The director of the NSA said the agency collects data from social networks, but is not using it to build “dossiers” on Americans.
Guess he prefers the term “personal information data compilation files”.
The director of the NSA said the agency collects data from social networks, but is not using it to build “dossiers” on Americans.
Guess he prefers the term “personal information data compilation files”.
Not “dossiers”, we call ’em “permanent records” here in the USSA!
Hey NSA: Short of literally ransacking our houses, can anything possibly — possibly — be a more blatant violation of the wording and the spirit of the Fourth Amendment?
If your argument depends on the definition of “unreasonable,” then
(a) Why haven’t FISA courts agreed that it is not unreasonable?
(b) Where are these secret FISA courts authorized, anyway, in the four words “ shall not be violated “?