I’d Like to Thank the Irish…

[High Praise! to Irritable Pundit]


  1. One historical point and I’ll go away again. The English did just about everything that could be done to the Irish to get them to roll over and assimilate. They took their land, forbade them jobs, starved them, deported them, raped and pillaged the countryside. When the potato failed in the 1850’s they were already starving but then it got truly bad. The Irish lost over 1 million citizens to starvation and it’s outgrowth, cholera, et al. The Irish are still here, they still survive and so will we. Try to take our guns, try to take our freedom, try to take our liberties but in the end we will still be here.

  2. A mild expansion of seanmahair’s point on the Famine…there was food in Ireland during that time. Grain-fed cattle, sheep, and hogs roamed upon many a grassy acre. Problem was, those acres were owned by Brit absentee-landlords and cut into large estates and farms which were tended by Loyalist Scots of Presbyterian belief who sided with their Anglican English employers. One charming way that said Brits tried to get Irish Catholics to roll over was to offer them, through Anglican charitable organizations, great meals begun with soup…just so long as they signed forms abandoning their faith and joining up with the Protestants.

    This gave rise to the enduring derision of being called “Soup Irish” or “Soupers”. Someone in their family tree finding it easier to sell cheaply their beliefs than stand up to the oppressions of the Brits-either singularly or with a Fenian Society which would manage to “obtain” a butchered hog or two along with barrels of fish shared by fishermen working the coasts.

    Pog mo thoin, Sasanach!

  3. Yes the Irish in Dublin watched barges groaning with grain leave the port while they and their children starved. This is why the government in never going to take my weapons. They will have to wrench them from my cold dead fingers and even then if the good Lord allows I’ll haunt them. I don’t have to relive history, I will learn from my ancestors mistakes. I will fight tyrants for there is no life where there is no freedom.

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