So they passed a jobs bill. Some conservatives seem upset by it, as it is, of course, pretty useless, but it costs like $15 billion, which is pretty much a drop in the bucket these days (but ask for a few million to make us more competitive at curling and suddenly that’s too much money). Unemployment is a big problem right now, but not so big that the president doesn’t feel like he can’t just waste a bunch of time on a health care bill no one is asking for before doing some piddling crap jobs bill.
Instead of just talking about creating jobs in general, Obama is always going on about how he wants to make more green jobs. He even hired like a communist to be in charge of that. But I don’t think anyone really knows what that’s supposed to be. It’s like carbon credits, and they even have a whole market for those in Europe, even though that’s kinda like trading futures on pixie dust. I mean, there’s a bubble that’s one day going to burst when someone finally asks, “So what the hell are we exactly trading?”
Anyway, I have some advice for Obama. He doesn’t really seem to be getting much done in the way of jobs — green or otherwise — so why not tout his advances in the area of green unemployment? With so many fewer people driving cars and so many abandoned offices in which the power was shut off, think of just how green this massive unemployment is. Double-digit unemployment has got to put a big dent in global warming; I bet polar bears are celebrating right now. Obama should give a speech saying, “I keep messing up the economy to preserve our environment for the future. You should all thank me for not having clue what I’m doing, you dumb stupids!” And isn’t the environment more important than people’s livelihoods? The polls will probably say “No”, but what does the public know? Am I right?
Frank, these are all important issues, but you are missing the most important environmental issue of all. More important then oil running out, or food, or even ammo. The granite for the making Olympic regulation curling stones must be cut from the same corrie (Is that even how you spell the big rock cutting place). I have no idea where the place is, or if this is even a true story, but they are running out of granite. No more granite means no more curling. Of course they could cut granite from some place else, but that is stupid. This will be a loss of even more jobs, and more important Curling related jobs. Why is no one panicking about this?
The more people
dieout of work, the less cars! The less cars, the less penalties for pollution! The less penalties for pollution, the more monster trucks!Thanks, Obama!
Every day I learn something more from The One that I didn’t know.
Today I learned that, if you’re supposedly having a discussion to overcome differences and attempt to reach an agreement, you aren’t allowed to talk about the areas in which which you disagree…no, really.
A pinko hiring a red for green jobs to put us in the black?
What kind of lunatic rainbow coalition is going on over there?
I see that Detroit is considering reducing the size of its city limits. Obama can use this as an example of winning the battle against urban sprawl. Urban withdrawal across the nation could soon become his largest accomplishment.
cool!, but only if those Monster Trucks had lasers attached to their hoods
Marvin – quarry is the place where you dig curling granite from.
The problem is that Obama just hasn’t been communicating his position adequately. It’s a COMMUNICATION problem, not a CONTENT problem, duh. Probably he should give more speeches.
We should follow the example of Haiti; according to some UN hippie climate group, they’ve got like the worlds smallest carbon-footprint per person, and they’re all real happy about that, aren’t they?
18 more months of solid B+ leadership should just about do it.
Oh right, quarry, I knew that. Umm, I was just using humor. Yah that is it, I misspelled quarry for reasons of being funny. For some reason I have the urge to vote for Ron Paul now.