If He’s Not a Hypocrite

McCain has had like $85 million this election to spend while Barack Obama has had over $600 million. Isn’t that unfair? Shouldn’t Obama be spreading the wealth around? I want my McCain and Palin variety half-hour!


  1. This is the most blatant electoral rip off in the history of the country. Donations coming in to the tune of tens of millions from unknown sources, voter rolls tens of percentage points greater than the populations of the cities – it’s insane. And all the while, we look at Sarah Palin’s shoe store receipts.

    I don’t want a variety hour, I want a bolt hole.

  2. Maybe the variety show can include Joe the Plumber as a special guest star. That’d be sweet. Obama punked by an average citizen AGAIN. And Joe’s probably around buckets all day without getting his head stuck once.

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