It’s Time to Play the Blame Game!

Okay, everybody; stop what you’re doing. No more donating money, blood, or food until we get done what’s most important here: assigning blame.
Now, I experienced two destructive hurricanes last year, and, we had very little loss of life in our area. Why? Because we all agreed on who to blame. The first hurricane that hit Melbourne was because of the Jews. The second was because of the impending NHL lockout. Since we all had our blame in place, relief efforts worked smoothly.
Things are not going smoothly in New Orleans. Why? Because we are currently in a blame crisis. Most Americans don’t even seem to be aware they’re so supposed to be blaming people. Do they think hurricanes just happen by themselves, the fools?
Rapper Kanye West had his priorities straight. When invited for a telethon to raise money for hurricane Katrina victims, he did his best to put a stop to that foolishness of fundraising and instead let the American people know that Bush is to blame for this since he hates black people.
BLAME ITEM #1: Bush and his black hating.
I bet that stopped a number of people about to donate and made them think – think about blame. This is what is going to get us back on track.
But, there weren’t only failures in the federal government, but at the state and local governments as well.
BLAME ITEM #2: Gov. Kathleen Blanco and her black hating.
BLAME ITEM #3: Mayor Ray Nagin and his black hating.
Since local governments are most important in a crisis, it is obvious that Nagin hates black people more than anyone else. He should be put on suicide watch to make sure he doesn’t lynch himself.
This morning on the news, I saw New Orleans police trying to evacuate people. In their efforts, they tackled an unarmed woman. Guess which race she was?
New Orleans police hate white people! Didn’t they get the memo? Now, hating blacks is bad, but, if people aren’t all hating the same race, there is chaos.
BLAME ITEM #4: New Orleans police aren’t hating the appropriate race.
We’ve already got a lot of blame here, but it’s not all. is planning to use images of the disaster against the confirmation of John Roberts.
BLAME ITEM #5: Conservative judges.
Bet most of you missed that one. So what can you do to help make sure that others know to get to the business of blaming? Bumper stickers! If you follow the link, you’ll find a nice sticker that says, “The Blood of New Orleans is on Republican Hands.” You see, Republicans are responsible for Bush who is responsible for the hurricane. It’s quite true. We could have nominated someone else back in 2000, but we didn’t. Me, I was going to vote for McCain except that I think that primaries are for homos.
BLAME ITEM #6: Frank J. thinks primaries are for homos.
There, that’s plenty of blame. Before anymore relief efforts, we need to make sure people know who to blame. Think about it: What helps people without first assigning blame? German Shepherds do. Dolphins have.
In short: animals!
That’s right: If we start helping people before assigning blame, we’re no better than animals! It’s time for the victims of hurricane Katrina to wait while we have some congressional hearings like civilized human beings.


  1. Ah, yes. Kanye West, Ph.D., head of the National Association of Recording Artists Center for Domestic Policy. We really should listen to this guy. I’d love to see just how much of his millions he donated to African-American and underprivileged causes before Katrina. Probably nothing. I would have listened to someone like Bill Cosby or Russell Simmons, people who have actually put their money where their mouths are.

  2. As always, Frank you can be counted on to see the laces on the fastball in a funny sort of way! Hey where was Aquahomo when we needed him? I suppose HE really HATES POOR BLACK PEOPLE TOO?!?!?

  3. Of course we can blame the French! Even the Native Americans who lived in the area at the time told them, “Hey, this place floods when it rains! Hello!” Seems like the French have been deaf for about 300 years or so, at least.

