I Don’t Trust Liz Cheney

So Liz Cheney is going to primary Mike Enzi to try and win a senate seat in Wyoming.

I don’t quite get this. As far as I understand, Mike Enzi is a hard-line conservative who has committed no big sin. He just seems rather inconsequential — I’ve never even heard of him — but inconsequential is a criticism you can make of most U.S. Senators as they’re all rather useless people. I guess there’s no reason not to primary him if you think you’re better, but you just don’t usually see a politician getting primaried by someone who doesn’t disagree on any significant vote. Basically, Liz Cheney has ambitions and needed a national political office and there it was. I guess you can’t wait around forever waiting for an open seat.

Also, many on the right are excited for a Liz Cheney candidacy, which makes me not trust her. I’m adamantly against getting excited about politicians, so I feel like it’s my duty to be a naysayer. Liz Cheney is awful. How do I know this? Because she is a candidate running for office. Wake up people.

Still, in general I want more turn over in Congress and would rather we don’t keep running the same candidates over and over and instead I’d like new blood, so I’m not completely opposed to Liz Cheney. I’m just not going to expect much. We are talking about the Senate here. If you’re not a useless idiot when you enter that body, you will become one. Thus my favorite senator is Jim DeMint has he resigned from office to do more useful things. Now there’s a senator with some sound judgement I can trust.


  1. I know people want someone more combative than Enzi, but this is just sucking oxygen out of the room. Gay marriage seems to be the only difference on the issues between the candidates, and thanks to the Supremes it doesn’t matter.

  2. Apparently, he voted in favor of the internet sales tax. He should not have done that, but at least he didn’t pull a Rubio and vote for amnesty for millions of undocumented democrats.

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