I got my absentee ballot. Idaho seemed to be encouraging them this year as a way to save on gas. Anyway, I get to vote for a President, a Senator, a Congressman, and then various other offices I have no clue about. So, I thought I’d let you tell me who to vote for. If you’re from another country, here’s your chance to participate in that famous American democracy you’ve heard so much about.
Anywho, here’s the ballot. I vote in Legislative District 21 and apparently I don’t vote in any of the Ada County Highway Districts — whatever the hell that is.
First, there’s president. Unless McCain is going to be the Republican Mondale, he’s carrying this state so that vote is kinda pointless. One of the reasons I ended up in Idaho is its a reliably red state. Sill, Obama was the only presidential candidate to visit Idaho this year, and he got a huge turnout (not Palin size turnout, though).
After that, there is the race for the famous Larry Craig’s Senate seat. Jim Risch is the Republican candidate and Larry LaRocco is the Democrat. Even thought we’re just a silly potato-growing state, our Senators get just as many votes as Hillary or Obama, so this is important. Now, I usually vote for the Republican unless given a good reason not to (I usually have a bit of an incumbent bias, but we don’t have Democrat incumbents in Idaho). Also, with the way Congress will probably end up after this election, it’s important to keep as many Republican seats as possible, so I’m voting Republican unless someone can give me a good reasons not to. Interestingly, one candidate for Senate is called “Pro-Life” with a helpful explanation that that candidate used to be known as Marvin Richardson. I guess he changed his name to Pro-Life thinking maybe some people will look and say, “Hey! I can vote Pro-Life.” Independents are so crazy.
Next we have Representative for the First District of Idaho. The Republican is incumbent Bill Sali and the Democrat is Walt Minnick. I got a flyer for him in the mail, and Minnick really wants to prove he’s pro-gun so the flyer mentioned he owns seven guns. Is it just me, or does it seem kinda desperate to mention the exact number of guns you own? Now if someone put a gun to my head and asked me how many guns I own, I couldn’t say. And then I’d pull out a gun and shoot the guy for putting a gun to my head. That’s one gun, if you’re keeping count (probably two since I might as well take that guy’s gun since he doesn’t need it anymore).
Once we get below U.S. Congressmen, that’s where I have no idea what I’m voting for and could use your help. I have a state senator and two state representatives to vote for in District 21. At least, I have some idea what those jobs are — assuming a state legislative body is somewhat like the national one. Still, I wouldn’t know any of these candidates from Adam. The state senator is running unopposed, so should I vote for him or be mean and not vote for him? And I guess just vote Republican on the other two, though people could have put squirrels on the ballot for all I know.
Next is country commissioner. No idea what that job is. Someone look that up and tell me who to vote for. We have Republican Sharon M. Ullman and Democrat Paul Woods.
Oh, I have another county commissioner to vote for. Shouldn’t I let the second district people vote for the second district county commissioner, or am I missing something? Local politics is confusing.
Then I have a sheriff and a prosecuting attorney to vote for, both running unopposed. Someone look them up and tell me if they deserve my vote.
Next we have the non-partisan judicial ballot, where it lists nine judges and I get to vote whether they should be retained in office. How the hell would I know? Why are they asking me? Anyway, you readers will want to divide this up and each look up the different judges and tell me which ones we should keep.
Then I have five non-partisan votes for seats in the College of Western of Idaho. What the hell? Am I voting who gets to go to college or who gets to run the college? I don’t even have a clue what this is about. You’ll need to look that up.
Lastly, I get to vote whether I want to pay more for my car registration. I’m going to say no, but they try to phrase they yes and no votes to make you feel guilty about it. Don’t you want to help fund state transportation so there are safe routes to school? What do you all think?
Anyway, tell me who to vote for in the comments and include your research.
Wow, this makes things easy. I don’t know how people voted in local elections before they had absentee ballots and blog readers.
let us know if it says anything good. . .
