Hi guys, my turn to host. Hope you are enjoying the contests.
Results 1/31/2025
Zena Marshall | No Preference | Trina Parks |
194 | 3 | 12 |
Daniela Bianchi | No Preference | Denise Perrier |
172 | 3 | 30 |
Week of 2/7/2025
Match 1
Martine Beswick (Zora, Paula Caplan) VS Izabella Scorupco (Natalya Simonova)

Actress: Martine Beswick Nationality: English Bond Movie: From Russia With Love (1963) Synopsis:
Head of Station in Istanbul, Kerim Bey, took Bond to a gypsy camp, where the two girls Vida and Zora were to fight to the death over a man. Zora was played by Martine Beswick, who would return 3 years later to play another Bond girl in Thunderball.
Actress: Martine Beswick Nationality: Bond Movie: Thunderball (1965) Synopsis:
Paula Caplan was Bond’s liaison in Nassau. She was played by Martine Beswick, who had previously played Bond girl Zora in From Russia With Love. Paula helped Bond to make contact with Domino Derval, but met her end after being captured by SPECTRE agents, taking a cyanide pill to avoid torture.


Actress: Izabella Scorupco Nationality: Polish-Swedish Bond Movie: Goldeneye (1995) Synopsis:
Natalya Simonova was a programmer working at a Russian Space Control Centre along with Boris Grishenko. Xenia Onatopp and General Ourumov staged a test drill in the centre, and after getting the launch keys, Onatopp shot everyone in sight. Natalya managed to escape, and made contact with Boris over the Internet. Unfortunately, Boris was a traitor working with Onatopp, and Natalya was captured.After she escaped a near death experience with Bond, the two paired up, and Natalya’s computer skills helped Bond overcome the traitors.

Match 2
Aliza Gur (Vida) VS Famke Janssen (Xenia Onatopp)

Actress: Aliza Gur Nationality: Israeli Bond Movie: From Russia With Love (1963) Synopsis:
Vida and Zora engaged in an intense cat fight, scratching, fighting and trying to strangle each other. The fight was broken up when an assassin attacked the camp to try and kill Kerim Bey. Bond saved the life of the camp’s leader in the process, who in turn honoured Bond’s request to end the fighting. Happy to have their leader alive, Vida and Zora warmed to Bond, who got to entertain them for the evening.


Actress: Famke Janssen Nationality: Dutch Bond Movie: Goldeneye (1995) Synopsis:
Xenia Onatopp was a henchwoman working alongside the traitor General Ourumov. She stole a Tiger Helicopter, a new prototype that was resistant to electromagnetic pulses. She then helped Ourumov steal the codes and launch key for the Goldeneye satellite weapon from the Severnaya Space Control Centre. She killed the staff and programmed Goldeneye to destroy the facility with electromagnetic pulses that wouldn’t effect the Tiger. She flirted with Bond and tried to kill him on multiple occasions, but Bond ended up onatopp.