Bond Girlathon : Week of 1/31/2025 Results : New Matches for 2/7/2025

Hi guys, my turn to host. Hope you are enjoying the contests.

Results 1/31/2025

Zena MarshallNo PreferenceTrina Parks

Daniela BianchiNo PreferenceDenise Perrier

Week of 2/7/2025

Match 1

Martine Beswick (Zora, Paula Caplan) VS Izabella Scorupco (Natalya Simonova)

Paula Caplan

Actress:Martine Beswick
Bond Movie:From Russia With Love (1963)


Head of Station in Istanbul, Kerim Bey, took Bond to a gypsy camp, where the two girls Vida and Zora were to fight to the death over a man. Zora was played by Martine Beswick, who would return 3 years later to play another Bond girl in Thunderball.

Actress:Martine Beswick
Bond Movie:Thunderball (1965)


Paula Caplan was Bond’s liaison in Nassau. She was played by Martine Beswick, who had previously played Bond girl Zora in From Russia With Love. Paula helped Bond to make contact with Domino Derval, but met her end after being captured by SPECTRE agents, taking a cyanide pill to avoid torture.

Martine Beswick


Natalya Simonova

Actress:Izabella Scorupco
Bond Movie:Goldeneye (1995)


Natalya Simonova was a programmer working at a Russian Space Control Centre along with Boris Grishenko. Xenia Onatopp and General Ourumov staged a test drill in the centre, and after getting the launch keys, Onatopp shot everyone in sight. Natalya managed to escape, and made contact with Boris over the Internet. Unfortunately, Boris was a traitor working with Onatopp, and Natalya was captured.After she escaped a near death experience with Bond, the two paired up, and Natalya’s computer skills helped Bond overcome the traitors.

Izabella Scorupco

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Match 2

Aliza Gur (Vida) VS Famke Janssen (Xenia Onatopp)


Actress:Aliza Gur
Bond Movie:From Russia With Love (1963)


Vida and Zora engaged in an intense cat fight, scratching, fighting and trying to strangle each other. The fight was broken up when an assassin attacked the camp to try and kill Kerim Bey. Bond saved the life of the camp’s leader in the process, who in turn honoured Bond’s request to end the fighting. Happy to have their leader alive, Vida and Zora warmed to Bond, who got to entertain them for the evening.

Aliza Gur


Xenia Onatopp

Actress:Famke Janssen
Bond Movie:Goldeneye (1995)


Xenia Onatopp was a henchwoman working alongside the traitor General Ourumov. She stole a Tiger Helicopter, a new prototype that was resistant to electromagnetic pulses. She then helped Ourumov steal the codes and launch key for the Goldeneye satellite weapon from the Severnaya Space Control Centre. She killed the staff and programmed Goldeneye to destroy the facility with electromagnetic pulses that wouldn’t effect the Tiger. She flirted with Bond and tried to kill him on multiple occasions, but Bond ended up onatopp.

Famke Janssen

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Bond Girlathon Friday : Results from 1/24/2025 : New matches 1/31/2025

Hi. I’m this week’s host for the Bond Girlathon Friday. Here are the results from last week and this week’s new matches.


Ursula AndressNo PreferenceLana Wood
Eunice GaysonNo PreferenceLola Larson

Week of 1/31/2025

Match 1

Zena Marshall (Miss Taro) vs Trina Parks (Thumper)

Miss Taro

Actress:Zena Marshall
Bond Movie:Dr. No (1962)


Miss Taro was a spy working for the villainous Dr. No. She got herself a job at government house in Kingston, Jamaica, so that she could steal secret files detailing Dr. No and Crab Key Island. She invited Bond to her house for dinner, where she laid a trap for his assassination. However, Bond smelled something was fishy and got his men to arrest Miss Taro so he could lay a trap for the assassin.

Zena Marshall



Actress:Trina Parks
Bond Movie:Diamonds Are Forever (1971)


Thumper and Bambi attack Bond, kicking him and using their martial art skills to overcome him. Bond was at a loss, the two girls too nimble for him. However, Thumper and Bambi then throw Bond into a pool, and they lose their advantage, Bond managing to push their heads underwater until they give in and reveal where Willard Whyte is being kept.

Trina parks

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Match 2

Tatiana Romanova

Actress:Daniela Bianchi
Bond Movie:From Russia With Love (1963)


Tatiana Romanova worked for the Soviet Embassy in Istanbul, and was coerced by the deadly Rosa Klebb into a mission to seduce James Bond and (unknowingly) lead him to his death. She helped Bond steal a Lektor decoding machine, and the pair escaped on the Orient Express train. After a failed assassination attempt by henchman Red Grant, Klebb tried to personally kill Bond, but Tatiana’s loyalty to Bond won out.

Daniela Bianchi



Denise Perrier
Bond Movie:Diamonds Are Forever (1971)


As Bond seeks out Blofeld to get revenge for the death of his wife, the trail leads him from Tokyo to Cairo, where he interrogates a gambler about Blofeld’s whereabouts. “Marie… ask.. Marie.” Bond finds Marie, who asks “Is there something I can do for you?” Bond replies with “There’s something I’d like you to get off your chest”, and then removes her Bra and begins to strangle her with it.He gets the information he wants and pursues the lead.

Denise Perrier

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Bond Girlathon Friday : Opening week

Hi and welcome to the Friday editionfor the Bond Girlathon. Given the number of Bond girls we need to double the contest if we want to get this in before the Vance Administration starts. There will be rotating Interns for the post so you won’t always be seeing my pretty face. I hope you enjoy this group as much as the other.

Three of the girls have appeared in two Bond films.

Match 1

Ursula Andress (Honey Ryder) vs Lana Wood (Plenty O’Toole)

Honey Ryder

Actress:Ursula Andress
Bond Movie:Dr. No (1962)


Honey Ryder dazzled cinema audiences, stepping out of the Caribbean sea wearing a white bikini with a large hunting knife at her side. She proved to be immensely popular with fans and set the tone for all Bond girls to come.

Ursula Andress


Plenty O’Toole

Actress:Lana Wood
Bond Movie:Diamonds Are Forever (1971)


Plenty O’Toole was a gold digger from Las Vegas. She helped a man gamble at the craps table, but when he lost all of his money, she lost interest. She turned to leave, but went back after hearing James Bond ask for $10,000 in chips. She helped Bond play craps, and after winning $50,000, she went back to Bond’s suite. Bond girl Tiffany Case was waiting there for Bond, and some mobsters threw Plenty out of the window into the pool below.

Lana Wood

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Match 2

Sylvia Trench

Actress:Eunice Gayson
Bond Movie:Dr. No (1962)
From Russia With Love (1963)


Sylvia Trench introduced herself in the opening scene of Dr. No as “Trench. Sylvia Trench”, which Bond then mimicked with his now trademark “Bond. James Bond”. Trench was Bond’s girlfriend for the first two films, with a running joke that Bond was called away on a mission just as things were heating up.

Eunice Grayson



Actress:Lola Larson
Bond Movie:Diamonds Are Forever (1971)


Bambi and Thumper were the two gymnastic bodyguards holding Willard Whyte prisoner in his Las Vegas villa. When Bond enters to rescue Whyte, he meets Bambi and Thumper, who introduce themselves, and then take it in turns to attack Bond, somewhat playfully.

Lola Larson

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