Nightmare Fuel

During a speech in Virgina, President Obama said “every day, ISIS leaders wake up and understand that it could be their last”.

Then they remember who America’s President is, chuckle to themselves, roll over, and go back to sleep.


  1. @1: “Anytime an ISIS leader wakes up, we’ve messed up.” Amen! Quote of the day.

    Did Obama really forget to use the lame variation “ISIL”?

    Perhaps ISISers wake up every morning and tell themselves, “Every day, in in every way, it’s getting beheader and beheader.”

  2. ♪♫ ♪♫
    Good morning, good morning
    Good morning, good morning
    Good morning allah

    Nothing to do to save his life kill his wife and
    Nothing to say but what a day how’s your boy bomb?
    Nothing to do it’s all the Jews
    I’ve got nothing to say but Die USA

    Good morning, good morning . . .

    Going today the TSA feeling low down
    Hanging a “home” you start to roam, then you’re in town
    Obama knows, but nothing doin’
    Everything is closed it’s like a ruin
    Everyone, you see, is half asleep
    And you’re on your own you’re in the street

    ♪♫ ♪♫

  3. …actually, he likes killing them; it would be more useful to take some of them alive (with their laptops and cell phones) and talk to them over tea for a few days, weeks, months. Then the sneaky snake-eaters could go find some more of that ilk to deter, detain, or dispatch.

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