Another Ploy to Try to Stop Me from Nuking the Moon

Is this to try and stop me from nuking the moon? You think I won’t nuke the moon because there is a national park there? Ready the Nuke the Moon essay; I will nuke a national park. In fact, you have no idea the extent of things I will nuke for the cause of national safety.

Frank J. 2016: May the moon quake with fear.


  1. You may have ben usurped already by the recent kids book titled something like How to Bycycle to the Moon and Plant Sunflowers. They are using our children against us. They must be stopped.

  2. I think some of our illustrious lawmakers for some something – in order to have the authority to declare a national park, the area in question must first be PART OF THE NATION. I’m pretty sure they cover that in orientation.

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