Fun Trivia

Why do liberals have dumb monkey faces?

For punching.


  1. HA!
    I have said it before, and I will say it again.
    It has Liberals!
    It has Monkeys!
    It has Punching!
    What more do you need for humor?
    I tell you — this single joke will be your ticket to comedy fame Frank J.
    Just never sell out. That is all we ask.
    When the network censors tell you they want to change the joke to “slap” liberals, stand your ground. KEEP IT REAL!
    Your biggest fan!
    Liberals are Monkey Faced

  2. Silly Stella!
    He is not “repeating” it.
    Though the base of the joke remains the same, he always brings a new perspective or angle to “the joke”, revealing its infinite humor potential.
    Only a comic genius could pull this off.
    Thank you Frank! You are the best!
    Your biggest fan!
    Liberals Are Monkey Faced
    P.S. What happened to Frank J’s fan clubs? I went to sign up, and the latest posts at each were from August and October of 2005 respectively?
    Did a server go down? Where are all the posts from rabid Frank fans like me for the rest of 2005 and 2006?
    Can someone please fix this problem? I am sure thousands of Frank fans like me are eagerly awaiting these sites to be reactivated so we can get together and discuss his brillance!

  3. Can we make a rule going forward that when the liberal-faced monkey with no sense of humor makes his usual boring appearance, we just pretend he’s not there? All toddlers want is attention, so perhaps he’ll get tired of his infantile blathering and go bother Protein Wisdom.

  4. Ok, “punch the monkey” got old years ago in those stupid animated banner ads, it doesn’t look like it is going to do any better in this reincarnation.
    I know punching liberals is an idea with a certain appeal but it just wouldn’t work. You can’t literally ‘pound some sense’ into someone, especially anyone so dimwitted as to be a liberal/socialist/Democrat.

  5. You can’t literally ‘pound some sense’ into someone, especially anyone so dimwitted as to be a liberal/socialist/Democrat.
    The point isn’t to pound “sense” into socialists (or whatever their name of the day is). It’s for fun. Our fun!

  6. You know, I believe the clinically insane (but often correct) Michael Savage has the best name with “Commie-Pinko-Fags.”
    And I think you can literally “pound some sense” into someone. it just takes force. Much force. Put some work into it. Get a lot of distance for a smooth windup into the thrusting of fists. Follow this equation:
    F X D = W
    Force times Distance equals Work.
    So technically, if you punch enough commie pinko fags, you could be doing an actual fulltime job, since it is termed “work” in the physics sense.
    Also, the unit for Work is joules, pronounces “jewels.” Uhahahahaha. Jewels. Punching. The rest is up to you all.
    BTW, Frank, if you read this, do I need to sign up to use the 101st fighting keyboardists logo on my site, or can I just post it?

  7. Liberals are Monkey Faced
    I really takes a while to appreciate you, but you are indeed a funny man.
    The daily way you come here methodically to suck some sort of hateful, deviant satisfaction out of what is written here. You’re like the Nosferatu of Moonbats, waiting for feeding time. The writers here satirize the stereotypes liberals have about nasty little hayseed conservatives. In somewhat reverse fashion you feed off the exaggerated mockery thrown in your direction. It’s validation you seek. In your mind, the more outrageous and nasty the mockery these conservatives dish out the more it fits them. You’ve found your daily fix of superiority, just open up a vain and mainline that hate in.

  8. Neo-andertal:
    It seems you are confused. I am NOT a funny man.
    Frank J. IS a funny man! That is why I am his biggest fan!
    As far as the goals of the writers of this site, far be it from me to fully understand their methods or objectives.
    All I know is I do come to this site to mainline a fix — my fix for humor!
    Are you a big Frank J. fan too? Perhaps we can work together to fix the Frank J. club websites, (I still am horrified at the pain all of Frank J.’s fans must be going through, going to these sites and seeing all their loving comments about Frank J. from October 2005 on gone!) or organize a nationwide Frank J convention!
    If so, let me know!
    And Frank J. — keep the comedy coming!

  9. //You have insulted by bretheren for the last time! //
    You keep talking, Cheeta but we’re not seeing any action yet…HEY WAIT A MINUTE, A TALKING MONKEY!!! With Lawyers!! WOW!
    Now, as for Monkey Faced Liberal…I believe he’s giving your kind a bad name, Cheeta; best you go after him.

  10. Neo-andertal:
    I do not see why you think I am funny.
    But if I am half as funny as Frank J., I would bless my lucky stars!
    Enough talk about me though. Lets talk about the person who brings us all together on this site with his side-spliting comic stylings — Frank J.
    Which venue do you think would be the best way for him to spread his comic brillance?
    -Stand-up Comedy Concert Tour
    -Late-Night Network Comedy Show
    -Sitcom (with spacemonkey as the “crazy neighbor”)
    You know my vote!
    All four!
    Frank J’s biggest fan!
    Liberals are Monkey Faced

  11. I have to admit, I’m starting to warm to Monkey Face. It’s not really very funny on purpose, but it definitely is very funny.
    It thinks it’s witty and being all intellectually superior but it really is just a sad, pathetic little loser with absolutely no sense of humor.
    Being fairly evil, I find that pretty darn funny.
    I do wonder if it’s actually a FrankJ production. Or, more probably, a Laurence Simon production. If not, why hasn’t FrankJ just started rewriting its posts into something intentionally funny instead of ironically funny?

  12. Funny! Comparing liberals to us! Real funny! We’ll see who has the last laugh when my joooo lawyer gets done with you guys for defamation of character and anything we can come up with! We have put up with alot from you humans – the circus, zoos, organ grinders (my personal “pet” peeve) but now we are drawing the line. My brother called (Kong) and he’s really pissed and he’s joining the lawsuit. He said if it doesn’t go our way he’s going to seek retribution his way…what ever that means…

  13. Veeshir:
    You seem confused. I am just a simple fan of Frank J. I am not trying to be witty and intellectually superior.
    I leave that to the experts — like Frank J. He is so funny!
    As far as being a “sad, pathetic little loser” — who knows? And really, who cares?
    All I (and I am sure you — you are a big Frank J. fan, I can tell!) care about is enjoying Frank J.’s amazing comedy!
    I am an addict for Frank J.’s comedy. A FrankJoholic, so to speak. (sorry, bad joke on my part. I don’t have Frank J’s skill!)
    I think you are a big Frank J. fan as well. Given this, do you want to help me build the new Frank J. Fan Club (Version 3) with me?
    It seems Versions 1 and 2 aren’t working. Most likely those sneaky stupid monkey faced liberals went and broke them.
    I wish I could punch them! In the face!
    That would be funny!
    I am not sure I can trust you — since you say you are evil — but, any fan of Frank J.’s comedy is a friend of mine!
    Liberals are Monkey Faced
    (Frank J.’ biggest fan!)

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