Trying to relax this weekend to no avail, but I would just like to tell you that regular posting resusmes tomorrow, starting with an In My World™ that’s already in the can awaiting my half-assed proofreading. See you then, ronin.
Good, I am in need of some severe John Kerry jokes….so I hope there are some! Don’t let me down Frank! I haven’t gotten any in a few days, and I’m developing a nervous twitch.
in my world is always my favorite i love it, well besides the i hate frank where you totally make fun of those left wing wingbats. anyways look forward to tomorrow’s post.
I always wanted to be first.
Your funny is Here
Good, I am in need of some severe John Kerry jokes….so I hope there are some! Don’t let me down Frank! I haven’t gotten any in a few days, and I’m developing a nervous twitch.
Have you seen This?
Yeah! Bring on the funnies!
joatmoaf, that was excellent!
Whew! Finally!! Hey, what about the announcement??????
There’a some kind of blog disease going around, worse than beal. Its some sort of a rest resistant beal.
yeah! we want an announcement!
not nice to tease us.
I nominated John Fn Kerry as CATSBRAIN of the WEEK!
in my world is always my favorite i love it, well besides the i hate frank where you totally make fun of those left wing wingbats. anyways look forward to tomorrow’s post.