Because Iowans also like the taste of horsemeat?
United Animal Nations(UAN) today asked presidential candidate and Iowa caucus winner Mike Huckabee to educate himself about horse slaughter and reconsider consuming a Dutch
horsemeat dish, which he recently described as tasting “like chicken.”
Q: Why did so many Iowans come out for Mike Huckabee?
A: cuzz they just like oh so many publicanz who will vote 4 huk. GOP leadr booosh tell religious peeps u can has our trust. o rly u can. u can trust us so so mooch. tho GOP trickz religious peeps. lie to they and do unjesuz like thingz like drop Hoog bombs and givez mega bux to hoog giant corps. Nowz religoos peepz nah trust liar GOP. They waan neokon GOP to suk it. They waan ultra conservtivz like limbauu to suk it. they waan U to suk it. gop try trickz jesuz fish and nowz jesus fish turn roun and bite ulta rite wing conservtivz in ass.
so what gonna happenz is u limbauu conservtivz r gonna hav ta suk it and suk it hardz as hukbee winz and fraud thomper gets him butt kicked and becumz hoog jok and all folkz laff at he jok campaign. all folkz laff at rite wing losas and limbauu jokhead sukas.
Guys, get over it. Huckabee is not a big deal; he’s not going anywhere. These just aren’t that funny. You look like you’re stamping your little feeties and yelling into your empty chocoloate milk sippy cups because mommy said it was bedtime.
Between you and Rush and the now totally insane Hugh Hewitt, it’s like a big section of the conservative blogosphere and media have piled into a bus and driven it off a cliff.
Well said, Cat!
It seems like these guys are so peeved at Thompson’s lame performance that they are willing to drive anyone who likes Huckabee out of the party. I can’t imagine a dumber strategy.
Some in the Christian movement have already as much as said that they will form a third party if Giuliani gets the nomination. So what do some of these people do? “Hey, let’s insult their religion and their intelligence and make snide remarks about Jesus Fish. Yeah, that’ll win them back and get them to come out in November.”
Note to all, the only reason we aren’t discussing President Kerry right now is because Christians came out in droves to support Bush in spite of misgivings about the war and everything else. It seems that certain elements want to insult them into staying home or going third party next time.
You guys always bring up Giuliani to make a contrast with Huckabee, but this is being intellectually dishonest on the part of evangelicals, since you would also have a tough time voting for Romney (a man who is as squeaky clean as they come, morally and religiously speaking, but not of your faith). This leads the rest of us to believe that the only reason you are voting for Huckabee is because of his religious message. If true, this is as lame as voting for Obama because of his skin color or Hillary because she has two X chromosomes. Encourage Huckabee to start his own ministry if you like his message, because in the REAL world there is no place for Jesus’ “turning the other cheek” philosophy…yeah, that worked REAL well in Clinton’s response to the Cole bombing, etc.
#8 – Posted by: JoeB131 on January 5, 2008 08:36 AM
Stoopid Troll. Goes Away, you is teh stoopid.
No one has insulted your stoopid religion. Saying things over and over doesn’t make them true stoopid troll. No one has insulted your intelligence, because you can’t insult something that doesn’t exist. If you weren’t a stoopid troll you’d know that.
OK, if they weren’t voting for Suckabee because of his professed love of Jesus, then why?
Because they like guys who play guitar?
Because they have a knee jerk Hoping reaction to vote for anyone who says he’s from Hope?
Because they were mezmerized by eerie floating bookcases in ads?
Because they were impressed by his miraculous ability to show an attack ad and not show an attack ad at same time?
It couldn’t be because he is a down home good guy, because he is a lying phony huckster. Maybe they were just taken in by him for awhile because of their good honest folk innocence. I hope they tar and feather him once they figure it out.
#11 – Posted by: reality intrudes on January 5, 2008 11:43 AM
I believe he plays the Bass, not guitar. The Guitar is far to awesome for him.
Tar and feathering people is fun, but for some reason it reminds me of Ron Paul supporters.
People choose their faith, they don’t choose their skin color or sex. That’s what separates the Huckabee surge from identity politics on the left. People are supporting him because of what he believes and how he’s chosen to live his life, not because of how he was born.
I remain undecided in this race because I think all the candidates, including Huck, have serious flaws. However, the anti-Christian rhetoric coming from some quarters of the GOP is both wrong and harmful, and I hope it is quelled before it can do serious damage to the party.
