On ABC’s This Week, George Will used the words of Robert Reich to highlight the liberal mindset on healthcare … and everything else, for that matter (tip: Flopping Aces).
Will: You say they have huge profits. As you know, confiscate all the profits of all the health insurance companies, with those profits you could finance our healthcare for 48 hours. What you do for the next 363 days I don’t know. Second, you say there’s not enough competition? Fine, let them compete in a national market across state lines.
Reich: Yes, let them compete across state lines, fine. But not a race to the bottom. Set minimum federal standards because we’ve seen over and over again that the recipients of health insurance don’t know what they are buying very often. Until there are common standards, minimal standards, then people are going to be taken. And that is what’s happened over and over again.
Will: There you have the premise of this legislation and the core of today’s liberalism: the American people are such dopes they can’t be counted upon to buy their own insurance.
Transcription from: NewsBusters
Once again, George Will sums things up nicely.
The only reason I watch the show is to see what liberal is going to be stupid enough to challenge George…This week that sap was Reich….He got the beat down he deserved..
I did just about come uncorked when Donna Brazil said that Charlie Rangel is a great man…How stealing from the American public makes him great is beyond me other than he’s gotten away with it so far…
I’ve seen some conservatives criticize Mr. Will and sometimes even call him a RINO, but I have nothing but respect for Mr. Will as one of the most articulate defenders of conservatism and traditional American values. I’ll never forget his opinion on the role of government; “Deliver the mail, defend the borders, and get out of the way.”
I made a similar point, here.
If Will attacked the others here and pulled their hearts out and ate them on live TV, then would some of the Palin fans overlook his criticism of her?
Federalize the culture war or get ready for civil war.
George Will has become a disappointment to me. I can’t figure him out. Up until a few years ago, I thought that he was a thoughtful, sensible and savvy conservative, and I had tremendous admiration and respect for him.
But in recent years, he puzzles me. His logic eludes me. I can’t say that he has become irrational, but his rationales strike me as eccentric. Too bad. I used to like the guy. Now, I don’t pay any attention to him anymore.
George Will is Teh Awesome