Iraq wants an apology. And some cash, according to a Reuters report:
Iraq’s capital wants the United States to apologize and pay $1 billion for the damage done to the city … since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein.
See? I’m not making this up.
Will Obama do that? I think there’s a chance he might. He’s apologized for everything else. And he’s spending money like … well, I was going to say “a drunken sailor” but I’d rather give my checkbook to a drunken sailor than to Obama. And you would too.
Anyway, what with Obama’s track record for foolishly spending money and foolishly apologizing for the U.S., I’m thinking he might.
But, I got a better idea.
Let’s put things back like they were.
Let’s dig up Hussein (the former Iraqi president, not the current U.S. one) and bring his whole crew back and give them the keys to the government.
And gas some Kurds while we’re at it. Throw some folks into some huge industrial shredders. Set up some rape houses. Make some people disappear in the middle of the night…
I’m sure we could do a few things so that they’d forget that Hussein had ever been toppled.
Or, maybe we should give him our Hussein. Saddam’s being dead and all might put a damper on his leadership style. Sure, Barack doesn’t have the experience — even after two years in the White House, he’s still unqualified to be president of this country — but I think they ought to give him a chance.
Of course, they’d end up demanding an apology for us inflicting Obama on them. And that would be a legitimate complaint. But, I wouldn’t apologize for that.
Not until the idiots that elected Obama here send me an apology. And some cash.
I would think that giving them a Port-o-let would cover it and get things back to the way they were.
This one is easy,
$1,000,000,000,000 cost of liberating ungrateful terrorists
– $1,000,000,000 damage to their crappy city
$999,000,000,000 Balance Due
* that would be 11,627,906,977 barrels of oil
And he’s spending money like … well, I was going to say “a drunken sailor” but I’d rather give my checkbook to a drunken sailor than to Obama.
As Ronald Reagan said, drunken sailors are wasting their own money.
Basil is right. Send them our Hussein They will be pleading for mercy in no time.
Bipartisan counter offer would be that we just leave, after we leave Baghdad in the shape we should have left it after the first Gulf War. Of course most of them used the same word for street and sewer before the first one.
Let’s tell them we did them a favor. Ancient Baghdad was originally laid out by a Jew and a Zoroastrian. The Caliph at the time (I think his name was Bob) didn’t have any Muslims on staff who could do the job. In truth, dhimmis are responsible for many achievements for which Muslims get credit. (Ever notice that the Dome of the Rock closely resembles the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?)
God’s Battalions: An excellent, quick read about the case for the Crusades.
Basil, your theme is the first thing that popped into my head when I first heard about it.
z0mg u r t3h l33t s0 much lolz!!!111
And keep in mind, at the same time they want us to pay for what we’ve done, they’re also asking our military to stay longer. I think we should charge them for that service.
Make fun of it if you will, but the US is lucky that this small amount of money is what is being requested.
The US killed over 100,000 Iraqis since they invaded and occupied that country under false pretenses.
And remember, this is a US “Puppet Government” demanding this apology and this money. Just imagine what a genuine government would demand.
The rest of the world sees the USA for what it is: 6% of the planet’s population, still operating under the delusion that “We Make The Rules” and that everyone else will have to follow them.
These realities must be especially tough on you obtuse, unhinged conservative boobs.
[Heh. You said “boobs.” – B.]
Saddam had a pool at the Ba’ath Party House in Baghdad (now located on VBC) that was never filled with water. They just killed people in there. You can take the tour and see the “brain stain”, the corner of the pool where they liked to shoot people in the head