I’ve always heard what an idiot Chris Matthews is, but I never really watched much of him until this:
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Wow. He’s either monumentally stupid or dishonest (actual meaning of the word). Either way, it looks like his show isn’t only aimed at liberals, but only the dumbest and easiest to stir up liberals. With him and Olbermann, it’s kinda like the Special Olympics of political commentary over at MSNBC.
I made it 17 seconds before I had to stop the video.
I made it a little longer than 17 seconds, to the part where Matthews started stammering that in November “your party left the country, the economy terrible.” Another dope who doesn’t realize Democrats controlled congress the last 2 years. And yes, he does talk like a Jerry Lewis character. “OH YOUNG LAAAADY, COUNTRY ECONOMY YOU LEFT NOT GOOD DYING YES YES”
Yeah…I made it about as far as Crusty.
Ari was great! Made Matthews look even goofier than he is.
Matthews… “Little Tingles” is an idiot! Only good thing about MSNBC’s reporters, “Little Tingles”; Ohber-Goober” and “Strap-on Mad cow” is only about 10 people even watch them. Band of Bushies??? so is Omonkeybamas’ now aloud?
I couldn’t play it.
But I seem to recall a commenter here who favors Chris Matthews with various anatomical references. Hopefully, he will drop in for a quick object lesson in 3… 2… 1…
Chris Mathews kind of reminds me of Micheal Scott. I wonder if that’s where the writers of the Office got the inspiration?
Chris Mathews is nuclear stupid!
I made it through all of it with the help of spider solitaire. I was reminded of the scene from “A Fish Called Wanda” when Wanda told Otto that just because you’ve read Plato (or whoever), it doesn’t mean you understand it. Chris would make a great Otto.
With such a low IQ , I’m surprised Chris Matthews isn’t in THE OBAMA administration! I thought the dems had searched long and hard to find the DUMBEST most inept a#@*+les in this country to fill the administration
Wow, you’d think that Chris – given that he’s supposed to be some sort of political journalist – would be aware that there was this election in November and that George Bush wasn’t even running for president. The guy who gave him leg tingles won, and now he’s our president…but, apparently Chris is still campaigning for candidates who have already won and been proven to be failures as leaders.
When a liberal confronts reality with rhetoric, reality has a nasty way of collapsing the liberal argument like a beer can being hit by a truck.
Matthews at least pauses a few times and realizes he’s taken a hit, or more accurately his face realizes he’s taken a hit and overrules his intoxicated mind for a few seconds, which keeps telling him he’s winning. He then, like all liberals, small children and mentally ill individuals, promptly changes the subject rather than concede the point.
I only fault Fleisher with not doing a good finishing move when he had the chance.
Wow… that fruitcake didn’t change his view on anything even after the facts were explained to him.
“Was there or was there not a war against Syria?”
“The answer is NO.”
Fun piece of propaganda at the end where Matthews tries to tell every one what the American people think trying to pressure people into believing his vile idiotic aberrant views.
Is it just me (Chris Matthew’s voice is so annoying that I have to tune him out), or did Ari’s remark about Clinton believing Saddam had WMDs get completely ignored by Matthews?
I didn’t think I’d be able to get all the way through it until Ari started to completely clown Matthews. When he asked him if there was a war in Libya, Matthews looks at him like “what’s Libya?” To call Matthews dumb as dirt is an insult to dirt everywhere.
What is more amazing than Chris Tingle’s bluster when faced with Ari’s well-thought out rebuttals were the comments on the linked “Hardblogger” article. Did those people watch the same clip I did? Ari slapped Tingle silly with facts and logic. All Chris had was rhetoric and dishonest strawmen. Yet those fools thought that Chris was the second coming of Obama.
I weep for our Republic.
Mathews has one of the lowest rated cable “news” (actually left-wing propaganda outets) shows on cable. Yet fascists always “speak fpr the people” when he says the people don’t like those policies anymore. Wait until those people see the one trillion dollar tax increses being paid for by increased prices for goods, services and utilities. The whining minorities that supported B. Hussein will be the first to cry like stuck pigs when inflation hits. P.S. its already started.
Why do the worlds “most educated” as they call themselves utter the most ridiculous nonsense! And what moron asks a guy a question and gets so mad at his response so he interrupts him and doesn’t let him finish. I think someone should be fired for that, that’s unprofessional….but we’re talking about wussy libs here they have to feel strong by interrupting their guests. And anyone else blinking at the WMD topic still? Didn’t we actually sell them these WMD’s???
