We could still end up disappointed in November, but it’s reached the point we should all make some gloating preparations or otherwise we could end up with a huge conservative wave and not be able to sufficiently gloat. Here’s what I’m getting together:
* Giant inflatable purple gorilla
* Bullhorn
* American flag
* Stick to poke liberals with
* Disco ball
* Loud country music
* Dancing shoes
* Accounts on various left-wing sites so I can inquire with them on their opinion of the apples that they have now received
* Elephant rental to ride around town on
* Effigy of Nancy Pelosi to fire out of cannon
* Cannon
So what preparations are you making for your November gloating?
No dancing in the end zone until all the seconds tick off the clock. I’m always worried the democrats will find a few “missing” boxes of ballots on the day after. Especially in close races.
* Obtaining an official DNC petard and working out my hoisting muscles.
* Large paper mache puppets of Reid, Pelosi, Rangle, and Obama in prison stripes.
* Aloe-based lotion for my butt to make the kissing process more enjoyable to liberals.
I want one of those big foam “#1” fingers that you see at sporting events. But with a different finger.
Donkey Piñata
A vat of tea for the Pelosi effigy to land in after it’s fired out of the cannon. And a one-way coach ticket for Reid and Boxer.
We should buy up boxes of tea to send to all our liberal freinds.
Everbody I see the day after the election that isn’t grinning from ear to ear … I’m gonna slap them. Then point and laugh. Then slap them again.
Not made any plans yet. The Republicans in my state have done the equivalent of losing the Super Bowl after being ahead 49-0 with two minutes left in the game. As a result, come November my state will have a shiny new liberal Governor whose last name rhymes with chickenpooper…
Oh, and while you get the giant inflatable purple gorilla, I’m looking for one of those air-driven wavy arms things. If I can find one in red, white, and blue.
* Fire 12-gauge randomly into the air. (Hey, that’s fully legal where I live. So, the liberal neighbor Barbi and her crappy dog get cut a little! Meh.)
* Gloat and say “I told you so” to all my liberal relatives who voted for Obama.
* Drink a lotta beer and hope the election will make a difference.
50-foot tall break-dancing robotic Reagan
A barrel of googly eyed monkeys with photo t-shirts of Che and Castro riding a Jackass down Pennsylvania ave.
Get one of those 50 foot tall inflatable gorillas with a T-shirt labeled
‘Libbies, whose your daddy now?!”
Point and laugh.
Hand out copuies of the want ads to any Dems and others on the dole I know. Time to get a job. A real job.
Lots of stockpiled ammo. preparations for when the Lame Duck Congress awards citizenship to 37 million illegals and all their relatives back in what ever butt hole country they came from., pases the forced Ununization act for all workers and outlaws any car that hetrosexual males miht drive and ALL 4WD trucks.
Were just going to start stenciling a big R on the pork barrel instead of a D.
You forgot something very important.
You forgot something Patton described as the greatest battle implement ever devised. Something our marines and soldiers carried from Kasserine to Saipan. From Saipan to the Rhine. From the Rhine to Chosin. From Chosin to even the jungles of Vietnam.
Yes, you need to fire several rounds through an M1 Garand – one of the great symbols of America. Heck, it fires good old ‘aught six, so this shouldn’t be a big deal.
Light brakes at first, hwuu. Then we’ll do the same to the idiots with an “R” by their name who just don’t get it. This mess isn’t going away in our lifetimes – or our kid’s.
I’m too busy preparing for the hurricane, signing up for my FEMA card and trailer and picking out my new TV in the window at Best Buy and trying not to panic.
Punch hippies
Bathe hippies with a really big fire hose and degreaser
Turn my flag right side up
Partisanship at its worst. Im tired of people supporting their political parties like its their local football team or something. Its ridiculous. However, I say we have a cannon to shoot a Nancy Pelosi effigy no matter what. No excuse to not have one of those right now.
I’m going to be plastering conservative bumper stickers on all the cars in the liberal neighborhoods. PALIN 2012 – Miss Me Yet? with W’s face -It’s a child, not a choice – Commies Aren’t Cool – “Obama” with the hammer and sickle for the “o” –
#19. Robb –
“Partisanship at its worst.”
A good examples of partisanship at its worst would be supporting bills you and no one else has read containing anti-Bill Of Rights provisions along with totally insane earmarks – all because “YOUR” party wrote it and passed it.
THAT would be partisanship at its worst in a democracy, Robb. Not celebrating one more chance to elect your own party to finally start doing the right things.
But I know what you mean about being tired of “party before country” so I’m gonna cut you some slack. Blast those RINO Republicans!!
I hope to
Party like it’s 1894 !!!!
Then look out for the lame ducks revenge against America.
I’m getting my cannon ready, and I’m inviting Nancy Pelosi to watch the election returns with me. None of this effigy stuff.
Ammo, because if you think the conflict is intense now wait until a house majority cant get anything past Obama and a slim R or D majority in the senate and vice-versa while unemployment and the deficit keep getting worse.
If the right wins a big majority in the house and senate then Obama will have to stand alone and the media wont be able to completely cover his obstructionism.
Hold onto your hats if its a moderate win for the right as it will almost certainly be an extremely viscous fight. The conflict with the media will reach new heights as they try and cover Obamas obstructionism by blameing it on the right in the house and senate.
The alternate option is Obama seeing his “legacy” threatened decides to throw Marxism under the bus like Clinton did. Not even possible, Clinton was had been governor of a red state for years. Clinton had Dick Morris. Even if Obama wanted to drop Marxism he has zero experience with any other way of thinking or doing things. He couldn’t even grasp how not to act and see things like an academic Marxist no matter how much he wanted to.
It would be like Obama deciding to stop speaking English and only Speak Spanish and that all his speeches and comments should only be in Spanish. Training wheels wouldn’t even describe the awkward horror. Nope its only Marxism from him no matter what.
