point: there may be something in it for them [feeling superior, inappropriately venting unresolved baggage, etc, ad nas]
BUT it is not good for them–or anyone exposed to the
ir bile and vitriol. But that only matters of they are rational. And…ummm…these are lefty moonbats. If they were rational…they might do a little self-reflection.
“Gee, I am noticing I am occasionally a bile and vitriol filled person spewing rage who is engaging in destructive [or at least not contructive] behaviors. is this what I want? Does that serve me and my stated values?”
And then right after that self inquiry we would also witness other phenomenon:
1. Pigs taking flight
2. bears defecating in toilets AND using toilet paper
3. positive stories in the MSM about Iraq
4. Politicians exhibiting knowledge of basic economics
Sadly there is a reaosn their behaviors do not make sense. It is because they make no sense.
I just wanna know who that screaming “tired of dating liberals” girl is. I got these fantasies that she’d henpeck me to death but in ways that hurt so good – you know, like without using bad words like sh!t and f^ck and while making me out to be an ungodly bushbashing a~~hole anall. Ahh.. Yahh.. I need to go look at my picture of Ann Coulter for a while.
Can we please just deport Liberals to Singapore!!!!!!
Why do they do it? The answer is blue…because ice-cream has no bones. OK, it’s how they pratice for being wrong in real life. How else can you get experience being the Minority Leader of the House?
My lawyer will soon be in contact and your insults will stop. Cheeta.
I just finished watching a marathon session of gilligan’s island, and surfed right in here. this site is way funnier than gilligan’s island. HA! poo! poo is funny. whoa I can’t stop laughing. do you do fart jokes too?
you forgot “underpants” in your list.
“Why deport them, when we can shame them into leaving?”
The’ve promised to do that soooooooo many times, and then left us hanging…
FormerHostage – Naturally, ANY form of “pants” is included, such as “pantsing”, and “pantstastic”, but your point is well taken.
Liberals are people who think with their emotions very often turning off their brains in the process.
You cannot talk to a liberal without the conversation taking a serious detour to personal comments and attacks.
They simply cannot disagree with anyone without becoming personally involved and no one can disagree with their point of view. Contrary to what they’d like everyone to believe it is Liberals who cannot make compromises. I think this is partly due to the fact that they have no basic premises on which to stand, and partly because they believe they know better.
After all when you come to your opinions, via POLL’S which change as much as a Kansas wind it’s hard to stay in one place
I have always assumed it was because they substituted emotion for logic, since logic may not always give them the answer they want to hear.
Why? Well, the clinical answer would be: Because none of them had the courage to stand up to the bully that made their life miserable when they acted like sissies as children. And so, now they hide in a small, dimly lit room in the safety of their not quite artsy house or apartment and feel better about themselves by having the “courage” to anonymously attack strangers who don’t share their twisted and self-serving beliefs, which are usually based solely on justifying their own massive failures in life by blaming them on successful people.
Or, the short answer is: Because they’re monkey-faced idiots.
Its easy to be a courageous fighter against the establishment in the US because our government acknowleges our God given rights (even our right to make an ass of ourselves)
Why don’t these libs go protest in Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, The PRC, or North Korea? Say it with me!
Because they’d be locked up, never to be seen again.
People have it sooo rough here. With minimum effort, the poorest American has a home, color TV, and a car, even if it IS a YUGO. (reminds me of a song)
It’s time for Rush…Bye bye