#13 – Posted by: Nathan on January 5, 2008 01:58 PM
“Anti-Christian rhetoric” Yah, there sure is a lot of that! Its so totally existent that the claim isn’t just an attempt to stop people from criticizing the Huckster.
So, pointing out that the Huckster is pro-amnesty, pro-tax, and likes to release murderers from prison is anti-Christian rhetoric now. Why don’t you just call us racist, sexist, homophobes for those same points? It’s just as intellectually honest.
You guys always bring up Giuliani to make a contrast with Huckabee, but this is being intellectually dishonest on the part of evangelicals, since you would also have a tough time voting for Romney (a man who is as squeaky clean as they come, morally and religiously speaking, but not of your faith). This leads the rest of us to believe that the only reason you are voting for Huckabee is because of his religious message. If true, this is as lame as voting for Obama because of his skin color or Hillary because she has two X chromosomes. Encourage Huckabee to start his own ministry if you like his message, because in the REAL world there is no place for Jesus’ “turning the other cheek” philosophy…yeah, that worked REAL well in Clinton’s response to the Cole bombing, etc.
#9 – Posted by: DrJimATL on January 5, 2008 10:19 AM>>>
Actually, I bring up Guiliani because I consider him the only really serious contender. I don’t dwell too much on Romney because he’s probably done after Tuesday. My problem with ROmney is that I think that he’s kind of a phony, since he wasn’t a conservative governor. And, yes, I have my suspicions about Mormonism, because they truly do believe some strange things, and Romney has been pretty evasive about how much of it he believes…
Oh, and for the record, I’m not an evangelical, I’m a Catholic. Even though Guiliani is a fellow Catholic, the fact is that he doesn’t share my values politically and his personal conduct is sort of reprehensible. So while I realize you think repeating “identity politics” is very clever, it really isn’t. It’s about issues, values and character for me, not which church someone goes to.
I don’t think that Huck would “turn the other cheek” (more Christian mocking) in dealing with terrorism. I think he will deal with the problem as strongly as any of the others. The bigger problem is that what we are doing isn’t sustainable. The Isrealis have been fighting terrorists for 40 years. Do you really think we can sustain what we are currently doing for 40 years? I don’t.
And, yes, I have my suspicions about Mormonism, because they truly do believe some strange things, and Romney has been pretty evasive about how much of it he believes…
Mormons believe some strange things? And you’re a Catholic?
Now, that’s the most hilarious thing I’ve heard in a long time! Quite amusing for a troll.
So, pointing out that the Huckster is pro-amnesty, pro-tax, and likes to release murderers from prison is anti-Christian rhetoric now. Why don’t you just call us racist, sexist, homophobes for those same points? It’s just as intellectually honest.
#15 – Posted by: Master Shake on January 5, 2008 04:43 PM
Then why don’t you (and not necessarily you personally, but others on this board) discuss Amnesty/Taxes/Clemency rather than making comments about Jesus Fish and inbred Iowans?
None of the candidates are pure on Amnesty. Fred has said it is impossible to deport 12 million. McCain sponsored the Shamnesty bill. Romney hired illegals to work on his house, and Rudy gave sanctuary to illegals in NYC. So you want to give Huckabee grief because he suggested (not enacted) tuition for the children of illegals who graduated from AR high schools? I’m willing to give all of these guys a pass that they were working within the context of an immigration system that has been broken for decades.
On Clemency, he gave clemency to 12 murderers during a period where hundreds of them earned parole. Since no one has actually posted case studies, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that perhaps he was correcting inadequecies in the system. He also signed more death warrents than any of his predecessors and had record numbers in the correctional system.
I live in a state where the last GOP governor had to commute 168 death sentences because the system was so broken that more men were falsely convicted than executed. Were Huckabee’s 12 cases of that nature? I don’t know. I don’t think any of you know, either.
Taxes is too big a subject to address here so I will defer.
And, yes, I have my suspicions about Mormonism, because they truly do believe some strange things, and Romney has been pretty evasive about how much of it he believes…
Mormons believe some strange things? And you’re a Catholic?
Now, that’s the most hilarious thing I’ve heard in a long time! Quite amusing for a troll.