Special olympics of political commentary!
Gets my vote for the best line you have ever written! Send it to MSNBC, they could use it in their advertising
Dont let them know that “special” has other meanings.
Matthews reminds me of the a$$hat journalist (read: political puppet) from V for Vendetta. I’m glad Ari completely humiliated him.
You need to go at least 4 minutes, Ari really lays it on him. I suspect he won’t be invited back. I hope BHO was watching to get some idea of what a press secretary is supposed to sound like!
wow, i can’t actually believe that Matthews actually said “We don’t like that kind of thinking anymore in this country” at the very end of that interview. Wait, i guess i can believe it. Sure tells how tolerant Matthews is
Is there a link to the transcript of Ari talking about WMD’s? It’s a pretty strong claim to say he specifically said Nuclear weapons, and Ari to point blank deny it right then and there. I’d imagine if he actually did say there were Nuclear weapons Matthews would have been happy to play it back right then and there, but I’d still like to see a transcript
Chris Matthews is an flaming moron who should be dragged kicking and screaming to the loony bin. The man should never have been allowed to be on TV every and I hope he loses his job today -yesterday before he was born.
“He’s either monumentally stupid or dishonest” You say that like they are mutually exclusive. Matthews is perfectly capable of being both!
Is it just me, or did Ari just create the perfect textbook example of “how to debate a liberal?” The way that Ari just kept grinning seemed to get under Matthews’ skin as much as being shown up as an extreme Bush Derangement Syndrome sufferer. Ari had the perfect attitude towards liberals: don’t get angry at them, just laugh at the show. Then hammer their bullshit back into their faces, using language so direct and simple that they can’t help but understand it.
I must say (though I am sure everyone here already knows it) that MSNBC is the most biased so called ‘news’ entity in existence. They all have Obama’s genitals so far down their collective throats I am surprised they can speak at all. I do feel it is necessary to remind everyone, every chance I get…Iraq DID have WMD in the form of chemical weapons. The people of Halabja, if they were alive would dispute any statement to the contrary. Unless everyone chooses to believe that thousands (more than we lost in 9/11) all just came down with a deadly flu as they walked down the street in March 1988. Chemical and biological weapons ARE WMD, by definition. Saddam used them on his own citizens. Obviously they were there. Of course, why would we look in Syria or Iran for them? We watched (yes, I was there flying over Iraq) F-14’s evacuating to Iran and a long string of heavy vehicles driving to Syria. I am so tired of people saying there were NO WMD. Heaven forbid anyone would remember that fact. Oh yeah, facts just get in the way, don’t they?
I love how Ari smiles as he b*tch slaps Chris with facts and logic, its like jousting for Ari, and he is top ranked.
Ron, I have never forgotten the news of the Convoys into Syria. Anyone denies that fact, given that Hussein had MONTHS to ditch the WMD he had, is just plain stupid and needs to have their head staved in before they spread their stupidity and infect the rest of the herd.
1:40… “wasn’t the economy that your party left in OUR hands… terrible?”
Thank you Chris Matthews for the clarification that you are part of the Obama Administration.
Chris Mathews reminds me regularly that we were lied into a war against a non-danger, that we killed upwards of 100,000 innocents and still, still did not go after the perpetrators, the Saudis, of which 15 of the WTC attracker were. Of course the Saudis are Cheney/Bush allies. Saudiis, the protector of women’s rights.
Then we have the war, with not one cent accounted for in the Bush budget.
Then we have the Texas Oil Gangsters whom have robbed us silly while Cheney/Bush/and the crowd rush to the bank to deposit youe money.
Then we have me, a once 50 year Registere republican that finally awakened after Nixon and then sleepy Reagan who allowed the Iran-Contra Gangsters to again destroy our Consititution.
Yes the Dems were in control of Congress but there are enough lobby-owned Democrats, like the Tom Delays, John Boehners and the characters that have foreign atuto companies in their states demanding our workers get paid like theirs. …..what they don’t know is that these auto makers get helath-care paid for by Japan.
We have been living under a dictatorship for the past eight years of Cheney/Bush but don’t worry, there are still strong lobbyists that will own guys like Democrat Birch Bayh so you can count on your kid going to die in a forsaken desert to protect The Texas Oil Gangsters.