Random Thoughts

America needs to find a better way to determine whether someone is an inexperienced idiot than letting him be president for a year.

I always love that “I can’t believe that actually worked” feeling I get from being an engineer.

I’m so glad college football doesn’t have playoffs. All sports champions should be decided by polling and computers. Why even have a championship game? Wouldn’t a super extra deluxe poll solve things even better?

Why are chickens coming home to roost a bad thing? Shouldn’t we be like, “Yay! The chickens are coming home! And they’re roosting!”

I get the feeling that if Obama were president during 9/11, he would have responded with a new health care plan.

Heard this awful, nasally singing of a Christmas song on the radio. Checked and saw it was the Jonas Brothers. Why are they popular? Why would parents let their kids listen to that? Being wholesome and Christian does not excuse sounding absolutely awful.

I’m as excited to see Avatar as I was for Waterworld.

While everybody is away for Copenhagen, let’s change the locks.

Really, though, with wars and a plummeting economy, what better time to take on ManBearPig?

Once again to summarize my reaction to the BCS: Gah!



    Heard this awful, nasally singing of a Christmas song on the radio. Checked and saw it was the Jonas brothers. Why are they popular? Why would parents let their kids listen to that? Being wholesome and Christian does not excuse sounding absolutely awful.

    Wait until you hear “A Taylor Swift Christmas”. Gah!

  2. I prefer it when chickens come home to roast. In fact, it is only made better if I kill them myself!

    Forget 9/11. What if Obama was president on this day in 1941? Tomorrows speech to the joint congress would be an explanation of why it was our fault that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Probably our failure to sign on to Kyoto!

  3. I have to agree your thoughts are random, you need to have an open mind and you must not have children of any age. I have five, adult to elementary school. I’ll take the Jonas Brothers any day over the other trash other there. They are very talented, playing their own instruments and writing their own songs. They are hard working and constantly give of their time, talents, and money to charitable causes. Yes, being wholesome and Christian does matter. And finally, one more thing, the BCS is such a waste.

  4. “I can’t believe that actually worked”

    That’s probably what the people who invented global warming said…..and come to think of it, so did Obama.

    Being an idiot takes lots of experience for some people. One of the owners of the Celtics is running for Ted Kennedy’s seat and has an ad that says “it’s time for rich people to ‘pay their fair share’ of taxes” Since he’s filthy rich, I assume he wasn’t always an idiot.

  5. “Why even have a championship game?”

    Why play any games? Just setup a super duper Madden type college football computer simulation. Play out the season, then have real playoffs all via computer. You could still televise each match much the way is done with (who’s the best) Warrior series on cable.

  6. Oh, plus I took my kids to a planetarium over Thanksgiving and Science! has changed all kids of stuff. Not only has poor Pluto been demoted, but apparently there is another Dwarf Planet or something in the rings of Saturn or someplace. Just a little FYI from me to you. Your Welcome

  7. The fact that Boise St is playing TCU is an utter disgrace. Nobody wants to see that matchup! What we want is to see both of those schools have a shot at the big conference teams. How bout Florida vs TCU or Boise St vs Iowa? *(&$^%*ing BCS.

  8. I get the feeling that if Obama were president during 9/11, he would have responded with a new health care plan.

    Only after he blamed it on Bush. The first one of course. Instead of blaming his actions on the “previous administration” he would need to amend it to the “administration before the previous administration”

  9. “America needs to find a better way to determine whether someone is an inexperienced idiot than letting him be president for a year.”

    We do already, Frank. It’s called MSNBC – where people come for the experience and remain as idiots.

  10. While everybody is away for Copenhagen, let’s change the locks

    Or change their GPS so they fly to an uninhabited island near Antartica. Good place for them asll to stay. Do less harm there.

    I always love that “I can’t believe that actually worked” feeling I get from being an engineer.

    I know that feeling, too. Too bad Obama doesn’t.

  11. I always love that “I can’t believe that actually worked” feeling I get from being an engineer.

    those are some of my best moments in life.

    I can totally relate to that. I have fabricated things for my self and customers while totally exibiting an, “oh yeah no problem we will make this, or fabricate that doohicky and install it here, with an air of authority, while while at the same time thinking to myself,

    huh,…. well this aughta be interesting…

    then it works doesnt crash to the ground or kill anyone and im allways very pleased with myself.

  12. A better way to determine if a candidate is an inexperienced idiot: THUNDERDOME
    O-bah-muhh loves that ‘I can’t believe they actually fell for it’ feeling he gets from being president.
    When Mama brings home the chicken to roast, it’s even better.
    O-bah-muhh during 9/11, a State Senator for one of the most corrupt states in the U.S.>>> If President during that time, I’m sure he would have done something timely, targeted, and temporary.
    The Disney Promotion Machinery will hunt you down for speaking ill of their ‘Product’.
    Dennis Hopper, as The Deacon, had all the best lines in ‘Waterworld’>>> “Well I’ll be damned! It’s the gentleman guppy. He’s like a turd that just won’t flush!”
    Everyone went for a ‘Chew’ Run? What’s this country coming to?
    Had to look up the ManBearPig reference. Never liked South Park

  13. Ok so here’s a question. If Carbon dioxide is now a pollutant is the military going to be called out to eliminate the ” mouth breathers”? I know it’s been a long time since science class but don’t human beings breathe in oxygen and out carbon dioxide?

    I guess human beings will now be classified as dangerous to the atmosphere and planet.

    The earth would be so much better off without the cancer of homo sapiens, I guess. Of course there’d be no one to appreciate it but hey that’s a small price to pay for a pristine environment. GO TEAM O’VOMIT and the international Eugenics Brigade.

  14. seanma, I thought we already were considered dangerous to the atmosphere and planet. There are plenty of robot AGW morons running around who have no problem saying we should all be destroyed.
    Of course, when they say “we”, they mean everyone but them.

  15. Believe me #8 when I tell you that Waterworld is a work of cinematic genius when compared to a movie I recently saw, made back in 1966, called The Wild World of Batwoman. The BCS is (of course) the work of the devil.

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