At last count, I think we have fifteen guns. And on the “safe roads for driving to school” question, answer no, because we’re homeschooling and don’t need safe school roads.
Figure out which ones are socialists and vote for the other guy. Usually they have a “D” after their names.
“Next is country commissioner. No idea what that job is. Someone look that up and tell me who to vote for. We have Republican Sharon M. Ullman and Democrat Paul Woods.”
A county commissioner is someone who commissions counties. Sort of like how queens break a bottle of champagne to launch and christen a new ship, only instead of a ship floating in water it is a geopolitical subdivision floating on a plastic-like lithosphere.
I would vote for Democrat Paul Woods because it sounds like a useless job and we are going to need all of our Republican strike forces to contain and subdue The Obama when it happens. Ullman is probably just trying to pansy out of the draft for our secret militia.
“Oh, I have another county commissioner to vote for. Shouldn’t I let the second district people vote for the second district county commissioner, or am I missing something? Local politics is confusing.”
They mean “second” as in the guy who negotiates with the other guy’s guy to determine the rules of a duel. Pick someone keen and underhanded.
“Then I have a sheriff and a prosecuting attorney to vote for, both running unopposed. Someone look them up and tell me if they deserve my vote.”
Dude, Frank, one of them is a guy who can arrest on whatever whim he pleases, the other is the guy who can make up a bunch of crap about you before gullible jurors. There’s a *reason* they’re running unopposed, and if I were you, I’d stick with the program.
“Next we have the non-partisan judicial ballot, where it lists nine judges and I get to vote whether they should be retained in office. How the hell would I know? Why are they asking me? Anyway, you readers will want to divide this up and each look up the different judges and tell me which ones we should keep.”
I looked up the first judge. You can keep him. He’s alright.
“Then I have five non-partisan votes for seats in the College of Western of Idaho. What the hell? Am I voting who gets to go to college or who gets to run the college? I don’t even have a clue what this is about. You’ll need to look that up.”
It can’t be who runs the college–that’s always partisan, ask anybody who’s tried to get tenure–so it must be the people who are going to college. I suggest letting them in so that Idaho’s legacy of bizarre hidden potato experiments may continue to train insane doctors of agriculture.
“Lastly, I get to vote whether I want to pay more for my car registration. I’m going to say no, but they try to phrase they yes and no votes to make you feel guilty about it. Don’t you want to help fund state transportation so there are safe routes to school? What do you all think?”
Guilt leads to depression which leads to drinking which leads to alcholism which leads to family problems which leads to kids growing up with only a vague sense of an estranged father who oscillates in and out of their lives without providing any emotional support and who occasionally beats them. If you want to raise strong independent children who are not coddled by weak things such as love and affection, you should totally vote “no” on this.
“Anyway, tell me who to vote for in the comments and include your research.”
I found all of my evidence at en.wikipedia.org. If I missed anybody just do a writein for Batman.
frank .. go vote.. its your duty to screw up the system as much as possible…. can I suggest write in’s? I hear Aquaman is looking for a new gig, or maybe Space Monkey…
Safe Roads…… NO not only NO but NO, NYET, NO…. You want anarchy on the roads… Mad Max style… somebody pulls out in front of you…double barrel shotgun time….. survival of the fittest… this will save fuel, and ease glowbull warning (earning you those coveted carbon credits) you’ll think twice about that convienence store “run” if the goobers you just have to have late at night could cost you your life.
Now go be a good citizen…
i only have three guns. may i still read your blog?
[No. Buy more guns first. -Ed.]
Definitely go with Joe Arapaio (I’m too lazy to spell his name right but he’s the sheriff of Maricopa County, AZ) for write-in Sheriff. He makes the inmates wear pink jump suits to remind them that we don’t like them. It’ll send a small message to whoever the new sheriff actually is.
How many times are you registered? Be sure not to vote more than that.
Now you know why the Parties and the Candidates used to supply whiskey at the voting halls.
