Obamacare In Real Numbers

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

Yes, I know, the bottom number should be 43%. Which only strengthens the point.


  1. I got a letter from the VA to tell me that since I can use the VA medical system as a veteran, I don’t need to apply for obamacare.
    We’ll see how long that lasts.
    In the meantime I’m already used to long lines, delayed care, and inferior medicine, but it’s not costing me extra, so I reckon I won’t complain.

  2. Yes, I know, the bottom number should be 43%. Which only strengthens the point.

    And the 4th number from the bottom (Inpatient hospital care) should read “+200%” not “+300%.” The six hundred dollars is 300% of the two hundred dollars, but represents an increase of 200% (as the original value is 100% of itself.)


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