I haven’t had much of a philosophy to my blogroll. I just sort of add people randomly when it occurs to me. Then I was thinking, maybe I should be more careful about whom I add. This is really my visitors’ blogroll, because God knows I never read those people. So I should let you people decide who goes on the roll.
Well, first I have Right We Are. Let’s see… they’re a nice couple of ladies. I think I’ll just go ahead and add them.
But then we have Silent Running. Do these people run silently and then sneaks up on people and hit them with a cudgel. And why do they have a graphic that seems to express they don’t like people hugging Side-Show Bob? Side-Show Bob is a fellow Republican if you remember that one Simpsons episode with the Rush Limbaugh like guy.
I think you people should have a choice if this blog is added to my ever-expanding blogroll. So here is your vote:
POLL CLOSED: Results here.
Remember to first check the blog out before voting. The way to tell if a blog is good is to look for insightful commentary, witty humor, and plenty of links to me.
Just for having a poll that doesn’t work, I”m going to vote for more monkeys after you’ve fixed it.
The poll worked for me. You must be stupid, stupid.
I spoke too soon…to atone, I will personally go and kill Scott Ott for you.
Ok, the monkey joke was funny the first time, but I can’t believe you ppl are still voting for the monkey! Shame on you! This is a serious topic! LOL I voted to link to the blog.
If I had to compete against the monkey, so does everyone else.
I’m spiteful.
Yea I don’t blame ya. Personally, I voted for homicidal Frank, because the idea of that look on Rumsfeld’s face was just too vivid to pass up. Down with the monkeys! 😀
Hey, If you include the monkey on the ballot of your own volition, don’t be surprised if he wins again… And immediately begins biting the visitors and flinging feces all over your site. Maybe it’s a half-baked attempt at “diversity”, but as long as you keep including monkeys on your polls I’ll keep voting for them because I am one sick, twisted bastard. Mwaahaa!
OTOH, you could always unleash your bloodthirsty monkeys on Michael Moore’s site. Even chimps could come up with more coherent thoughts than that corpulent charlatan.
I see how you are. Screw the Dog Snot. That’s ok.
You can compete against the monkey next.
The monkeys are winning. You’ll have to have Glenn start running them through a food processor.
… and I refuse to participate in one more vote whereby some pop-ups appear asking me if I want to know what has happened to my classmates (’71).
If I wanted to know what has happened to them, I’d go and look in the mass grave I buried them in.
If you donate money to IMAO, I’ll be able to upgrade my account so there are no ads 🙂
The curse of a thousands fleas upon you Frank!
The monkey, its all about the DAMNED monkey.
Oh what the hell, I’m voting for the monkey.
It was a difficult choice between linking them or more monkeys, but I had to go with the monkeys.
How come I don’t get any pop-up ads? They must know I’ve got no monkeys…er, I mean money.
The monkeys are winning again… now you know why we have an electoral college instead of a direct democratic popular vote…
not a good analogy dvgulliver – against the monkeys, SR wouldn’t even stand a ghost of a chance in Dade county, with punch ballots, despite all the hanging, pregnant, or just plain slightly inebriated chads in the world
That’s cheese! Noone can beat the monkey!
If an infinite number of monkeys punched an infinite number of ballots, do you think they’d eventually elect Pat Buchanan?
Why do people keep voting for monkeys? I hate monkeys! They are so……disgusting.
Also, Frank J., I don’t think that thing’s Sideshow Bob. It’s hair is too round to be Sideshow Bob. Bob’s hair is much more……fern-like 🙂
I hate monkeys. I’m telling you monkeys are evil. One by one the monkeys slowly steal my sanity.
It isn’t side show bob – its the international sign for ‘no tree huggers’
hey wait a second…monkeys hug trees all the time
Kill the little bastards!
I voted for the “kill them because they a threat” one. I think this Frank J. fellow should try to kill us.
We, at Silent Running, are watching you, Frank J.
And linking, if only for the damned filthy monkey pictures.
What’s with all these monkey lovers?!? Don’t worry though, Frank. I’m working on a clever plan to destroy all monkeys with holy fire. I’ve got the fire part, but for some reason, priests won’t bless it when they find out I’m going to destroy monkeys with it.
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