Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
President Obama is handing out medals. Who’ll get the next one and for what?
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
President Obama is handing out medals. Who’ll get the next one and for what?
Clock Boy: Medal of Allah
Well they are going to have to catch that Abdelhamid Abaaoud fellow before he can start.
President Obama is handing out medals. Who’ll get the next one and for what?
Himself, for just being himself. What else is necessary?
President Obama is handing out medals. Who’ll get the next one and for what?
The Mizzou Football team, for “Participation”.
Hillary Clinton, for bravery under fire in Bosnia, and before the Benghazi committee.
John Kerry, to replace the medals he threw over the White House fence.
Valerie Jarrett, for, you know…
Reggie Love for, you know…
Champion of Wifows and Orphans: media, posthumously
President Obama is handing out medals. Who’ll get the next one and for what?
Himself for rescuing the world’s population from George Bush
…Valarie for prettiest Iranian advisor.
He would be more appreciated if he handed out cookies.
Pajama Boy, for being clueless enough to agree to that photograph
To himself, for handing out medals
Hillary Clinton for the most gratuitous use of the word ‘Belgium.’