Creative Outlet

People seem to like the Republican Underground idea, so anyone want to start work on like a logo? I’m thinking something like the words “Republican Underground” over the kanji for Ronin and maybe fit a 1911 and “WOLVERINES!!!” in there somewhere. Just a thought; I’m not much for graphics design so maybe you have better ideas.

Anyway, as the defacto leader of the Republican Party, I’ll put more meat on the new direction for Republicans tomorrow.

BTW, I know some people have been arguing about the name, but it has to have Republican in it. This is about winning elections, which means schlepping the Republican Party along with us whichever way we go.


  1. I’m onboard and everything…but I am a Michigan State guy. I know yelling “Wolverines” was cool in Red Dawn, but I can’t handle yelling that crap. Can’t we yell “We are Sparta” instead?

  2. How about we yell “WE ARE REPUBLICANS” kind of like the “This is Sparta” thing but more focused. As a bulldog fan I cringe at this but how about maybe “ROLL TIDE” since republicans have the elephant as a symbol and kind of tie into 9/11 as well. It would definitely confuse a hippie or two. Other than that I’m in as well.

  3. How about something like thumbscrews? Applying pressure to liberals.
    I thought about ‘silent but deadly’ but it brings the wrong images to mind….

    Maybe Republican Overlords? I mean, they think we are evil, twisted nazi’s anyway, so why not do something like that? And as an added bonus, it’s bound to piss a few of them off.

    I have come up with a few ideas of logos, and have a few ready, but I want to wait and see what our new republican leader will want tomorrow..

  4. Okay, I’m in. But please keep in “Wolverines!!!”. I like the yelling, too. It’s fun and scares the pee-pants off the IVotedforOers.

    I’d offer to design the logo, but my fee would be way over the top (thinking ahead to redistribution, ya know). Instead, I shall decorate the interior of the bus, with each seat space unique to each Wolverine, with something Sparta-ish for #5 kmac.

  5. I don’t care about the name. Anything is fine.

    For me, it’s when do I get to meet all you corn-poners?

    Oh, but I do have a list:

    Republicans – Back By Popular Demand
    Swingin’ Republicans
    Great Republican Ones
    Grand Old Republicans (emphasis on OLD)
    Republicans for Republican Action
    Americans Are Republicans
    Republicans Are US

    What do you think? Huh? Hummm?

  6. Can the official drink be Malibu and Mountain Dew? Call it the Mali-Dew. Redneck enough for us hillbillies, fruity enough for the metrosexual crowd, sweet enough for the sissies, and stiff enough to create a pleasant fog for the next four years.

  7. Reagan would not drink Malibu and Mountain Dew. Gin for me, please.
    Jimmy, “emphasis on old”, how about not? Really, this is to impact the future. When I am old, I do not want to be having this conversation again.

  8. Have to disagree with the name “Republican” needing to be in the name.

    Personally, I could give a crap about the present Republican party, which is why I changed my party affiliation to Independent several years ago.

    The intent should be to build a strong “conservative” movement, large enough for the Republican party to be dependent upon as a voting block. A blank check support for the McCain, Graham, Spector republican party does nothing. A revitalization of a strong conservative movement places demands on the Republican party to follow conservative ideals in order to court votes from their strong conservative voting block, which will result in Republicans winning elections.


  9. Highland sounds better at first, but then it makes me think of “There can only be one” which of course leads to “The One” which of course leads to acute violent wet bowel movements.

  10. I can see merit in both names. “Conservative” opens the tent to conservative Dems, Reps, Libertarians, and Independents. But “Republican”, good or bad, is brand name that most voters identify. Whichever we use, yes, there will and should be a (litmus) test.

    It is crucial that we act like pit bulls and spend the next four years on the tails of the @sses in charge, and expose to every American voter the lies, fraud, hypocrisy and general insanity that is their currently chosen Liberal Democrat party in charge. We also have to give voters a laundry list of why they identify more with us than them (“You Might Be A Republican If…”). Also might not hurt to bankrupt them by Boycotting Liberalism (I have zero connection to the site, but I like it so much I advertise it). Like Rush says, when conservative is on the ballot, it wins, and unlike the other side, the so-called news media is absolutely worthless in our cause, so unless we trumpet ourselves, their lies about us stand in the average person’s minds.

