DogObamacareYou’ve heard and read the stories about people trying to sign up for Obamacare but failing.

Well, that’s certainly not true for Baxter Smith of Fort Collins, Colorado.

“Who’s Baxter Smith,” you ask?

No, really, go ahead and ask.

Well, now, since you asked, I’ll tell you. He’s a dog.

KDVR Fox 31 in Denver reports that Shane Smith tried to sign up, but they covered his dog Baxter instead.

“I thought, ‘Wow, this is so awesome,’” Smith said with a laugh. “They have gone out of their way to insure my 14-year-old Yorkie.”

Smith had called Connect for Health Colorado to sign himself up for insurance because his old plan was cancelled due to Obamacare.

I had heard that getting covered is a real son of a bitch. And, since Baxter is a male dog, he is exactly that: a son of a bitch.

That’s good news for a lot of people. Including me, to hear an ex- talk.


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