* Tune into MSLSD on election night to witness Commie Chris, Madcow and Girlymann commit suicide on the air.
*Get a set of ear plugs so I don’t have to listen to the moonbats at work whine about a “stolen election”. That or carry around a clear plastic bag containing a bar of soap. a container of deodorant and a razor to fend them off.
*Hold a giant “Don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you” party for Reid.
*Create a weasel-meter for the liar in chief. The more things don’t go his way, the more weasely he looks.
I tend to sing when I’m happy.
*A HUGE can of red paint and a paint brush to put an “X” on my butt for the libtards to know where to pucker up and kiss.
p.s. You have to be a Southern Gent, who owns this blog. There is no sarc and such like this anywhere but! If you are a Yankee………..I’ll have to bite my tongue, but my money’s on Southern Baby!!!
**side note**
Other day I mentioned how Rinos were still many many times better then blue dogs. Check out their ACU (American Conservative Union) ratings. Even the worst Rino is 2-3 times better then the most conservative blue dog. I am not a fan of Rinos but this year and every year we should focus on “the most electable conservative.” Pick your battles.
Example lifetime ACU ratings:
McCain has 81
Ben Nelson of Nebraska 47
Jim Webb of VA 15
Bennet 84
Murkowski 70
Heath Schuler of N Carolina 37
Snowe 48
Collins 50
Pelosi 2
B Lincoln from Arkansas 19
Drive through liberal neighborhoods on the Main Line with my drunken friends beeping the horn and yelling out the windows “Yee haa!! Repeal the 14th Amendment!”
Log into the Daily Kos and post “OMG Did you here Senator Toomey alreddy has a bill ritten to outlaw abortion and make Crishtin prayer mandatory in publik schools – and he has the votes to! I’d like to take the douchenozzle off his douchebag”.
Give an interview to George Stephanopolous on Good Morning America on November 3rd confessing that Dick Armey, did, in fact, pay each of the Tea Partiers $10.
Smirk like Bill Kristol the entire time I’m around my sister and brother-in-law.
Spontaneously erupt into “Nanny nanny boo boo, stick your head in doo doo” whenever & wherever & for as long as the feeling overtakes me.
wear my Reagan mask to work and squirt all the resident libs with a super soaker.
I don’t want to call attention to myself so I can’t gloat. I’m working on a giant death ray that will drop California and NY into the Ocean and I’m buying Sea Side property in Utah…Muwhahahahahahah!
We all run over to MSNBC and kidnap Chris Mathews and take him on a snipe hunt. But first we put one of his legs in a bucket of water and then drop a live 110 wire into the bucket to show him what a “tingle” really feels like. We then give him a nuclear wedgie and drop him off in front of MSNBC with his short pulled up over his forehead!
Thanks USSJimmy we already have lake side property here! It is salty and full of seamonkeys though and of course no sharks. So I am definitely on board and will be quite appreciative of your giant death ray and my new ocean front property.
I think it is time to try all of us clapping and wishing for the economy to get better. I am just saying it has the same chance of success of everything the White house has tried so far but will be a lot cheaper.
I don’t know what made me think of this, but I’d like Katie Couric to wake-up with a mouth full of ugly braces so she stops dishing out that crappy, sh!t-eating grin of hers on the air. What a phony.
Ship the entire cast at msnbc a crate of one gross crying towels.
Include with each towel a packet of Jim Jones bonified koolaid.
A big-ass fake Diebold Houston voting machine, with burn marks.
Obama’s coming to Laborfest in Milwaukee on Monday. I’m union represented, so I’m trying to go. I’m making a t-shirt that says “Obama went on vacation, and all I got was laid-off.”
I need to search the internets for a recipe for humble pie.
What’s the over/under on a Republican majority?
I’d rather wait and gloat a year or so later when the new conservative Republican majorities have canceled the funding of Obamacare, tanked amnesty bills (at least those to be passed legally), canceled funding for ACORN and tons of other liberal propaganda programs, and are working on slashing just about every other democrat socialist program. Otherwise, when Boehner, McConnell, Cornyn, McCain, Graham, and the other RINOs get back to their business as usual, the libs may have the last laugh.
The best artifact of gloating I ever saw, ever, was a tee-shirt going around after Bush’s re-election in 2004 with a picture of the US, in red, and Canada, in blue, and the slogan “Move to Canada like you promised!”
They haven’t really promised it yet, but I’m sure they’ll start saying it in fall 2012 when Sarah is polling five points ahead of Barry. So I’ll buy the t-shirt if I see it, to prepare for gloating THEN.
I’m gonna breathe a sigh of relief and then hold my breath worrying that the Republicans in Congress may try to spend the next two years celebrating.
I’m working on a prius hood ornament for my F-150. Hope I can find one with an Obama / Biden bumper sticker.
I shall express my feelings by stretching a large banner across the front of my house that says, “F**k You.” A sentiment that pretty much sums up my feelings toward the Democrats.
I plan to call each of my insufferable liberal relatives back in Massachusetts, and when they answer the phone, deliver a loud, ripe raspberry.
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I am all for the classics: tar and feathers for the out-going.
Stacy Ann, Frank is from Idaho. He is not a Yankee. It snows there however, so he is not a southern man.
Started looming the quote “We Won” – Sarah Palin” into a large oval rug.
#49 — don’t let the latitude of Idaho fool you. This is a Southern State, especially the panhandle. When “the South Shall Rise Again”, with the possible exception of Californicated Boise, there’s no doubt which side this state will be on.
Frank — also living currently in Idaho, I look forward to your party, it sounds like a real blast!
I will be preparing to make sure that those who surf in on this welcome tide keep their promises to represent us in the manner we demand.