Everyday Smells Like a Barbecue!

I had to drive through smog again on my way to work. How long can these brush and muck fires go on? Eventually, all of Florida will burn down and then the fires will run out of fuel, I guess.
Anyway, I already have a Know Thy Enemy: Brush Fires post for those affected, and it probably works for muck fires if you just substitues “much” for “brush.”


  1. Soon after I first moved to Titusville (in the spring/summer of 85) we had the St. John’s on fire to the west and MI on fire to the east. There was a three week period where we didn’t see the sky because of the smoke. I think that was the same year Melbourne/Palm Bay lost a bunch of houses to fire (Black Thursday or something like that). Of course, there’s always spring/summer of 98 when half of Florida was on fire. They evacuated Daytona Beach because they had fires on three sides and were afraid that the only way out would be by boat. The St. John’s west of Mims caught on fire that year. Came within about 2 miles of my mom’s house.
    Not to get you down, but this happens regularly. Moral of the story, don’t live on the edge of the wilderness. Firefighters will do a lot to save houses, though. And the fire makes it less likely that it’ll happen as bad, soon.
    Good luck!

  2. MMM… The smell of smoke as I drive in to work on I-95 in the morning. Zero visibility. Tractor-trailer pileups.
    My entire workplace smelling like a big ashtray. Ya gotta love Brevard county in the summer.
    Oh well, I guess that it could be as bad as it was in 1998.

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