A Moment With Joe Biden: No More Moments With Joe Biden

Son of Bob sent me an email explaining why he’s chosen to retire this much-beloved feature:

I had pretty much planned on doing a final “Biden moment” today, to close out the running gag, but opted not to. When Joe Biden is a gaffe machine that the Dems are treating like the crazy uncle, the Biden moments are funny. But, when Biden and Obama are being commended for a “brilliant” campaign, Biden’s ridiculous statements move from humorous to tragic. Obviously, IMAO giving readers a reason to laugh at this administration is probably more important now than ever. However, to try to create something humorous about Joe Biden today just feels like trying to make jokes about your aunt that just died last night…too soon.

These will be missed.

Son of Bob, if you ever feel inspired to write on a different theme, drop me a line. You’ve got good comedy chops.


  1. I feel for you guys.
    I’m Canadian, but Obama’s reelection will have negative consequences.
    No keystone pipeline. An unreliable ally (if Obama even views other western countries as allies).
    I got drunk in solidarity with all true Americans.

    It’ll be up to you guys to prevent Obama’s vision of America from becoming a reality.
    Now there’s no one but patriots to stand in his way.

  2. Thanks, Mike, but it really cannot be done any longer at the ballot box. The majority has realized it can vote itself perpetual awards of other people’s money. If we could not prevent the worst President in history from getting a second term, we whose pockets are being picked are simply no longer relevant.

  3. Mike – we’ve all lost bacon privileges: too much cholesterol you know and we can’t have that in the new social order.

    Anyone else notice that parts of USA are turning into San Angeles in Demoltion Man? “Butter is bad for you and therefore has been made illegal.” Heck even Hollywood wouldn’t even have seen that one coming.

  4. Well SoB, I get it. I do. I felt physically sick the other night. That said, this site honestly is the way I keep my chin up and can know that reason is still out there. So I hope you don’t leave IMAO and I hope that if the inspiration returns you will give us a laugh – goodness knows Joe Biden will give you enough to work with.

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