Did You Ever Have To Kill a Moose During a Sporting Event?

Iditarod Trail Racer Kills Moose in Self-Defense
AmmoLand | March 11, 2022 | Dean Weingarten

Coming soon to the NHL or NFL:

“I carry a beat-to-death, dirty, I mean horrible-looking .357 Mag. stainless Taurus 605SS2 with a 2-inch barrel,” he said. “It’s easy to grab, it always works, and if it falls through the ice on some river and never seen again, no big deal.” 

Iditarod rule number 34 deals with the necessity of killing an animal in defense of self and/or the dog team.

Rule 34 — Killing of Game Animals: In the event that an edible big game animal, i.e., moose, caribou, buffalo, is killed in defense of life or property, the musher must gut the animal and report the incident to a race official at the next checkpoint. Following teams must help gut the animal when possible. No teams may pass until the animal has been gutted and the musher killing the animal has proceeded. Any other animal killed in defense of life or property must be reported to a race official, but need not be gutted.

IMAO needs a Rule 34.


  1. I would NOT pass by without gutting it because I know how good it will be for supper for the next while. Yes, loading a quarter moose on the sled will affect your time but the next three racers will likely take a quarter as well.
    Mmmmm deelish..

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