You’re fortunate you don’t live in the Soviet State of Washington, Frank. There we have the nation’s premier Obama girl running for reelection and Democrat E V E R Y T H I N G. Hopefully, the state will go bankrupt and shutdown.
Frank, even though we luv ya, I’m wondering why I need to do your dirty work? I have my own NV ballot with the same garbage to research. I recently received my absentee ballot. Or I can early vote…that’ my preference, the kids like to come along, we call that civics 101 in homeschooling!
They were nice enough to send the explanations of questions in SPANISH, but didn’t send anything regarding the candidates. I still have to research all those peeps.
And it just irks me that all the ballot information is in SPANISH! Don’t we have to be a citizen to vote? And don’t you have to speak English to be a citizen? Why the hell do they spend our taxpayer money of Spanish translation of ballot information!??!?!?!?
*taking a deep breath* I may need to take up drinking in the morning.
Sorry Frank, no time to do your research. Just vote the way SarahK does, she’s probably smarter than you anyway.
As you said Idaho is a Red State (God Bless it), but that comes with a price. A command Sergeant major I know once said “Hitler could get elected in Idaho if he had an “R” next to his name”. We have some people in the Republican party that prove it true. I’ll give you my input. Take it for what it’s worth. (Trust me, it’s not worth that much).
I reserve the word Evil for very few. Jim Risch is a evil little man. He is a dictator who controlled the Idaho Senate through intimidation. Even in the Idaho GOP he has few friends but many who fear him for his retaliation. Notice how Larry Craig hasn’t endorsed him. There are reasons for this other than possible bad publicity. (By the way, Regardless what you think of him personally, Larry Craig was one of the most effective Senators Idaho ever had. Our state has lost a great champion for us.) I have never met anyone that has personally had to work with Risch ever tell me they had a good experience with him. The man is rude, and Narcissistic. He has proven time and again that he values his own personal power over any kind of Conservative value.
In 2000 Idaho was facing a Money short fall. A plan was offered up in the State Senate to fix our budget by asking the federal government to give us our money in Quarterly increments like the other 48 states instead of the lump sum like Idaho and one other state gets in July. This would have given us enough money in time so we could keep our budget in the black without raising taxes. Majority Leader Jim Risch destroyed that bill and pushed raised our sales tax, because two Democrats thought the plan up. (Democrats Dave Bieter the current Mayor of Boise, and Mike Burkette the guy who defeated Jim Risch for his original seat in the north end). And I thought less taxes was a Republican Value. He did a tax shift again while as acting Governor. This helped a few people, but not me. My property taxes still went up regardless. So did my sales tax thanks to Governor Risch
Larry LaRocco was Idaho’s Congressman back in the early 90’s until the famous Helen Chenoweth defeated him. The guy has great experience in the business realms. He’s a Army Veteran who was witness to a terrorist attack in Berlin when he served as a Intel Officer back in the 60’s. One thing he is out spoken about is he want to increase the benefits our service members get when they return home. (I personally have told him thank you but Soldiers benefits are great as it is, especially in the GI Bill area. You don’t need to spend money to let a service member know you care.)
He is a pleasant man who from my dealings with him actually cares about the people he represents. The guy I believe is a genuine person who will do what he feels will be best for Idaho, Therein lies the problem. He is socially the exact opposite for me. (Pro abortion, pull out of Iraq, ect.). He’s an Idaho Democrat. (Not bad on spending, I trust LaRocco more than I do Giuliani with my second amendment, he still will be a Democrat).
As you said before. The GOP stands to lose seats. Weigh these two and decide for yourself. Evil man who will do partially what I want until he sees a personal opportunity, or Great person who actually cares about the people but believes the opposite of me. Your choice Dude!
(Side note “Pro-life is a radical Mormon who Legally changed his name to “Pro-Life”. He believes life is so important that he runs a strawberry farm outside of Emmet, Idaho that will not use pesticides because even a bug’s life is precious. In his run against, now governor Butch Otter , he said if he was elected governor he would give his “pay check to charity and take a bum to lunch every week.”)
