The EPA sent an armed team of federal agents to check if Alaskan gold miners were polluting local streams.
Probably send in tanks & grenade launchers to rescue canaries from coal mines.
The EPA sent an armed team of federal agents to check if Alaskan gold miners were polluting local streams.
Probably send in tanks & grenade launchers to rescue canaries from coal mines.
Well Putin is free this weekend, maybe he can help out.
Note to EPA: we said we were *sitting* on a coal mine. Sitting. No “sh.”
Next thing will be the ATF raiding them for serving alcohol to miners.
Our governor was pretty steamed about this and has instructed state agencies not to cooperate in anymore raids like this one. Good for him!
They were just ticked off that they kept losing at Minesweeper so they wanted to take it out on the mines.
Whew! At first I thought it said, “War On Mimes”.