Ah, weeding; it brings one in touch with nature by destroying the parts of nature you aren’t particularly fond of.
Anyway, I would be remiss in not poing out a new BlogAds IMAO sponsor, as Frank has bills to pay. It’s Life, Liberty, Etc. which offers lots of merchandise to annoy liberals with… though the site seems to be down right now. I’ll look into that.
Also, I won as the best non-council link for The Council. I’m not sure exactly what that entails, but my guess is that it means I am the bestest, smartest blogger ever.
Also, one again I’m voting in the New Weblog Showcase for whom Susie tells me to. Check it out. We must beat those liberals!
One last thing: anyone know what I can do to stop the comment spammers?
UPDATE: I’ve now updated my MT software and have added the MT-Blacklist plugin and am in the process of removing all that spam. Soon, my it will be safe to scan my archives again.
“…particular found of”?
install the MT-Blacklist plugin. Stops annoying comment spammers cold.
Granted, it’s not as satisfying as breaking their knees, gut shooting them and leaving the on top of a nest of fire ants to be devoured, but it works.
It’s Saturday; I didn’t even do a spellcheck.
Stop requiring a bigger penis and\or home loan
Thanks. I just upgraded my MT and added that plugin.
I was going to recommend something that involved a pentagram, the blood of a martyr, and a rubber duck, but your way works too.
Yay! New Blog Showcase vote!
Double Yay! MT Blacklist! Kills Spam dead! Slices, dices and de-lices!
Now you have to watch out for the stealth ninja spammers, who leave a real-sounding name and comment, but a commercial url….
I am a new IMAO reader, and let me tell you, I can’t tell when your being serious or not.
1 point; your random qoute that China is the Big Evil. If oyu felt this way you would be for Gephardt, who will revise trade, (if you really understand anyhting about the ramifications of trade) and not Bush has is given them speacial status and a key to the international door of power.
please respond, i would like to hear you views.
Why don’t you.. figure it out, figure it out? If that even is your real name.
Whenever you type ‘blacklist’, you really must make “dun dun dunn”-sounding noises.
The trick to stopping spammers is to get your server to keep track of every IP address to which it sends your page and keep track of the ones that respond. Then trace the actual location and find the person associated. Finally, at the top of all your comments post the picture of that person’s head on a pole with a brief description of why. Heads on poles are cool.
Thanks figure it out for reminding me to update my quotes; they still only go up to Feb of last year.
Is this perhaps the work of a Zionist Conspiracy?
Nah, probably just Frank being forgetful and whatnot.
Off-topic: Have you seen the poll lately? 66% of people want a post of Chomps (Recgonized by Guiness as the World’s Angriest Dog ™) biting someone. DELIVER, PLEASE, FRANK!
Know how to stop the comment spammers?
Well, you have a number of options.
1)Leave the job to Buck and Robo-Patton.
2)Feed them Canadian beef.
3)Award the spammiest spammer a date with Helen Thomas.
4)Recommend them for a job as Whitehouse Press Secretary.
6)Put prayer shawls on them and send em
toward Israel!
5)Monkeys. Lots of them.
and make sure there’s a clearly stated succession plan for the “Win a Date with Helen Thomas” deal, otherwise only one spammer will run out in front of a truck or hang himself. They all need to know who’s next in line!
Grin I like it.
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