McCain had a conference call with bloggers and I wasn’t invited. I remember Romney did the same thing. I thought Fred Thompson established you’re supposed to invite me to these things. I’m like Helen Thomas: I may be an idiot, but it’s tradition to include me.
So much for kissing up to McCain, Frank.
You might have blogged the full name of he who must not be named:
Barack HUSSEIN Obama
When he gets to be President, guess who’s First Amendment rights will be first against the wall… He’s not even President yet, and he’s already set up a Ministry of Muzzling.
Frank, you’re probably just too conservative for him. He’d have to say something mushy in response to your question, like, “Well, my friend, I hearfully respect your views but I’m afraid we’ll have to agree to disagree on the advantages of nuking the the bastards, as you put it.” He’s soft, Frank, not hard like Fred. It’s a style thing.
I’m like Helen Thomas
This is probably the first time in the history of the internet, going back to when Al Gore invented it, that any conservative blogger has compared himself to Helen Thomas.
On the other hand, I’ve never seen Frank and Helen Thomas together; maybe they’re the same person.
#3 Silicon Valley Jim
A most excellent post!
Unfortunately I must differ with you. Admittedly while Helen Thomas could be considered unfunny and treasonous, she could never be considered a ronin.
We’ve never seen Frank and Nate together, have we?
Sorry, Rightjabs, but you are wrong. Helen Thomas can be, and frequently is, hilarious. Though unlike Frank J., it isn’t intentional.
I think McCain is just too smart to go head-to-head with Frank. Like Dirty Harry said “A man’s got to know his limitations”.
I’m like Helen Thomas
Even in an aquaman suit, you are way less ugly. And that’s comin’ from a guy who really, really doesn’t like Superheroes of Ambiguous Orientation.
#6 DamnCat
Intentional is the operational word; I concede your point. 😉
I have always wondered why we never see Helen Thomas and Sarcasm Man together?
I remember when people refused to take Reagan seriously, or Matt Drudge, or William F Buckley. Keep up the good work Frank, you’re time will come.
I apologize for “reality intrudes” using Senator Obama’s middle name.
A weblogger conference call just isn’t the same without Frank J. He’s the Miracle Whip of webloggers.
mccain people in their 20’s are just kids…same as ‘not to taken seriously’.
i guess forgeting stuff like his parents close friend William Buckley was 29 when established NR or how old he was when he was a POW.
ok. mccain was 30 something as a POW.
Barack Hussein Obama! Dare I take the exalted one’s name in vain?
Jehovah! (ala Monty Python – Let the stoning begin!)
Picture of Mohammed:
= =
Did I miss any more sorely needed blasphemy?
…I’ve also heard, from a reliable source, that you’re at the top of Helen Thomas’s list, big boy.
He’s afraid you might call him names.
For that matter, he may be afraid you’ll call him by his middle name, like Cunningham did o’bummer. (What is mccain’s middle name anyway? Q, like in John Q. Public?)
I think his full name is John Sidney McCain III.
And no, I did not just look that up on Wikipedia.
I remember it from looking it up on Wikipedia two weeks ago.