When we walked into the movie theater this evening, I could tell it must be Date Night: (definition) a special time you spend with the person who means the most to you. You sit near one another and each stare at your own tiny little blue screen until the man comes in and tells you to put away your phones so you can stare at the BIG one together. How romantic. GEEEZ.
(I left my phone in my purse, btw, and had a marvelous time. 🙂
Whee! Phone smackdown permission! Best keep it on vibrate then, Harvey, so as not to attract the smackdown vultures.
Yeah, it is like having all your eggs in one basket, but we are also surrounded by baskets full of eggs! It’s an embarrassment of yummy, delicious eggs. But at least half of those eggs are due to the Internet, so bad reception is like a fox in the hen house. What does a fox say? Eggs-eggs-eggs-eggs-eggs-hens-hens-hens-hens!
True story. AT dated a girl loooong ago, when we were all still using flip phones. We went to a restaurant together, and were enjoying a fabulous meal when suddenly her phone rang. Knowing my anathema for phone calls during meals, she eyed me cautiously. I gave her a look and said, “It can wait.” She hesitated, and then answered the phone.
I snatched it from her and dropped it into her iced tea.
Whatever it is, it can always wait. Don’t take calls when you’re enjoying a meal with someone. Not cool.
(Epilogue: we broke up soon after. And a year or so later, she got really fat.)
The first Despicable Me was really not my thing. I tolerated it. I really needed to get out of the house, and I had heard this one was better. They were right.
I laughed so hard I was afraid the people in front of me might have me hauled out.
The excuse I typically hear is “This call might be important.” I believe this is an exceptionally low-risk event.
Question for the readsership: Have you ever gotten into heap big trouble for NOT having your phone on?
I suspect the answer is Almost Never, especially if we check voice mail after the Live In Person date is over.
Am I right?
@8 I guess there are a *few* exceptions, though. For example, if you have small children at home and they’re in the care of a babysitter or older sibling while you’re out, you *do* need to be able to be reached at all times.
When we walked into the movie theater this evening, I could tell it must be Date Night: (definition) a special time you spend with the person who means the most to you. You sit near one another and each stare at your own tiny little blue screen until the man comes in and tells you to put away your phones so you can stare at the BIG one together. How romantic. GEEEZ.
(I left my phone in my purse, btw, and had a marvelous time. 🙂
If I ever pull out a phone in the middle of a conversation, anyone who sees me do it has my permission to slap the stupid thing out of my hand.
Love is… staring at the same screen together in silence. Their eyes met… by way of looking at the same pixels on screen. It was electromagnetic!
Whee! Phone smackdown permission! Best keep it on vibrate then, Harvey, so as not to attract the smackdown vultures.
Yeah, it is like having all your eggs in one basket, but we are also surrounded by baskets full of eggs! It’s an embarrassment of yummy, delicious eggs. But at least half of those eggs are due to the Internet, so bad reception is like a fox in the hen house. What does a fox say? Eggs-eggs-eggs-eggs-eggs-hens-hens-hens-hens!
btw, which movie, Anonymiss? Was it any good?
True story. AT dated a girl loooong ago, when we were all still using flip phones. We went to a restaurant together, and were enjoying a fabulous meal when suddenly her phone rang. Knowing my anathema for phone calls during meals, she eyed me cautiously. I gave her a look and said, “It can wait.” She hesitated, and then answered the phone.
I snatched it from her and dropped it into her iced tea.
Whatever it is, it can always wait. Don’t take calls when you’re enjoying a meal with someone. Not cool.
(Epilogue: we broke up soon after. And a year or so later, she got really fat.)
@5 We saw Despicable Me 2.
I am shocked to say…that I absolutely ADORED it.
The first Despicable Me was really not my thing. I tolerated it. I really needed to get out of the house, and I had heard this one was better. They were right.
I laughed so hard I was afraid the people in front of me might have me hauled out.
I enjoy laughing. 🙂
The excuse I typically hear is “This call might be important.” I believe this is an exceptionally low-risk event.
Question for the readsership: Have you ever gotten into heap big trouble for NOT having your phone on?
I suspect the answer is Almost Never, especially if we check voice mail after the Live In Person date is over.
Am I right?
@8 I guess there are a *few* exceptions, though. For example, if you have small children at home and they’re in the care of a babysitter or older sibling while you’re out, you *do* need to be able to be reached at all times.
Basically the same reason doctors have pagers.
@7 Excellent! I felt exactly the same way about 1, so you’ve now raised my expectations for 2 to unreachable proportions. 🙂