Not sure what you are implying… That Catholics also believe some strange things. (Actually, most of us don’t, we just humor our clergy.) Regardless, since Catholics where here first, I would say our beliefs are closer to Jesus. However, most protestants and evangelicals I know are pretty normal and straightforward.
That said, Lost Tribes of Israel in the Americas, Elephants and Horses, Angel Moroni and Golden Tablets, black people cursed by God (and not allowed to be Church members until 1978), Magic Underwear. Yeah, a lot of what Mormons believe is just weird. Oh, yeah, and then there’s Joseph Smith’s prophecy the Church will supercede the constitutional government. Personally, I’d like to know how much of this Romney believes before I put him in charge of that Constitutional government.
(Besides, I thought this was the Fred site, not the Romney site.)
#19 – Posted by: JoeB131 on January 5, 2008 05:30 PM
Because we also have a problem with how he uses Christianity, and we like making fun of stoopid inbred people like Iowans.
“My problem with ROmney is that I think that he’s kind of a phony, since he wasn’t a conservative governor.”—JoeB131
I don’t know about you but I, as do most conservatives, see tax increases as liberal policy, and former Govenor Huckabee sure did plenty of that:
–The Club for Growth
JoeB131, on the one hand, your say “It’s about issues, values and character for me, not which church someone goes to.”, yet on the other you say “And, yes, I have my suspicions about Mormonism, because they truly do believe some strange things”…Who is the Christian-basher now, hmmmmm?!
…OK, one more time…
Immediately upon taking office, Governor Huckabee signed a sales tax hike in 1996 to fund the Games and Fishing Commission and the Department of Parks and Tourism. He supported an internet sales tax in 2001. He publicly opposed the repeal of a sales tax on groceries and medicine in 2002. He signed bills raising taxes on gasoline (1999), cigarettes (2003), and a $5.25 per day bed-tax on private nursing home patients in 2001. He proposed another sales take hike in 2002 to fund education improvements. He opposed a congressional measure to ban internet taxes in 2003. In 2004, he allowed a 17% sales tax increase to become law.
JoeB131, on the one hand, your say “It’s about issues, values and character for me, not which church someone goes to.”, yet on the other you say “And, yes, I have my suspicions about Mormonism, because they truly do believe some strange things”…Who is the Christian-basher now, hmmmmm?!
#23 – Posted by: DrJimATL on January 5, 2008 06:24 PM
Well, I don’t consider Mormons to really be Christians. They are a heretical cult founded by a convicted con man.
And as I have stated in other places, Mormons really do believe some strange stuff. Before my fellow Catholic JFK could become president, he had to assure people that he wasn’t going to be dictated to by the Pope in Rome. That was a reasonable question. I also think it’s perfectly reasonable to ask Gov. Huckabee if he really believes the world popped into existence 6000 years ago. Asking Romney if he really believes Joseph Smith’s prophecy that Constitutional government would “hang by a thread” and it would fall upon the Church of Latter Day Saints to become the government is also fair game.
Well gee, JoeB131, a lot of people don’t think Catholics are Christians either. Why should we listen to lectures from someone such as yourself, when you have confessed to being a follower of a Satanic cult?
(Note that I am merely citing this as background for how hilarious I find JoeB131 calling someone else’s religion strange. Those of you who believe in man-made religions can argue about who is a heretic or a “true Christian” well enough without my help….)
Well gee, JoeB131, a lot of people don’t think Catholics are Christians either. Why should we listen to lectures from someone such as yourself, when you have confessed to being a follower of a Satanic cult?
(Note that I am merely citing this as background for how hilarious I find JoeB131 calling someone else’s religion strange. Those of you who believe in man-made religions can argue about who is a heretic or a “true Christian” well enough without my help….)
#28 – Posted by: Master Shake on January 5, 2008 08:02 PM
There’s a major difference. We can establish the origins of the Mormon Church with a fair degree of accuracy. We can establish that Smith’s translation of the so-called Book of Abraham was a mistranslation of an Egyptian funerary scroll. (Essentially, he never got close on the text and just interpreted the pictures to support his view.)
We can establish that the Nehite civilization that Smith discussed in the Book of Mormon left no archeological evidence. we can establish there were no horses or elephants in the New World prior to Columbus, which is contrary to what is in the Book of Mormon.
On the other hand, we can establish with a fair amount of certainty that someone named Jesus existed in 1st century Judea, and founded a religion.
