I Miss The Days When the Left Was Still Parodyable – UPDATED AGAIN

A couple of guys from the Washington Post made a video, a portion of which was described as follows:

In the video, columnist Dana Milbank and White House correspondent and blogger Chris Cillizza appeared in smoking jackets to discuss the kinds of beer politicians might drink. Milbank said he couldn’t reveal to whom President Barack Obama would serve a drink called “Mad B—- Beer.” That line was followed by a brief picture of Clinton. [censorship of the word “Bitch” in original]

So they had to apologize.


The group Women, Action and the Media complained to the Post in a letter signed by 32 women. They called the video “sexist” and “tasteless.”

You can see the video (which I thought was at least marginally clever, well-produced, and less partisan than I expected, since they called out a few Democrats, as well as finishing by insulting themselves) and read the letter at the WAM site.

And while you’re the there, check out the list of sponsors in the left sidebar:

That’s right, the site offended by the word “bitch” is sponsored by “Bitch Magazine”.


Although WaPo took the video off their site, they left it on their server. So I snagged it and put it on YouTube so that people can judge it for themselves:

[YouTube direct link]


Basil points out in the comments, one of the signatories to the “How DARE you use the word bitch!” letter was:

“Andi Zeisler
Editorial Director
Bitch Media”



  1. 9.# px115 says: This video made fun of everyone and I thought it was all in good fun. There’s nothing offensive here unless you’re a crazy PC-loving dirty hippie.

    Or a member of the B!tchy-American community.

  2. Am I the only one who wonders why a Washington Post “journalist” is making stupid comedy videos for the Washington Post web site? I know most of their reporting is a joke – but not an intentional one. They seem to be wallowing in their own degradation – as though even they find themselves ridiculous now.

    It is one thing to use humor or sarcasm or hyperbole to make a point in a commentary piece. It’s another thing altogether to put on a red nose and floppy shoes and squirt seltzer down your pants and then expect to ever be taken seriously.

    Milbank is a pretentious jackass. If the Washinton Post had any self respect they’d have fired him on the spot.

  3. I knew all this craft beer mania would get out of hand someday.
    I think they put more thought and energy into designing the labels than into the quality of the beers they produce.
    there’s a metaphor in there somewhere.

  4. All the Cs on the left are outraged calling hillary something other than C. yet no one noticed that the classless one drank a watered down girls beer.

    When he goes to drink a beer, I hope he fails.

  5. The entire Obama cult will be parodied by ABC this fall.
    See this preview in which:
    the world awakens to new overlords hovering above the populace like czars or commisars,
    a charming face and soft demeanor disguise an agenda obvious to a few though invisible to most,
    young people are enthralled by the ‘coolness’ of the leader who is worshiped for spreading “hope”,
    the ‘watchdog’ press is made a lapdog,
    those who won’t bow the knee are chided for refusing ‘change’,
    false messiah topples a symbol of THE Messiah,
    and the soft shelled hope and change army reveals a reptilian core.
    I wonder if ABC will put any styrofoam columns on the ships.

  6. With all the things going on in the world, It’s nice to know there are people that are petty enough to complain about the inconsiquntial things in life. If I didn’t click on Harvey’s links, I’d have belived this was another News Fakery.

  7. BRS – Here’s the deal on that. Picture me posting this:

    “It’s just so incredibly offensive to us that these crass and thoughtless misogynists called Hillary a…you know… ‘b’-word,” said Andi Zeisler, Editorial Director of Bitch Media.

    Thing is, I would never write that. It’s too over the top, too hamfisted, too unsubtle. I can be blunt in my satire at times, but that line completely lacks artistic merit.

    No one would even bother to check it on Snopes, because it SOUNDS so fake. It’s like something out of an old Looney Tunes cartoon.

  8. I wondered why Gates ordered a Red Stripe – I though Arrogant Bastard Ale was a bit more appropriate. Plus the selection for Hillary could’ve been better. Wicked Witch would’ve been a much better choice. ; )

  9. You know that you’ve really touched on a nerve when the left gets all uppity & squeaky about a parody they know damn well to be as close to reality without actually reporting a genuine story.

    Looks like not even centrist liberals are allowed to joke around. It’s damn good thing they didn’t suggest Victory Brewing ‘Golden Monkey’ ale…someone might’ve gotten sued, or even worse, had to go on TV with Sharpton for saying something that might possibly be construed by someone as possibly being slightly racist in an indirect sort of way – and that’s a hate crime!

  10. See? That’s the problem with the younger generation.

    You want everything easy.

    Why, in my day we had Bill Clinton wagging his finger at us, lying his ass off and the media and their congressional allies screaching, “It’s all about sex!!!”

    And scant years earlier, at the fall of the USSR and the Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall, I got to listen to Democrats wax nostalgic for how they were buddies with Ronnie Raygun and worked together in the Cold War and only offered constructive criticism, which the media reported with a straight face.

    And we were thankful.

    Now get off my lawn.

  11. I was stationed in the San Fran Bay area in 87 & 88 (USS Enterprise was in Alameda, CA). I got to read the local papers in SF & Berkeley, so I know EXACTLY how insane the Reagan presidency made the libs. It made me giggle a LOT 🙂

  12. Harvey, I think I speak for everyone here, even the trolls, when I say,
    Please get rid of that creepy FrnakJ avatar!!!!!!!!!!!

    That’s creepier than the black helicopters circling my compound.

  13. And for the record? When I commented I thought it was a Basil production.

    Yes, I’m starting to mistake FrnakJ’s alter egos/multiple personalities for each other.

    That’s creepier than the FrnakJ avatar.

  14. What?

    I’m lost.

    They had to apologize for making a video that was only very slightly funny?


    If I was any of those beers I would be more upset by the childish comparisons to politicos based on the name of my beer.

  15. I’ve always thought the word “bitch” has gotten a bad rap. When my college students complain that someone has called them that word, I tell them to think of it as being an acronym for Babe In Total Control of Herself. Works for me!

  16. dumb broads.

    Lets see, call the c from arkansas a bitch, you must appologize. Call the sitting governor of a state everything except white, cause for applause.
    F those homosexual women cs. ( I would normally use the actual word, but I have for respect for the fine ladies that read this blog. As for the leftist garbage. Why bother.

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