Hi and welcome to the Friday editionfor the Bond Girlathon. Given the number of Bond girls we need to double the contest if we want to get this in before the Vance Administration starts. There will be rotating Interns for the post so you won’t always be seeing my pretty face. I hope you enjoy this group as much as the other.
Three of the girls have appeared in two Bond films.
Match 1
Ursula Andress (Honey Ryder) vs Lana Wood (Plenty O’Toole)
Honey Ryder dazzled cinema audiences, stepping out of the Caribbean sea wearing a white bikini with a large hunting knife at her side. She proved to be immensely popular with fans and set the tone for all Bond girls to come.
Plenty O’Toole was a gold digger from Las Vegas. She helped a man gamble at the craps table, but when he lost all of his money, she lost interest. She turned to leave, but went back after hearing James Bond ask for $10,000 in chips. She helped Bond play craps, and after winning $50,000, she went back to Bond’s suite. Bond girl Tiffany Case was waiting there for Bond, and some mobsters threw Plenty out of the window into the pool below.
Sylvia Trench introduced herself in the opening scene of Dr. No as “Trench. Sylvia Trench”, which Bond then mimicked with his now trademark “Bond. James Bond”. Trench was Bond’s girlfriend for the first two films, with a running joke that Bond was called away on a mission just as things were heating up.
Bambi and Thumper were the two gymnastic bodyguards holding Willard Whyte prisoner in his Las Vegas villa. When Bond enters to rescue Whyte, he meets Bambi and Thumper, who introduce themselves, and then take it in turns to attack Bond, somewhat playfully.
I’m a Thigh Man for life and after seeing Eunice just re-confirms to myself that I am indeed a Thigh Man now and have always been one and will always be one. My conscience is clear now.
I’m a Thigh Man for life and after seeing Eunice just re-confirms to myself that I am indeed a Thigh Man now and have always been one and will always be one. My conscience is clear now.
Then you must love Hillary ‘Thunder Thighs’ Clinton!! 😍😚😁
(Edit: She just called after reading our comments. She wants to meet you! Her number is 555-555-HILL.)
Lol…you just make me spew my Folgers Breakfast Blend coffee out all over my Android.
But don’t tell her that. Or that you like Mrs. Olson’s coffee!
Airplane: “Gene never spews his coffee all over his gizmo at home.”