And again, Catholicism existed before any of the other religions. Everyone else is an offshoot. Now you can argue that the Catholic Church has lost its way, but you can’t argue that Joseph Smith was given a true an accurate account of pre-Columbian Hebrews in the New World. Absolutely no science backs it up.
But this is Gov. Romney’s beliefs, which he is being totally evasive on. If he said something like, “I think that there is a lot of questionable stuff in the Book of Mormon, but the bigger lessons are important”, I don’t think I’d have much of a problem with him. I’d probably say the same about the Catechism or even the Bible itself. Instead, he evades. I have more respect for a man who is straighforward in his beliefs, even if I disagree with them, than one who tries to parse his beliefs.
Poor Masta Shack duz nah relize that he b stuck on huk’s jesuz fish jus like a fliez on flyz papa. u can nah shakez loose of d jesuz fish nowz masta shaka. u bought jesuz fish 4 goood when u buyd booosh menstratoon in 00
Damzn. so obviooz what i tellz u. Rov builtz the jesuz fish networkz and make it hoog n strongz to helpz booosh menstratoon. nowz u force to ridz it wiff crazee huk. u suk’n on huk cuzz o karl rov. c d ooorl
Two words: Fair Tax.
If any of the other RePUBICans can correct their rectal-cranial inversions and support it, then they deserve consideration.
Simply put, there is NO other legislation that represents such a large transfer of power back to the People.
Har har har, didja see dat? He leevs out de “l” & all caps PUBIC in republican! Him zing us! Me humbuld. We no match for fayr tax smarti-brayn, eksept that itz reely just mor soshalist boolshit abowt “Powur bak 2 de peepel”.
I write like that for the benefit of #35 because the fair tax B.S. is a staple taught in PUBLIC schools, where that’s how .jpg would have come across in his spelling today if it weren’t for auto spell-check. I’m betting it was easier for him to sound out the bigger words my way first… hooked on phonics & all.
Because Iowans also like the taste of horsemeat?
United Animal Nations(UAN) today asked presidential candidate and Iowa caucus winner Mike Huckabee to educate himself about horse slaughter and reconsider consuming a Dutch
horsemeat dish, which he recently described as tasting “like chicken.”
What is wrong with eating horse?
Q: Why did so many Iowans come out for Mike Huckabee?
A: cuzz they just like oh so many publicanz who will vote 4 huk. GOP leadr booosh tell religious peeps u can has our trust. o rly u can. u can trust us so so mooch. tho GOP trickz religious peeps. lie to they and do unjesuz like thingz like drop Hoog bombs and givez mega bux to hoog giant corps. Nowz religoos peepz nah trust liar GOP. They waan neokon GOP to suk it. They waan ultra conservtivz like limbauu to suk it. they waan U to suk it. gop try trickz jesuz fish and nowz jesus fish turn roun and bite ulta rite wing conservtivz in ass.
so what gonna happenz is u limbauu conservtivz r gonna hav ta suk it and suk it hardz as hukbee winz and fraud thomper gets him butt kicked and becumz hoog jok and all folkz laff at he jok campaign. all folkz laff at rite wing losas and limbauu jokhead sukas.
They “came out” because they confused him with Silky Pony?
#2. Because it’s discusting. That’s my pet!!!
I just don’t like the idea of it. Or cat, or Dog.
Bah, cat tastes fine, and I am sure horse is just as good as cow.
Guys, get over it. Huckabee is not a big deal; he’s not going anywhere. These just aren’t that funny. You look like you’re stamping your little feeties and yelling into your empty chocoloate milk sippy cups because mommy said it was bedtime.
Between you and Rush and the now totally insane Hugh Hewitt, it’s like a big section of the conservative blogosphere and media have piled into a bus and driven it off a cliff.
Well said, Cat!
It seems like these guys are so peeved at Thompson’s lame performance that they are willing to drive anyone who likes Huckabee out of the party. I can’t imagine a dumber strategy.
Some in the Christian movement have already as much as said that they will form a third party if Giuliani gets the nomination. So what do some of these people do? “Hey, let’s insult their religion and their intelligence and make snide remarks about Jesus Fish. Yeah, that’ll win them back and get them to come out in November.”
Note to all, the only reason we aren’t discussing President Kerry right now is because Christians came out in droves to support Bush in spite of misgivings about the war and everything else. It seems that certain elements want to insult them into staying home or going third party next time.