  4. On the ad: Is it not apporopriate to point to an event that forces us to confront the racial inequality in this country as a means to address racial inequality in this country? Roberts is poised to become the highest judicial official in this country and racial inequality is the topic of the day (don’t worry, it will surely be pushed to the margins before any headway is made). The MoveOn campaign makes sense to me.
    On ‘I would have listened to Simmons, Cosby, but not West:’ Why does it matter who’s saying it? Should it not be that what is said is considered, not who said it? This seems to be an increasing trend among many conservatives: attacking the person because of what they’re saying, but not really addressing what it is that they are saying. Conservatives had issues with Clinton’s politics so the pary went after his sexual proclivities. Conservatives had issues with Dean’s politics so the media played and replayed his “yeeeaah!” moment until he looked so ridiculous that his campaign fell apart. The same can be said for Barack Obama: Alan Keyes claiming he isn’t really “African-American,” and due to that somehow not fit for office, because he isn’t the descendant of slaves. This isn’t a defense of these guys, just something I notice in conservative response to them. Personally, I think Clinton sucks and I think Obama is over-rated; Though I do believe Dean could have done some good things had he only practiced his “yeehaw” before he hit the road for the primaries.
    Forget who said it, where and when he said it, just tell me: what has George Bush done to better the situation of the impoverished and the black in this country?
    This is a serious inquiry and I really would like an answer. Thanks.

  5. And why is it his job to do so? Read some old unimportant documents, like, oh, say, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers… old dry musty things.
    The Federal Government is primarily responsible for defending the Nation against outside enemies (currently TERRORISTS, not “insurgents” or some such); the “common welfare” referred to does not mean handout checks every month because you’re allergic to work. Nor does it mean micromanaging your town’s security. That’s the job of local government. That’s why you go to the trouble of voting for them. Washington is not your Mommy and Daddy.

  6. We should not forget that the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and Federalist papers were written by slave-holders. As the Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights, is the only document of these that still holds any considerable authority in our country (except in judicial interpretation), we shouldn’t forget that these had to be ammended – both literally and in interpretation – so as to remedy the underlying white supremecist assumptions both explictly and implicitly in them that produced racial inequality in the first place. These are federal documents and they have been consulted and altered for the purpose of addressing issues of race; the federal government has historically taken on the responsibilty of addressing civil rights. As was the case in the Civil War, the Supreme Court decisions of the Civil Rights era, and so on.
    So why shouldn’t it be the President’s job? Furthermore, is it not his moral duty? To be certain, on my part this isn’t a partisan attack on Bush. I will say the same for the overwhelming majority of all elected officials regardless of their political affiliations, and in many cases even their race. Race and class are issues few people and even fewer politicians will confront.
    Secondly, welfare isn’t the only way of addressing class and it certainly isn’t a way of addressing racism because the majority of the people it provides for are white. The majority of the impoverished in this country are the working poor. Not allergic to work, but working low paying, insecure jobs, most without benefits or any semblance of upward mobility – not to mention, these are generally the most physically exerting jobs.
    I don’t want Washington to be my Mommy or my Daddy; I don’t want them to be my slaveholders either. If the federal government allowed the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights or the Federalist Papers decree social order without intervention, then they would be. This they have not done. They have intervened in history to promote social equality; they have accepted their moral obligation to do so. So why not now?
    The civil rights movement is far from over.
    Lastly, lets assume for a moment that, as you claim, the federal government has no responsibilty to social equality. The majority of the impoverished in this country live in so-called red states where the majority of the population tends to vote Republican [look it up]. If the responsibility of addressing these issue lies on local government, why, then, is the Republican party failing the poor and black in this country?
    As a follow up, if the primary responsibilty of the federal government is to defend the people’s safety, then why do they need to give so much money to generally Republican states who pay considerably less in taxes? What are the ‘red states’ using the money for and why is their still, despite all of the federal beef [see link above], still so much social inequality? This is really just another way of asking: why is the Republican Party failing their disproportionately impoverished consituency?
    Thanks for the response.

  7. Did someone just advocate federal takeover of any town/state governed by incompetent leaders?
    Man, that sure could have helped NYC during the Dinkins years. Not to mention many other times…
    …except I’m not sure that the federal government would have been much more competent at the job.

  8. Again I ask, where is Aquafag as the great city floods? Is he to be seen joining his queer pal Shaun Penn in helping to evacuate the poor and helpless???? NOOOOOOO!!!! He has obviously turned his girly man tail and swam away!!! I’m broken hearted!!!

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