    Other name suggestions:

    I’ll toss in a vote for “Conservative/Republican Highground” too. And so appropo, comparing McCain’s and Palin’s gracious concession speeches, versus PMSNBC’s “McLosers” on-screen graphic. Stay classy, Libs. /sarc I like Polar Bears too, but as much as I love her it might be risky to base our identity and name on a potential candidate, since (perish the thought) she might not be willing or able to run in 4 years.

    Or in deference to our history: “Grand Ol’ Party.” “Conserving the party of Jefferson, Lincoln, TR, Reagan, the Constitution, and traditional American values.”

    “Freepublicans” (although admittedly similar to Freepers)

    “Rush to Victory” (although this will be a long war, not a quick battle, he has a great piece today. Everyone read it to get motivated.)

    I love your first one, #53, FWIW: easily identifiable to outsiders, but the “under(high)ground” makes me want to know more.

    Just my thoughts, worth what ya paid for it. We rock!

  11. Listen, I don’t give a damn what name you guys come up with, it could be Wolva-marines for all I care. Just get this thing going fast…before the inauguration…because for a while now I have been hearing rumours that Obama might want us to “spread the wealth” or something like that. Then I found this evidence: A link from his website to a video, that according to him pretty much sums up how Americans will have to receive their paychecks from now on (…God help us all.

  12. Saw “New Republicans” in the listings.

    Didn’t we just go through that? I mean this whole “working across the aisle” and “moving to the center” and being “moderate” and all?

    And didn’t it turn out like “New Coke” did?

    How about returning to the “Classic” formula. You know: Goldwater, Reagan…

  13. My simple thoughts:

    1) I like that last decal Brian did with the hippie that was good. I also like Patrick’s second one with the pistol. Good job.

    2) If we have to have a Underground drink I nominate straight Bourbon. Why? Because we are here to give it to the people straight, and True bourbon only comes from Bourbon County Kentucky, A deep Red state. People, we must support our own kind.

    3) We can already see the Bi Partisanship that will come under the Obama white house with his Chief of Staff being Rahm Emanuel a noted partisan, looks like America needs us now more than ever.

  14. I suggest the Gadsden flag…”Don’t Tread on Me” with the snake on a yellow background (see Terry_Jim’s pic on post 40). This way we would not have to deal with an artist who would have a 9:10 chance of being a liberal. Also these are already in production which will jump start the movement.

  15. I like “Radio Free America” but the Cold War reference is probably lost on all these young whipper-snappers. “Conservative Highground’ is a good turn of phrase also. Or maybe “Zombie Reagans” which sounds really cool.

    “Conservativismus Aeternus…Canicula!”*

    *Conservatism Forever…Bitch!”

  16. I also think that we should have stickers made up that have our organization’s name (whatever it winds up being) at the top, and beneath that a picture of Ronald Reagan with the words “Reagan is my messiah!”

  17. The “Don’t Tread On Me” flag is the way to go. The rattlesnake, when left alone will leave you alone. When threatened it will issue a warning. When provoked it will kill. Trust me, if you have ever been quail hunting and heard a rattle go off you will respect the warning.

    “Wolverines”, while I like it immensely, is a bit over done. It sounds to me like “I’m Spartacus!” “No, I’m Spartacus!”. Let’s go with something really old school, like Latin. Timor Omnis Abesto (Let all fear be absent) or Invictus Maneo (I remain unvanquished) are cool.

    Just some thoughts from a well armed citizen.

  18. I think Ya’ll are missing the point. FrankJ has decided on Republican Underground and needs a logo. Thanks to those that read the post and actually submitted possible logo suggestions.

  19. “This is about winning elections, which means schlepping the Republican Party along with us whichever way we go.”

    That worked so well for us this election! Lol! Maybe if the Republican “leadership” would return to its conservative roots instead of bowing and scraping to the liberals everytime someone in our party with a backbone stands up, we would have had a chance. Instead, they tried to ditch us – I say we return the favor!

    I like Conservative Highground, as that also pretty well implies our moral highground. Our flag should be the American Flag – there is no better choice and it truly shows what we represent! “TANSTAAFL” would be a great motto because when pronounced it sounds like an angry German word. It’s a good thing to yell at hippies to make them flee in terror.

  20. As the reborn republicans who are true warrior conservatives and actually who are against anything to do with socialism (unlike Bush, McCain) we must have a warrior like name. Now Kanji symbols have an art to them don’t they? I studied Japanese in college and I think it needs to have something tough sounding about it….that’ll make liberals cringe. Our party needs a true shakeover for 2012 because we cannot be losers in two elections. Now as a Buckeye from Ohio I can’t stand that word Wolverine lol.
    “Viva la Republican” – where we just don’t back down!

