Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said of Democrats running on Obamacare in 2014 “I think it’s going to be good for them.”
I’m surprised he didn’t say “if you like your Senate seat…”
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said of Democrats running on Obamacare in 2014 “I think it’s going to be good for them.”
I’m surprised he didn’t say “if you like your Senate seat…”
Yup. Good for them to get out of government and have an opportunity to see what the real job market is like.
Unfortunately, most of them have made enough connections during their time as our overlords that they will become high paid lobbyists, receive sinecures to sit on the boards of major companies, or hit the lecture tour at $100,000 a pop. Nice gigs if you can get them.
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“If you like your Democrat Senator… well you know the rest.”
I guess we will find out if the American public is stupid enough to re-elect those responsible for Obamacare.