Down with Clamshell Packaging

I hate clamshell packaging. I hate it with a passion. I buy some shiny new toy, but it sealed away in a shell of hard plastic tighter than Han Solo in carbonite.
There is no way to elegantly open those things. No way. You’re always reduced to tearing away at the chunks of plastic like a caveman trying to open a can of food with a rock. The best I can do is take a sharp knife to it, being every careful not to cut the contents, and then try and use that hole to tear it open, trying to do my best and failing at not cutting myself on the jagged pieces of plastic.
When I’m in charge, I’m going to find whomever is responsible for clamshell packaging at put him on live TV with a dozen different objects in standard clamshell packages. He must then elegantly open each one. If he fails, he will be executed by gunshot to the head.
Frank J. ‘XX for Some Office
“@#$% clamshell packaging!”
Here’s where to buy them custom made to foil any consumer. I’m trying to see if they have an FAQ because obviously be “How the @#$% are you supposed to open these?!”


Do you think the reason Ron Paul’s campaign never took off is because of the well-known rumor that he’s only running for the vice presidency?

One For the Road

edwards on chair.jpg
“All right, which one of you jokers said ‘MOUSE!’?”

Eternal Salvation < Socialism

I think this pretty much sums up the depths of liberals’ fascism: Jimmy Carter thinks it would have been great for Jesus to accept Satan’s offer to rule the world so He could then enact a bunch of socialist programs.
So if you’re wondering what means liberals think are okay to achieve their goals, the line is apparently drawn somewhere beyond deals with Satan.

What to Do About Berkeley

With the Berkeley City Council voting that Marines are not wanted in the city and Code Pink harassing the recruiters, something obviously must be done. My suggestion is that the Marines shoot a few of the protesters. It’s not like those ninnies could do anything in response other than die or flee. Perhaps that will help the people of Berkeley learn the importance of military might and how those who don’t have it can easily be pushed around.
Some would say that the Marines should just move out of Berkeley and raze the city to the ground (it’s not like we’d miss it since Berkeley doesn’t produce anything other than smelly hippies), but that seems to me to be admitting defeat.

Conservatives Are Dooooooomed!!!

As we all know, conservatives are headed for a huge crack up if McCain is the nominee. It could not only be the end of the Republican Party, but of America itself as, abandoning conservative principles, we become a Europe-like socialist fruitopia.
I hear that if McCain gets the Republican nomination and Hillary get the Democrat nomination, they’ll make each other their running mate and we won’t even have a choice in the general election. Then they’ll hunt us conservatives down like dogs. Like dogs!
What are your predictions for conservatives if McCain gets the nomination? Write them in the comments. The more doom-filled, the better.