  21. Just saying . . . .
    When I look at the word Republican it has two words in it that I think you all are missing
    Republic and Can – I like Republican. Lets have a name with Republican in it. I like The New Republican we could say we are the TNR and make ourselves sound cool – chuckle

  22. In any case, there will be a name.

    How’s about we brainstorm about what Frank could sell in his online store? Political items, survival gear, do-it-yourself anti-hippie weapons, must-have revolutionary gadgets (night scopes and targeting lasers, etc.), coal-fired steam engines, political materials, good books, etc. etc.

    This new enterprise needs to create wealth unlike the political parties!

  23. I like the logo designs I’ve seen, but we really need something simple, too. Something we can spraypaint onto a hippie’s chest after we’ve punched him in the face and knocked him out cold.

    How a bout a “W”. It references the whole Wolverines theme, but it’ll also remind them of Dubya, which would REALLY piss them off. And isn’t that really half the fun?

  24. Whatever we call ourselves, we need to keep shouting WOLVERINES!!! First off, that’s just cool, and secondly, people who don’t get it will think we’re cheering for Michigan. And Michigan can use all the extra cheering they can get this year. I mean, dropping a game to Purdue? That’s almost as bad as losing AT THE BIG HOUSE to fricking Toledo.

    Well, if anybody doesn’t appreciate WOLVERINES, instead we could shout F*** Ohio State!! Although, I think WOLVERINES just has a better ring to it.

  25. The official drink could be Red Bull, which everybody knows leads to Toxic Jock Syndrome. Then we’d be the Republican Toxic Jock Underground. Even the girls. Forgot to ask – I’m new here. Am I allowed to join? Is there a secret handshake or something?

  26. #81 – Russ,

    Pirate elephants, flags, .45’s, Ronin symbols. You got it all!
    Very cool!
    Suggested battle cry: Arrrrrr!!!
    (also works as a secret password … except on ‘talk like a pirate day’.

    Last suggestions for ‘the name’ (from me):

    1st Republic … Athens,
    2nd Republic .. Rome,
    3rd Republic … USA,

    Our group:

    The Fourth Republic!

    or does that conjur up associations with the 3rd Reich?

    Republican Highground sounds lofty and inspirational, and therefore less threatening than
    Republican Underground. But We’ll know what it means! Pirates often didn’t raise the Jolly Rodger until they were within spitting distance of their targets. Then, Arrrrrr!!!

  27. Republican Highlanders. Based on Canada’s Royal Highlanders Regiment. The Royal Highland Regiment of Canada, known as the Black Watch, is one of the most famous and prestigious regiments in Canada… Its long and bloody history stretches back to the 1862. In countless battles the Black Watch has been chosen as the regiment to lead the Canadian attack…a tradition that was built on the central philosophy of this regiment… The Black Watch is honor-bound never to retreat…never. In 1939, the Black Watch prepared for war with bayonet practice on the football field of McGill University in Montreal…where many of the men were students. They wore kilts…but the volunteers came from many nationalities…The Scots and Irish were joined by Poles, Ukrainians and Americans. The Watch symbolized the best young men Canada had to offer

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  29. Not too wild about wolverines, a dachshund with an attitude could take one easy.
    Nope, doesn’t work.

    I prefer the term Paleo-con. You know, old school conservative – REAGAN STYLE!

    I also vote for the CONSERVATIVE HIGH GROUND Ever try to put a hippie in your sites from underground? It doesn’t work. You can get a much better shot off from the high ground. Besides, we already have the moral high ground….

  30. +1 for Conservative Highground.

    The Republicans leadership sold the party’s soul, and I’m not sure it can be bought back. For the first time in my lifetime, I’m a sad, registered independent.

    I voted McCain/Palin for Palin (’12 is only 4 years away!), and when Fred was pushed out, I re-registered, because it became obvious that there’s not much to hold me in the party.

    If the Republicans want to join the Conservative Highground, I’m fine with that, but I’m pretty sure that I’m not willing to sign on to whatever the Republicans think is “highground.”

  31. I’m not good at drawing, so could someone else put this idea down on paper:
    I think we should have a Tyrannosaurus Rex ripping the head off a donkey while shooting a hippie with a rocket launched from his Boba Fett style backpack.

    Make sure there is plenty of blood and pieces of hippies & donkeys splattered everywhere.

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