Bill Sali is not a leader. He has done very little in making his own legislation. I’m sick of receiving his stupid mailers to poll how I feel about a bill. (Dude! You got my name because I’m a registered Republican! How the hell do you think I feel about abortion. Look up Bobby Jindal and Alfonzo Rachel’s thoughts on it. That’s how I feel), but at least Sali votes how I want him to 100% of the time. Walt Minnick’s credentials are very impressive, But he is a Democrat and will not vote how I want him too.
You live in the district next to mine. Jarvis and Bayer are not known to be disruptors and are solid Republicans. Your State senator is running un apposed.
Ada county has 3 county commissioners. The third one is not up for reelection. Sharon Ullman was a Republican commissioner who lost her seat to Woods a couple of years ago. She has switched parties whenever she finds it convenient. Anytime the other two Republican Commissioners wanted to do anything she threw a wrench in the process. That’s why, we as a community kicked her out and put Democrat Paul Woods in the position a couple of years ago. Things have been better ever since.
Sheriff, Yes. His officers generally love him. Prosecuting attorney claimed he was going to retire this year. I’m guessing no one else wants the job.
Judge Beiter is Mayor Beiter’s brother. He is like those judges you see on the O’Riley Factor, very liberal. In all essence your vote matters as much as a vote against Saddam Hussein in pre war Iraq. Even if every single voter in Ada County voted against a Judge, it’s still up to the Trial Court Administrator to remove them. Your vote is nothing than an official poll of the perception of the judge. Feel good about your local judicial system?
What is facing the people elected to the seats of the College of Western Idaho is here:
I have it from my source from someone that follows this kind of stuff closely (Whom I respect a great deal) Not to re- elect any of the current Members or any of their Relatives. The current board members are:
-Jerry Hess
-Hatch Barrett
-Mark Dunham
-Guy Hurlbutt
-Mary Carol
A great resource in this state is a website run by the Secrtary of State, Ben Ysursa. It gives you links to everyone running in Idaho.
Have fun deciding to vote.
I always vote against incumbent judges on the basis of two principles. 1. When was the last time you heard of a judge who was up to anything good? 2. Until they start providing info on how they ruled in various important cases, like we get info on politicians political positions, all of ’em deserve to be fired. Try looking up what a judge believes. It’s darn near impossible.
Dude, as Heinlein said, intelligent exercise of the franchise is difficult and time consuming, so if you don’t have the time what you do is find some well-meaning fool and vote the opposite way.
Well that or just ask yourself What Would Obama! Do?
Oh Frank, this is why we have political Parties in the first place. If ya don’t know the guy your party nominated to be a menace to the Republic you vote for him. The reasoning being that the Party elders should have taken the time to actually know the guy and the faithful probably actually turned out at a primary or caucus to weed him out from other candidates. So the odds are good the guy will be party regular as defined by your new neck ‘o the woods. Simple.
Screw this ‘vote for the best guy’ stuff. Think about it a second. Assume the Demonrat is a real genius and you vote for him because of that. If he wins the odds are good he will get things done…. but if he is a Dem most of those things will be things you won’t like very much. And on the majority of party line votes he has as much as promised to vote against you. Whereas if you vote for a dull boring Republican he might not launch many new bills but he will probably vote (only The One can get away with voting Present all the time) and most of those votes will probably be along Party lines, thus for things you generally like. (If you don’t like most of the party line votes of your party, you are probably in the wrong one.) RAH said it best, so long as he is subject to party discpline a dullard can represent you.
Abd as for ballot inititaves, liek you “Don’t you want to help fund state transportation so there are safe routes to school?” one,when in doubt vite no. When they use dishonest wording or ivike ‘the children’ etc, it is a sure bet to be something decent people want nothing to do with. If they are lying/misleading/spinning there is usually a good reason.
AS for the college seats, go look at the courses being taught and the recent guests. If you see a bunch of socialist crap vote against em all. If you see good solif liberal arts (old school meaning) and some real science and math being taught keep em.
