I don’t know if the Constitution allows a dog to become President, but I think Patton takes a lot of brave stances and could get my vote.
I don’t know if the Constitution allows a dog to become President, but I think Patton takes a lot of brave stances and could get my vote.
Well, I don’t see any reason why not, as long as the dog is at least 35 years old and a natural-born citizen of the United States, and all that other Constitutional mumbo-jumbo.
Hmm…reading it (the Constitution) now, it looks like all those age requirements are meant to keep animals out of office! It’s speciesism, I say! They obviously couldn’t see to our time, when many a dog would be better than our current “human” politicos.
Turtles, Parrots and Certain Apes would be eligible, since they often reach ages similar to human.s
Actually, the 35 year old age requirement only bars most animals from the White House. Some species live well beyond the 35year minimum: parrots, turtles, elephants….
Yeah, like we want a turtle as President, and we’ve already had parrots. I think I can let apes go without a mention.
I would support anyone who takes the squirrel menace seriously. Those bushy-tailed little rodents have eaten one batch of birdseed to many!
Patton in ’08.
Arf arf arf, raar ruff woof arf.
Translation: “I’m Patton, and I approved this message.”
How long do bears live? I mean the monkey-eatin’ kind.
Don’t forget elephants 🙂
Life span of approx 50 years.
We have more than enough animals in positions of authority already.
Tedius Kennidus- known by his inability to walk a straight line or to touch a finger to his nose.
Patricus Kennidus- a sub specius of above, known to drive cars into barriers then claiming no knowledge of same
Peloisanna- recognizable by her mating call “Bushlied, bushlied”
Harrus Reidasaurus- a animal searching for a tarpit of his very own. Recognized by a shifty eyed stance and beligerent, vicious call.
Howard Deanity, also known by his call- Ahgggggggggggggggg. Approach with caution, this animal is extremely vicious and unstable.
There are more animals in the jungle inside the beltway but I’ll need much more grant money to explore further. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge – say no more, say no more!!!!