You guys always bring up Giuliani to make a contrast with Huckabee, but this is being intellectually dishonest on the part of evangelicals, since you would also have a tough time voting for Romney (a man who is as squeaky clean as they come, morally and religiously speaking, but not of your faith). This leads the rest of us to believe that the only reason you are voting for Huckabee is because of his religious message. If true, this is as lame as voting for Obama because of his skin color or Hillary because she has two X chromosomes. Encourage Huckabee to start his own ministry if you like his message, because in the REAL world there is no place for Jesus’ “turning the other cheek” philosophy…yeah, that worked REAL well in Clinton’s response to the Cole bombing, etc.
#8 – Posted by: JoeB131 on January 5, 2008 08:36 AM
Stoopid Troll. Goes Away, you is teh stoopid.
No one has insulted your stoopid religion. Saying things over and over doesn’t make them true stoopid troll. No one has insulted your intelligence, because you can’t insult something that doesn’t exist. If you weren’t a stoopid troll you’d know that.
OK, if they weren’t voting for Suckabee because of his professed love of Jesus, then why?
Because they like guys who play guitar?
Because they have a knee jerk Hoping reaction to vote for anyone who says he’s from Hope?
Because they were mezmerized by eerie floating bookcases in ads?
Because they were impressed by his miraculous ability to show an attack ad and not show an attack ad at same time?
It couldn’t be because he is a down home good guy, because he is a lying phony huckster. Maybe they were just taken in by him for awhile because of their good honest folk innocence. I hope they tar and feather him once they figure it out.
#11 – Posted by: reality intrudes on January 5, 2008 11:43 AM
I believe he plays the Bass, not guitar. The Guitar is far to awesome for him.
Tar and feathering people is fun, but for some reason it reminds me of Ron Paul supporters.
People choose their faith, they don’t choose their skin color or sex. That’s what separates the Huckabee surge from identity politics on the left. People are supporting him because of what he believes and how he’s chosen to live his life, not because of how he was born.
I remain undecided in this race because I think all the candidates, including Huck, have serious flaws. However, the anti-Christian rhetoric coming from some quarters of the GOP is both wrong and harmful, and I hope it is quelled before it can do serious damage to the party.
#13 – Posted by: Nathan on January 5, 2008 01:58 PM
“Anti-Christian rhetoric” Yah, there sure is a lot of that! Its so totally existent that the claim isn’t just an attempt to stop people from criticizing the Huckster.
So, pointing out that the Huckster is pro-amnesty, pro-tax, and likes to release murderers from prison is anti-Christian rhetoric now. Why don’t you just call us racist, sexist, homophobes for those same points? It’s just as intellectually honest.
There is nothing wrong with supporting Huckabee if you’re an inbred moron.
You guys always bring up Giuliani to make a contrast with Huckabee, but this is being intellectually dishonest on the part of evangelicals, since you would also have a tough time voting for Romney (a man who is as squeaky clean as they come, morally and religiously speaking, but not of your faith). This leads the rest of us to believe that the only reason you are voting for Huckabee is because of his religious message. If true, this is as lame as voting for Obama because of his skin color or Hillary because she has two X chromosomes. Encourage Huckabee to start his own ministry if you like his message, because in the REAL world there is no place for Jesus’ “turning the other cheek” philosophy…yeah, that worked REAL well in Clinton’s response to the Cole bombing, etc.
#9 – Posted by: DrJimATL on January 5, 2008 10:19 AM>>>
Actually, I bring up Guiliani because I consider him the only really serious contender. I don’t dwell too much on Romney because he’s probably done after Tuesday. My problem with ROmney is that I think that he’s kind of a phony, since he wasn’t a conservative governor. And, yes, I have my suspicions about Mormonism, because they truly do believe some strange things, and Romney has been pretty evasive about how much of it he believes…
Oh, and for the record, I’m not an evangelical, I’m a Catholic. Even though Guiliani is a fellow Catholic, the fact is that he doesn’t share my values politically and his personal conduct is sort of reprehensible. So while I realize you think repeating “identity politics” is very clever, it really isn’t. It’s about issues, values and character for me, not which church someone goes to.
I don’t think that Huck would “turn the other cheek” (more Christian mocking) in dealing with terrorism. I think he will deal with the problem as strongly as any of the others. The bigger problem is that what we are doing isn’t sustainable. The Isrealis have been fighting terrorists for 40 years. Do you really think we can sustain what we are currently doing for 40 years? I don’t.