You are correct about evoking an emotional response, Especially in Idaho. Small, but well funded groups will try this if the Right leaning population will not vote the way you want them to. Since most Judges who have made out right incompetent rulings get overruled within 2 weeks at most, they have to resort in voter guilt. We have this crap on every election ballot.
On the federal stage you have to vote party. Throw all that other “I vote for the person” crap out the window. Even if Risch is what BRS says he is you still have to vote for him (and then rail against your state GOP for putting up such a ridiculous tyrant). The reason is simple. At the national level when you elect a democrat, even a conservative one, you put retards like Pelosi in power. Risch (or Larocco)will have very little power as 1 out of a bajillion congressmen, but by having a demoncrat controlled house you get Pelosi and the dems head every committee. They control the agenda. You must do everything you can to stop this.
You make a point Dave, And a good one. But can anyone say they have been happy with the performance from the Republican party lately? It won’t matter who Frank votes for. Jim Risch will win. This State hasn’t had any real Democratic leadership for almost 20 years. Why because we are a red state. Look at Alaska. Sarah Palin found the same crap when she ran for higher office. Without a strong second party, the party in power became corrupt and lazy. I see corruption but not on a rampant scale. Lazy yes, that is rampant.
The positive side of having a State dominated by Republicans is we have one of the most recession proof economies in the nation. We haven’t had a unemployment problem since the mid 80’s. Gun laws that are the envy of everyone else. Great property rights, and very little regulation on anything. But you get Politicians you don’t like. Take your pick.
I don’t know if it is State by State or Nationwide, but here in my state if you vote by absentee ballot, your vote will not be counted unless the election is close. Don’t want all the McCain supporters to vote that way and the Obama supporters show up at the polls. The Obama votes will be counted but not the McCain votes.
Last election in certian areas in Idaho we had real issues where we could not support all the voters. In one town outside of Boise we had people lined up out the door waiting for several hours to vote. (This is why you go in the morning). The absentee vote is counted like a vote at the polls in Idaho.
Ok you can vote for Risch or La Rocco or Rammel. Rammel is a rancher that got screwed by Risch. It seems as if some of his Elk got loose and Risch quickly sent his boys to kill ’em before Rammel could catch them. Rammel is a pro nuclear, anti green, kill all the wolves redneck that would be damn good for Idaho. You can vote for La Rocco ( I know that sounds french) but he is actually a liberal Californicator that moved to Idaho to save us from ourselves. I heard him speak and it seems that his biggest claim to fame is that he has shaken the hand of every Idahoan in his election bid and that seems to be his biggest qualification. He forgets that shaking every hand is a virtue held by most Wal Mart greeters in the state so why aren’t they running as well. He also believes that all global warming is man caused and he would be a great asset to Algor and Pelosi and company. Ok I have praised him all I can stand so now I have to tell you how I really feel and that is he Sucks! If you cannot vote for Rammel than sure as hell do not vote for Laaaa Rocco. So vote for Risch. If the Republicans can hold 40 votes in the Senate than it will be similar to the 300 Spartans and Hussein Osama will not be able to put us all in camps and distribute our wealth quite so soon. For the rest of the ticket just vote the R because there is not a Democrat in Idaho that is remotely sane. In fact there is not a Democrat in Idaho that is even a citizen of Idaho. Not one of them can provide a valid birth certificate. It’s as if they are clones of the Boy’s from Indonesia. Springing up as if from some silent signal. By the way you only have enough guns if in your perimiter including cars, garage, garden, driveway, basement, bathroom and any place else that you inhabit you are never more than 10 feet from being able to get your hands on one. Also, a safe gun is a loaded gun. It does absolutely no good to pull out an unloaded gun. Do not forget the virtue of the Bow and arrow. Actually bows and arrows. You can never have too many arrows. Also, You can never have too many bullets. A gun without bullets is just an expensive club. If your in North Idaho you can choose between Walt Minik and Bill Sali. I heard Minik speak as well. He claims that he was a Republican once but they drove him out of the party because they were too liberal. TOO LIBERAL???? Pleeeze give me a break. Minik is from Washington and has it figured out that chumming the chumps and backwood geezers is all he needs to do to lull the wilely natives to sleep. Maybe he will because there were a ton of people showed up in Boise for Osama. Obviously they were all indonesians without valid birth certificates but the media did not report this. I am not saying the Minik is a BAD man although he is totally EVIL so vote for Sali. Besides SALI voted against the LOOTING of the Republic I mean the bailout. He is conservative and stands on principle which is rare by any standard. If you just vote straight R you will no doubt include a few A Holes but at there worst they are nothing compared to the Berkely transplants that you will get who after planting the seeds of 60’s Anarchy are now getting ready to harvest the crop.
