The fragility of life . . .

There was a horrible auto accident today in Germany that should give us all pause to consider what’s really important during this heated political season. I almost cried when I saw this picture. It is absolutely gut wrenching. This picture may be kind of hard to take – if you look closely you can see what appear to be some survivors of the accident still in the wreckage. Although the picture is quite graphic, it makes you realize how quickly our loved ones can be taken from us. It also clearly shows the importance of being properly strapped in. Apparently a group of Irish tourists stayed on scene to help, and even though they performed mouth to mouth on quite a few of them, none apparently survived.

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Theft Most Petty

Some conservatives have been trying to make a big deal about Obama plagiarizing his speeches, but does anyone really care who has the original ownership of that meaningless pap? Theft-wise, it’s like stealing a handful of styrofoam peanuts. Who cares?

Will Republicans Have an Opportunity to Get the Black Vote?

I keep hearing that the Democrats could be on the verge of an all out race war if they use their superdelegates to make Hillary their nominee over Obama.
That would be awesome.
There are lots of people of color who only don’t vote for Republican because of the fact that they don’t vote for Republicans. It’s very frustrating, because we know there are votes there but aren’t sure any effort will get them to pull the lever for someone with an ‘R’ by his name. Lately, blacks have been voting Democrats over Republicans something like 90% versus 10%. But guess what? That’s also how they split in the primaries in Obama versus Hillary. If Hillary takes the nomination anyway — completely disregarding the vote through the use of superdelegates — that could make people so mad that it could finally tear down that wall that came up some time during last century that keep blacks from flocking to the Republicans.
We just have to hope that Hillary will be that arrogant and the Democrats that stupid… and there is nothing Hillary likes more than being arrogant and the Democrats enjoy more than being stupid.

I Knew the Britney Spears Breakdown Had Something to Do with Middle East Terror!

I keep thinking my DVR is a conspiracy theorists, because anytime I switch to FOX News it has the abbreviated description as “The important stories of the day are related…”

Presidents Day Questions

  • So, how many people actually get this day off? Like, if I put up a great post today, will pretty much no one see it because they’re too busy celebrating the life of Millard Fillmore?
    Yeah, you’re probably saying, “When was the last time you had a great post?” Know what? Screw you. Genius comes when genius comes.
  • Anyone know anything about Grover Cleveland other than that he serves two non-consecutive terms? I mean, without looking him up on Wikipedia?
    I can assume his first term must have been mediocre, and whoever served after him must have sucked, but I don’t know anything for sure except that he screws up the count of how many presidents there were since he usually gets counted twice.
  • Who was the best one term president? I say hands down it was Polk, but does anyone else have a favorite? BTW, he has to have completed one term, so it can’t be someone who was a really popular president but wasn’t reelected because he was dead, i.e., Kennedy.

Presidents Day

Today is Presidents Day. If you’re a president, thank you for your service.