On to South Carolina

Fred Thompson is heading to South Carolina to make his stand:

2008 can still be awesome, so if you have some money, throw it Fred Thompson’s way to help get the only conservative running elected (who I also happen to have a t-shirt design for which you can buy with any money you have left over after donating the legal limit to Fred Thompson).


  1. Noz thnk u. Do not want oldz rite wingz wakko man u callz Fraud Thomper. even he lampz lookn old. Iz lookz lik u will soon b sukn on huk instead. it cuzz Rov makez networkz 4 evangeez and nowz huk take ova. booosh liez to evangeez n drop hoog bombz on iraq 4 no reas’n and letz hoog corps steel usa peeps gold and letz noo orleanz peeps drownz. make jesuz fish sad. iz u own faultz 4 huk. becuzz o boosh u rite wingaz nowz havn to suk on huk n suk hard. it foonee. he he he he he. u so deservn of it. all peepz laff at u and limbauu.

  2. I can’t help but to think Fred might do better in the polls if he talked more on the “Punch the Hippies” part of his platform. He’s the only candidate to even recognize the hippie problem.

  3. I can’t help but to think Fred might do better in the polls if he talked more on the “Punch the Hippies” part of his platform. He’s the only candidate to even recognize the hippie problem.
    Doubt that would help. People are concerned with the economy, global warming, health care and other serious issues – not hippies. Fred Thompson sounds like an old fart who is fixated on forgotten issues like Cuba. It’s obvious that hardly anyone wants to vote for him except for the 10-15 million Rush Limbaugh listeners. He’s totally out to lunch and so are most of you for assuming Fred ever even had a chance at the GOP nomination. What a bunch of stupid out-of-touch losers you all are. Screw you people. I hope you Cheney-loving assholes do have to Suck on Huckabee. You deserve him and so does the GOP for governing under chrony capitalism instead of fiscal responsibility. Suck Hard on Huck in 2008 you loser freaks!

  4. Please tell me who you are endorsing so I can order my bumper sticker.
    If you feel that you must put a bumper sticker on your vehicle try this one: “I’m Sucking on Huck.”
    Huckabee is like the GOP’s Frankenstein monster coming back to haunt them. Karl Rove galvanized the evangelical voters and used their churches to get Bush re-elected. But Rove tricked these nice honest evangelical voters into thinking they were electing someone fiscally and morally responsible. Bush/Cheney turned out to be morally bankrupt. They are actually lovers of cronyism, illegal wars, pollution and ecological destruction. Now a crazy Huckabee monster has discovered the church network that Karl Rove created. This monster is growing quickly in power and wants to take over the party. The Huckabee monster is going to eat nearly all the GOP votes in its path. Because of this you will all soon be sucking on huck.
    I say you all deserve what is coming to you.

  5. Y’know, I was watching Jay Leno briefly as I was channel surfing earlier, and I saw a guest who looked a lot like an age-progressed Howdy Doody. He was squeaking something about the constitution or some such.
    Anyone know if it was indeed that puppet of old, or is it a new one?

  6. Doubt that would help. People are concerned with the economy, global warming, health care and other serious issues – not hippies. Fred Thompson sounds like an old fart who is fixated on forgotten issues like Cuba
    C’mon! If you are concerned about Global Warming, the Economy and Health Care you need to vote Democratic! If you are a serious individual and understand the role of government, you need to run your own life get a decent job, own your own health insurance and realize that Global Warming is silly! Fred Thompson understands these points…Rats don’t and want people like you to elect them so they can tax your ass off!

  7. #1 – Posted by: Wrrrr on January 7, 2008 10:46 PM
    Hilaaaaaaarious. Nice.
    #9 – Posted by: Dave on January 8, 2008 12:41 AM
    I like that your slogan is “Suck on Huck”… you should market that, make big bucks. And maybe you should get it tattooed across your forehead so you can spread the word. That way people in public will know who you are and be able to congratulate you appropriately on your awesome hilarity. So, you hate Fred and Huck – which loser are you pushing for? Or are you just here to start crap. Guess which one I think it is…
    #11 – Posted by: AlanABQ on January 8, 2008 05:47 AM
    Definitely a puppet. I just have to wonder who’s hand is up his butt. Ew.

  8. The thing is that yes people are concerned about the economy. But Fred is still right.Slow down the growth of government, get back to true conservative spending policies, and the economy will grow. Reagan proved it, and George II proved it until the pod people stole his body. Rudy has it right when he says that every one of the democrats are promising to raise taxes, and you can count on them to over perform on that one!
    Vote Fred, Punch A Hippie!

  9. Dave, you have it all wrong! My fellow Freemasons and I rule this country, not “the church network that Karl Rove created”.. geeez. Where do ya have to go to get conspiracy theory credit around here??…..oh ya, Ron Paul’s web site..meet ya there; L. Ron Hubbard 4-Ever!!…I’ll see you on Saturn.

  10. Any candidate running a platform based on amending the Constitution is an idiot. The Senate can’t even pass a bill on simple immigration reform. Do you really expect 67 of them to pass an amendment that radically changes the way citizenship is defined?
    these battles are waged in the courts. a solid conservative who can actually get elected can name at least one and perhaps as many as 5 new justices over the next 8 years. that means he could make the Constitution whatever he wants it to be, without involving Congress or 38 states.
    Fred Thompson understands this, and has a record of success with the Supreme Court.
    Mike Huckabee stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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