I’d love to see a McPalin administration, and a Libertarian Congress – LibDem and RINO heads exploding would be the payoff.
Since the latter will never happen, probably R is the way to go for a Republican sweep of Pres/Veep/Congress…and LibDem heads will still explode.
President McCain will side enough times with Dems (and put some in his Cabinet too) to keep them relatively quiet, but Sarah will keep him sane as well as break ties in Congress and look good doing so. Best part is that Nancy and Dingy Harry will be gone.
State level would be good for tossing out all D’s AND R’s in favor of conservative 3rd parties or Independents – just to send a message.
Voting for the unopposed is pointless, so I usually skip those.
Pammy #11, yes! Half of a 68 page booklet in Spanish, and zero candidate info. Grrr.
My only real decision is whether or not to vote early. Early I can walk to the polls, but on principle I’d rather vote on the designated Election Day.
Nicely said.
Thanks for the info you provided on the Idaho elections. I’m a Boise resident trying to figure out who the heck and what the heck is going on. I’ve only lived here two years. Anyway, question. The list of CWI people you suggested should be voted against has me a bit stumped. I have Mark Dunham and Guy Hurlbutt on my ballot and they are running unopposed. Should I write in Mickey Mouse? Your suggestion to vote against the clowns on the list you gave leaves me scratchin’ my wooden little head. I have no idea who to write in. If you have any idea who would be a viable write-in then your help would be appreciated.
The info I received was from a person that is intimately involved in issues of education in Idaho. Specifically Higher education. They told me that the board as a whole is inefficient and need to be replaced. In those cases of running unopposed there is no real choice. You might as well save yourself some ink and circle the person running unopposed on the seat.
If you are trying to follow politics in the southwest part of the state, The Statesman is usually your best resource, or if you want to keep it simple, grab the Boise Weekly and vote straight opposite of what they tell you. (That’s the newspaper the collage know it all hippies are reading when they hang out at downtown coffee shops for hours on end.) Boise Weekly is a great resource for what is going on entertainment wise in the Greater Boise Area though.
Hey, thanks, BRS. Appreciate the info.
Sorry to be so late but even if you already voted you can always file a corrected absentee ballot later. Or you can go to the general election and revote. Tell them you need to correct a mistake on your absentee ballot.
There’s no listing for Railroad Commisioner on your ballot. You need to write the Secretary of State and ask why your ballot has no Railroad Commisioner listed. Maybe its a hereditary position in your local state or province? Anyhoo if you can’t vote for Railroad Commisioner you might as well not vote since the Railroad Commission is the one that actually rules the world.
Other wise, keep up the good work, Harvey.
I find that a good way to judge local candidates, especially judges,is to see if you know who they are.
There are only two reasons that you would know who they are. Either they did something really stupid or they did something really great.
If they did something you like, you know about them and have no problem voting for them; it’s the same if they did something totally stupid. You also will know not to vote for them.
If you’ve never heard of them, they have neither accomplished anything nor screwed up too badly. In other words, they’re ineffectual.
Those are the ones you should vote for.
I know it’s probably too late, but I know a lot of conservatives who are voting for Minnik just to get rid of Sali.