I have another post over at the DC Trawler. I’ve really run out of smart things to say about the current issues in the news, so I’ll just have to keep going dumber and dumber to find new things to say.
I have another post over at the DC Trawler. I’ve really run out of smart things to say about the current issues in the news, so I’ll just have to keep going dumber and dumber to find new things to say.
A man in the comments compared you to one Jonathan Swift.
I and the members of BOBEB destest this comparison! Swift did not make his readers jump through hoops and waste tons (Yes, tons!) of energy clicking buttons to get to Frank’s links. Also, the constant change in colors when jumping through Frank’s cruel hoops of links hurts our eyes!
BOBEB will not click any more of Frank’s links! Unless we become bored.
No problem, dumbing down is the American way. At least it’s been that way for the last fourty or so years.
And when you do, you’ll have to find new ways to link to it here. Highlighted text like “another post over at the DC Trawler” isn’t going to cut it. Try “Click HERE for a Nuke-The-Moon T-Shirt!!!” That’ll make Marko click it, at least.
Yes, Wisconsin has rock quarries. In fact, one of our quarries was featured last night on ‘Only in America with Larry the Cable Guy’ on the History Channel. See, I didn’t even need google for that, I learned it the old-fasioned way – by watching tv.
What High Speed Rail needs is More Cowbell.
I’m all over dumbing down.
“…..so I’ll have to keep going dumber and dumber to find new things to say……kind of like the Public Employees Unions.
Frank, you need to buy Ronco’s Cliche-O-Matic to help you fulfill your blog quota.
Frank, I liked the article, it was cute, but it wasn’t as funny as you normally do. I am guessing that the editor ripped out most of your good material.
If you ever need help coming up with stuff, the peanut gallery over here will be glad to help. You can even then steal our ideas, and claim them for your own, and we won’t say anything about it, because we’re like cool with you and stuff.
Next time just tell us that you are trying to come up with reasons why we don’t need teachers for an article you are writing, and we’ll be glad to come up with stuff.
For example, in Korea, they are using robots, with HDTV screens displaying white peoples faces that are controlled by Filipino teachers in guess Filipinostan, to teach English. We could totally do that here. It works with customer support service from India.
Frank, they wear foam Cheese Hats in Wisconsin. How much education does that take?
They raise milk cows in Wisconsin, to paraphrase Judge Smails,” Well, Wisconsin needs Stall Muckers too.”
Think education is expensive?……Try paying for it.
By the way, if any of you want to kill me with a pipe bomb, simply write “OPEN FOR FREE NUKE THE MOON T-SHIRT!!!” on my mailbox.
Marko, I think you qualify for the Wile E. Coyote award.
Marko, I think you qualify for the Wile E. Coyote award.
I swear I only did that once. But mebbe Marko gets two awards.
Hey Frank, it is a good article, but there’s one glaring, and I do mean glaring, omission. You forgot the sarcasm warning, and lo and behold, at least one person got confused. Henceforth, BOBEB local #2 will be throwing bacon at said nit wits in order to teach them about sarcasm.
“…..so I’ll have to keep going dumber and dumber to find new things to say……kind of like the Public Employees Unions.
I was going to say Chris Matthews, myself. Two months ago I would have said Keith Olbermann.
What’s the government reaction to research that home schoolers are better educated than public school kids? To improve public schools? Nope. To hide data and attempt to create more laws to make it tougher for families to home school? Yep!
I just caught the video of a Wisconsin Dem. representative who saved a Repub. representative from a massive threatening mob (H/T Hotair). The scene literally turned my stomach. I have two thoughts:
1) The only thing with which I could compare the scene would be the G8 (G12? G6 1/2?) anarchists. How long will it be before we see teachers wearing face masks so they can’t be identified by police?
B) I learned all I need to know about breaking rice bowls from movie The Sand Pebbles. If you want to break someone’s rice bowl, you better come at it with big — I mean really big — stones.
Of course we need teachers.
Who else will force the gubmunt to confiscate our property to pay them a huge wage for working part of a year.
Who else will teach our children how to be a victim of oppression such as the eevill republicans who think marriage is sacred.
Who else will indoctrinate our children into worshiping algore and the tree hugging communist marxists.
Who else will teach our children that homosexuality is not a dreaded disease and mutation and that democrates are normal.
Who else will praise the losers and tell them that it is okay to be a pansy.
Who else will explain to our children why America is evil and that our culture should be eradicated from the earth.
Of course we need teachers.
BTW, Marko, there is a Nuke The Moon T-shirt in your mailbox!
A lot of the protesters wear the big sunglasses to remain unidentifiable.
Test the spirits to see if they be of GOD………..Tested, 100% Certified, NOT of GOD.
Do we need teachers?…….Yes……..Do we need yewnyen skool teechurs?……..No.
“Fat, Smelly & Ugly” BWAAAAAAAAA!!! Hey…how come all the good funny is at other websites? I think loyal IMAO readers should organize a strike or something!
I’ll go on strike, as long as we get bacon…
I met a teacher once who proudly told me she was the
Elementary School Economics resource teacher for Omaha
Public Schools.
After the blank stare I got from her at the mention of
Milton Friedman, free markets, and capitalism;
I think she would do less harm to her students
by poisoning their milk.
I’m sure my fellow posters here at this most erudite of websites realize that most teachers are going to work every day, doing a thankless job, day-caring some of the most obnoxious individuals ever to be seen on planet earth. If you could do the job you wanted and get health care and bene’s would you do so, I would.
Are there bad teachers? Are their bad cops, politicians, bankers, grocery sackers, lawyers ……..wait that last ones a gimme.
There are reasons the unions are around and one of them is that up until about 20 years ago garbagemen in NY city made more money than teachers. Now I realize that for many teachers the job is pretty much the same, but if education is sooooooo important shouldn’t we be willing to pay someone more that minimum wage to do it. (and I realize today they get way more than minimum wage and we’re not seeing any improvement in the product) I also realize that in places like WI where they’ve been on the socialist track for years that spending has gotten out of control and EVERYONE needs to sacrifice.
Just don’t paint the whole profession because a bunch of whiney, selfish, slackers don’t want to go to work. After all some people think that people who post on conservative weblogs are either single guys in their bathrobes living in mommy’s basement or crazy wild-eyed hackers who forget to take their medication. And we all know that’s not true. (no offense meant to anyone who resembles that last sentence……….really……….don’t crash my computer please)
I’m sure you realize that while the rest of us are going to work every day – many doing thankless jobs – teachers are on vacation all summer long and 2-3 weeks over the Christmas holidays, and their usual work day ends at 3:00 in the afternoon…yet, they constantly whine to the rest of us about how tough they have it. Sorry, I’m kinda over the whole “teachers are amazing” thing.
wee dont be needin no teechers.
If the only students one had to teach were the ones who wanted to learn, and there were no distractions or aggravations from the little *******s who are only there because no one at home wants them hanging around all day, people would pay for the opportunity to teach.
But since the babysitting function is inseparable from the teaching function, some sort of ‘hazardous duty’ pay seems appropriate.
The disruptive students should get busy on that preparing food, cleaning floors, and running in circles career path ASAP.