And, yes, I have my suspicions about Mormonism, because they truly do believe some strange things, and Romney has been pretty evasive about how much of it he believes…
Mormons believe some strange things? And you’re a Catholic?
Now, that’s the most hilarious thing I’ve heard in a long time! Quite amusing for a troll.
So, pointing out that the Huckster is pro-amnesty, pro-tax, and likes to release murderers from prison is anti-Christian rhetoric now. Why don’t you just call us racist, sexist, homophobes for those same points? It’s just as intellectually honest.
#15 – Posted by: Master Shake on January 5, 2008 04:43 PM
Then why don’t you (and not necessarily you personally, but others on this board) discuss Amnesty/Taxes/Clemency rather than making comments about Jesus Fish and inbred Iowans?
None of the candidates are pure on Amnesty. Fred has said it is impossible to deport 12 million. McCain sponsored the Shamnesty bill. Romney hired illegals to work on his house, and Rudy gave sanctuary to illegals in NYC. So you want to give Huckabee grief because he suggested (not enacted) tuition for the children of illegals who graduated from AR high schools? I’m willing to give all of these guys a pass that they were working within the context of an immigration system that has been broken for decades.
On Clemency, he gave clemency to 12 murderers during a period where hundreds of them earned parole. Since no one has actually posted case studies, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that perhaps he was correcting inadequecies in the system. He also signed more death warrents than any of his predecessors and had record numbers in the correctional system.
I live in a state where the last GOP governor had to commute 168 death sentences because the system was so broken that more men were falsely convicted than executed. Were Huckabee’s 12 cases of that nature? I don’t know. I don’t think any of you know, either.
Taxes is too big a subject to address here so I will defer.
I revere the Star Goat for bringing life to Earth. But, boy, those Mormons sure believe strange things….
And, yes, I have my suspicions about Mormonism, because they truly do believe some strange things, and Romney has been pretty evasive about how much of it he believes…
Mormons believe some strange things? And you’re a Catholic?
Now, that’s the most hilarious thing I’ve heard in a long time! Quite amusing for a troll.
Not sure what you are implying… That Catholics also believe some strange things. (Actually, most of us don’t, we just humor our clergy.) Regardless, since Catholics where here first, I would say our beliefs are closer to Jesus. However, most protestants and evangelicals I know are pretty normal and straightforward.
That said, Lost Tribes of Israel in the Americas, Elephants and Horses, Angel Moroni and Golden Tablets, black people cursed by God (and not allowed to be Church members until 1978), Magic Underwear. Yeah, a lot of what Mormons believe is just weird. Oh, yeah, and then there’s Joseph Smith’s prophecy the Church will supercede the constitutional government. Personally, I’d like to know how much of this Romney believes before I put him in charge of that Constitutional government.
(Besides, I thought this was the Fred site, not the Romney site.)
#19 – Posted by: JoeB131 on January 5, 2008 05:30 PM
Because we also have a problem with how he uses Christianity, and we like making fun of stoopid inbred people like Iowans.
“My problem with ROmney is that I think that he’s kind of a phony, since he wasn’t a conservative governor.”—JoeB131
I don’t know about you but I, as do most conservatives, see tax increases as liberal policy, and former Govenor Huckabee sure did plenty of that:
Sorry, most of that didn’t come through…must have been the bullet points…
–The Club for Growth
…OK, one more time…
Immediately upon taking office, Governor Huckabee signed a sales tax hike in 1996 to fund the Games and Fishing Commission and the Department of Parks and Tourism. He supported an internet sales tax in 2001. He publicly opposed the repeal of a sales tax on groceries and medicine in 2002. He signed bills raising taxes on gasoline (1999), cigarettes (2003), and a $5.25 per day bed-tax on private nursing home patients in 2001. He proposed another sales take hike in 2002 to fund education improvements. He opposed a congressional measure to ban internet taxes in 2003. In 2004, he allowed a 17% sales tax increase to become law.
JoeB131, on the one hand, your say “It’s about issues, values and character for me, not which church someone goes to.”, yet on the other you say “And, yes, I have my suspicions about Mormonism, because they truly do believe some strange things”…Who is the Christian-basher now, hmmmmm?!
