Straight Line of the Day: The NSA Recorded Information on 124 Billion Phone Calls in One Month. They Learned…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The NSA recorded information on 124 billion phone calls in one month. They learned…


  1. 1. No one ever called Carly Rae Jepsen despite her public plea for attention.

    2. The average phone calls lasts 3 minutes 15 seconds.

    3. Listening to one month of phone calls takes 1 person 766,742 years.

    4. Listening to one month of phone calls in one month takes 167,916,667 people working 40 hour work weeks.

    5. 167,916,667 people flush the NSA toilet 1,242,123,290 times in that month.

    Conclusion: The NSA is full of the stuff people flush down the toilet.

  2. **…. Saying ‘I love you’ is not always super-bright or in any way productive. Many times it’s just dumb, when all you want to do is ‘get a little’ from them.

    **….that ‘…Dennis, from Windows Help Desk ‘ has thousands of differing voices, all with heavy Indian accents and are really hard to understand…….

  3. The NSA Recorded Information on 124 Billion Phone Calls in One Month. They Learned…

    …that to store all this information, the government will finally have to upgrade their IBM 727 tape drives

    …Michelle is secretly orders Dominoes Pizza

    …that you really can grow tomatoes upside down

  4. …that Angela Merkel was furious when military strategists determined that Michelle’s butt was that much more of a deterrence than the Maginot Line, called off DC invasion.

    …all calls originating from Washington DC are indistinguishable from phone sex, other than costing an average of $90,000,000 a minute.

    …after an hour, and it’s always at least an hour of absolute incomprehension on both sides, every phone call Joe Biden makes ends with him being called an idiot. (Siri calls him a lot worse than that).

    …the people at the NSA are such nasty pieces of work that when they talk on the phone on their own time they are hunted down and shot by the NSA.

  5. …that it costs far more to log and record all that information than the airtime to generate it…and if enough cell phone users caught on, they could bankrupt the program in about a week without even going over their minutes.

  6. The NSA Recorded Information on 124 Billion Phone Calls in One Month. They learned…

    …that there is no unemployment in the telemarketing business sector.

    …that there is a whole lot more phone calls they did not intercept.

    …to transfer their 401(k) and pension money to the telecoms.

  7. … With all the G4 networks, the most common opening is “You will never guess where I’m calling from!”

    … That people do know about the NSA scandal, and also the meaning of the word “trolling”.

    … That calls to the Obamacare hotline are frequently followed by calls to the Assisted suicide hotline.

    … That whoever thought of putting walnuts in chocolate chip cookies works at Pizza Hut now, and seems to be in charge of putting pineapple on bacon pizzas.

    … That there is a lot of dark chatter about something called a ‘church picnic’.

  8. . . . the last four digits of everybody’s social security number
    . . . that your call is very important to us, please hold
    . . . that if he had lived Mozart would have been rich from the royalties on the “On Hold” music
    . . . that Anonymiss mulches her garden with both walnut shells and the walnuts themselves

  9. The NSA Recorded Information on 124 Billion Phone Calls in One Month. They Learned…

    … that it takes much longer than 15 minutes to save 15% with GEICO.

    … that most Biden supporters – including Joe Biden – will be voting for Hillary in 2016.

    … there ain’t no education problem in America ’cause we gots good grammar.

    … that Chinese hacked our strategy for nuking the Moon and have made it the primary goal of their next Five Year Plan.

    … that AnonyMiss makes really great cookies (at least that’s what the chatter indicates, since they haven’t any personal experience in this matter.)

    … that Reid and Pelosi will be the first ones with their backs to the wall when the revolution comes.

    … that 53% of us are peaceful, God-fearing, law-abiding folk who take responsibility for our actions and have dreams of a better future for our children – and for some reason this really pisses off liberals.

  10. …Obama is clinically insane for requiring the recording of information on 124 billion phone calls in one month.

    …sending hard copies of them for FOI requests leads to toilet paper shortages in Venezuela.

    …black people as a whole are under the impression that all white people are members of the band Cracker. And really hate eating Peanut Butter Nabs.

  11. The NSA Recorded Information on 124 Billion Phone Calls in One Month. They Learned…

    …that Biden calls Buckingham Palace at least once a week to ask if they have Prince Albert in a can.

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