What Does IMAO Stand For?

IMAO stands for Independent Martial Arts Organization. IMAO has always been a great supporter of kicking people in the face. Many will say that kicking people in the face is unnatural, for if God wanted us to put our feet in other people’s face, He wouldn’t have put feet all the way down at the bottom of our legs.


Kicking people in the face is a perfectly natural thing to do. I’d try it out the next time you see a face you don’t like.

You might want to stretch first.


  1. Kicking people in the face is a perfectly natural thing to do. I’d try it out the next time you see a face you don’t like.

    I like kicking hippies in the face, it’s as much fun as punching them in the face.

  2. Oh, I didn’t know it was a game. Ok –


    Jeez, can we get better letters to work with? I am having a tough time here. Why don’t you switch entirely to

    Ramblings of
    Nutcases who

    Advocate the
    Development of the
    Department of

    Heh. I slay myself!

  3. Excellent advice to stretch first – in fact, it’s a good idea to stretch at least once per day. Stretching & flexibility allow you to fully utilize the strength in your muscles.

    Also, when kicking a dirty, smelly hippie in the face, don’t go high – follow this progression: shin, groin, face. Kick the shin first, because it is not only very painful but also not expected – hippie stinkie will be protecting his small set of jewels & not protect his shin. After the shin, he will focus on that & leave the groin open. Once bent over, you can give the face its deserved attention with your feet.

  4. what I googled to find this place:


    You mean I’ve been visiting the wrong site for the last 4 years?! Dang, My wife was right about me wasting my time on blogs.

  5. Of course kicking people in the face is a good thing and it can, on occasion, be hilarious.

    I have to admit, I’ve always thought it stood for

    I just figured you misspelled “everyone” when you came up with the name.

  6. ALRIGHT YOU GUYS!…… I took your advice and went and kicked somebody (the closest hippie) in the face. Turns out, the Police frown on this behavior and arrested me for battery…. aggravated battery to be exact because apparently telling the hippie I was going to kick him in the face before hand constituties some kind of pre-intent making it a bad thing…… anyway, it did feel good to kick the hippie, this is a fact. However I had to post 500 bail @ christmas time to get out of jail. Now Im going to have to litigate in small claims court cause its ALL YOUR FAULT!….. Of course I am a reasonable man and am willing to discuss settlement terms……maybe a t-shirt or sumpthin

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