#23 – Posted by: DrJimATL on January 5, 2008 06:24 PM
Well, I don’t consider Mormons to really be Christians. They are a heretical cult founded by a convicted con man.
And as I have stated in other places, Mormons really do believe some strange stuff. Before my fellow Catholic JFK could become president, he had to assure people that he wasn’t going to be dictated to by the Pope in Rome. That was a reasonable question. I also think it’s perfectly reasonable to ask Gov. Huckabee if he really believes the world popped into existence 6000 years ago. Asking Romney if he really believes Joseph Smith’s prophecy that Constitutional government would “hang by a thread” and it would fall upon the Church of Latter Day Saints to become the government is also fair game.
Well gee, JoeB131, a lot of people don’t think Catholics are Christians either. Why should we listen to lectures from someone such as yourself, when you have confessed to being a follower of a Satanic cult?
(Note that I am merely citing this as background for how hilarious I find JoeB131 calling someone else’s religion strange. Those of you who believe in man-made religions can argue about who is a heretic or a “true Christian” well enough without my help….)
Well gee, JoeB131, a lot of people don’t think Catholics are Christians either. Why should we listen to lectures from someone such as yourself, when you have confessed to being a follower of a Satanic cult?
(Note that I am merely citing this as background for how hilarious I find JoeB131 calling someone else’s religion strange. Those of you who believe in man-made religions can argue about who is a heretic or a “true Christian” well enough without my help….)
#28 – Posted by: Master Shake on January 5, 2008 08:02 PM
There’s a major difference. We can establish the origins of the Mormon Church with a fair degree of accuracy. We can establish that Smith’s translation of the so-called Book of Abraham was a mistranslation of an Egyptian funerary scroll. (Essentially, he never got close on the text and just interpreted the pictures to support his view.)
We can establish that the Nehite civilization that Smith discussed in the Book of Mormon left no archeological evidence. we can establish there were no horses or elephants in the New World prior to Columbus, which is contrary to what is in the Book of Mormon.
On the other hand, we can establish with a fair amount of certainty that someone named Jesus existed in 1st century Judea, and founded a religion.
And again, Catholicism existed before any of the other religions. Everyone else is an offshoot. Now you can argue that the Catholic Church has lost its way, but you can’t argue that Joseph Smith was given a true an accurate account of pre-Columbian Hebrews in the New World. Absolutely no science backs it up.
But this is Gov. Romney’s beliefs, which he is being totally evasive on. If he said something like, “I think that there is a lot of questionable stuff in the Book of Mormon, but the bigger lessons are important”, I don’t think I’d have much of a problem with him. I’d probably say the same about the Catechism or even the Bible itself. Instead, he evades. I have more respect for a man who is straighforward in his beliefs, even if I disagree with them, than one who tries to parse his beliefs.
Poor Masta Shack duz nah relize that he b stuck on huk’s jesuz fish jus like a fliez on flyz papa. u can nah shakez loose of d jesuz fish nowz masta shaka. u bought jesuz fish 4 goood when u buyd booosh menstratoon in 00
@ #30
Lol, what?
You got me, Rubeus. Maybe Scary Evil Monkey is off his meds and posting as Wrrrr. I prefer salmon – I’ve never had jezus fish before….
Damzn. so obviooz what i tellz u. Rov builtz the jesuz fish networkz and make it hoog n strongz to helpz booosh menstratoon. nowz u force to ridz it wiff crazee huk. u suk’n on huk cuzz o karl rov. c d ooorl
Now that I’m homeschooling, I think I’ll use Wrrrr’s comments as an exercise for my children to correct spelling and grammar.
Two words: Fair Tax.
If any of the other RePUBICans can correct their rectal-cranial inversions and support it, then they deserve consideration.
Simply put, there is NO other legislation that represents such a large transfer of power back to the People.
Har har har, didja see dat? He leevs out de “l” & all caps PUBIC in republican! Him zing us! Me humbuld. We no match for fayr tax smarti-brayn, eksept that itz reely just mor soshalist boolshit abowt “Powur bak 2 de peepel”.
I write like that for the benefit of #35 because the fair tax B.S. is a staple taught in PUBLIC schools, where that’s how .jpg would have come across in his spelling today if it weren’t for auto spell-check. I’m betting it was easier for him to sound out the bigger words my way first… hooked on phonics & all.