Obamacare: Best Case Scenario

[High Praise! to There, I Fixed It]

Oh, my questions have been answered all right…


  1. did anyone catch that article from a few days ago written by one of the Kos kids complaining that his insurance rates are going up and he’s so mad that he’s just going to cancel his policy and pay the fine?



    most of the comments are either attacking him or trying to calm him down by assuring him that his plan wasn’t good enough and now he’s getting better coverage, but he insists that his coverage and benefits are NOT changing…and if they were changing…what happened to “let me be clear: if you like your plan, you can keep it”. He was clearly happy with his plan and level of coverage – I especially like the commenter who is a teacher going on about how THEIR plan hasn’t gone up at all…of course as a member of the teacher’s union his plan is exempt!

    I can’t stomach signing up to leave a comment but it’s a fun read.

  2. …I would encourage everyone on the site to sign up….because we’re planning to sign up my wife and are going to have a kid in the next year and SOMEONE needs to pay for it. As for me? I’ll just pay the fine and skip it. Of course I do ride a motorcycle so if the unthinkable happens, I’ll be signing up to from my hospital bed.

  3. if I play my cards right, they’ll even give me a free Obamaphone so I can call them to sign up!

    man, I never realized how much free stuff I can get from the government…why am I busting my ass at work every day???

    Who is John Galt?

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