So do you think we can get to not talking and not hearing about Huckabee again soon? I think his campaign is now as officially pointless as Ron Paul’s… or even more pointless. Huckabee doesn’t even offer anything different to the election other than being even more of a RINO. We chose our RINO, Huck; go home.
At this point, Huck is making his case for VP. He wants to make McCain pay attention to the fact that there is a large base of evangelical conservative Christians who still live in America, and with comments like those by Dr. James Dobson, that for the first time in his life, he may not be voting if McCain is the nominee, Huckabee is trying to convince the obvious winner that such a voting bloc is more important than the moderates, who probably won’t vote for him over Obama anyway… unless he thoroughly trounces him in debates and advertisements. That’s a big gamble though… What kind of VP would Huck make?
Yeah, Huck is only still in this to steal votes from Ron Paul.
Huck is acting like the girlfriend that calls you 25 minutes after you broke up with her and talks to you like you never broke up. I wonder if he has a sister I can go out with to get the point across?
We could send him down to the Caribbean for an endless chain of $10/plate, all-you-can-eat fundraisers and see how much weight he gains.
At least he keeps McCain in the news and on people’s minds. That’s about the only purpose he serves now.
Pointless is the word. He has no hope of winning and won’t say an unkind word about the front-runner (note to Governor Huckleberry: forget about the VP spot – not gonna happen). McCain seems to just ignore him – he’s that irrelevant.
MJ is right – since Romney quit he serves no purpose at all – other than demonstrating that McCain can beat opponents in elections.
You know the remaining candidates remind me of characters in the Wizard of Oz and the song “If I Only Had a Brain”.
The scarecrow- a brain-Huckabee ’nuff said
The tin man-a heart- Hillary again ‘neff said
The lion – courage- Obama- he doesn’t understand the military and doesn’t want to. Nor does he have to courage to trot out his true agenda.
Dorothy- a home- McCain-he isn’t a liberal, he isn’t a conservative, he doesn’t belong on either side. Maybe someone will drop a house on all of them and we can start fresh.
Sean is on point today…
Some days I’m the windshield, some days I’m the bug. Thanks for the kind words.
Correct, more pointless than Ron Paul. In fact, talking about pointless – McCain has fewer sensible points than Paul. “100 years in Iraq…” – McCain says. If the war was fought as it should’ve been fought – we’d be done and out of there years ago and the enemies would still be afraid to raise their heads. Trying to win “hearts and minds” – that’s the current strategy and fishing for bad guys with our hands tied by our own idiotic rules of engagement is a waste of lives and resources. Anyone who knows a modicum of history will know that an infidel will never be respected by the “true believer” and any agreements between them can be broken at earliest convenience by the followers of that cult of death. Meanwhile we are being taken over by illegal and legal immigration. Go to any gateway airport and watch who and in what quantities is coming off the planes from Jordan, KSA, other muslim countries and who is meeting/greeting them. McCain will do nothing about it. It seems that most Americans must taste the bitter medicine of radical left commie/socialists (B.Hussein Obama/H. Clinton) to wake up and smell the coffee. McCain will be worse than Bush (if that’s possible)because GOP’s opposition’s hands will be tied due to a RINO in the White House. I confess I voted for Bush twice: the first time (with hope he’d deliver on most of his promises) and the second time (with disgust at his opponent).
If you just ignore him, maybe he’ll go away.
I have hope! Hope that someone…ANYONE that is a true conservative will bitch slap John McCain and tell him to drop out so they can take over the party’s nomination… Now THATS HOPE!
It occurs to me that the way Arkansas gets rid of it’s terrible politicians is to convince them to run for president, and then encourage them NOT to return.
Bill Clinton=Mike Huckabee
Just a thought.
ussjimmy, I feel your pain. My spouse and I have decided that if Osamabama wins we will be wearing cloths pins on our noses when we go to vote.
I dislike Juan McPain more than I can say but I am afraid of Obama. He has no experience and imagine, if you would, his choices for cabinet and supreme court judges. I wonder what posts the Rev. Al and Jesse will occupy. That in itself is enough to scare me. Not because of the color of their skin, totally because of the extent of their crazy!
You forgot to say “Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul” at the end of the post.
Ron Paul is just as crazy as the rest if not crazier. You can’t just throw everything out and start over again, not and have an economy left. Sorry but facts are facts. Maybe if Mr. Paul were not such a reactionary more people would be able to support him but I’m not ready for anarchy yet.
this post is missing one thing…
What does this make Ron Paul (other than irrelevant)?
I’m leaning towards either Munchkin or Flying Monkey.
Big John,
I don’t know, he’s a non-entity for me.
Oh I know he’s the door keeper in the city of Oz. Officious, irritating and slightly deranged.
Is The Other Nate real?
Somedays your the bat, somedays your the ball.
Huckabee was the only conservative on the ticket as soon as thomson dropped out. romney is a fake, he was hardcore for gay marriage and abortion just 2 years ago, and said he was going to switch parties then.
huckabee not only is a conservative, but wants to eliminate the IRS somethinghe said 2 years ago, before Ron Paul used it in his campaigne, but both sides have different ideas with it. I love Paul, but i see Huckabee / Pault he perfect ticket. Mccain is and has done good in th epast, but hes 72, nearly 73, who knows what will happen from now till september 1st… maybe this nyt times story will break mccains moderate/independent support, and he wil crash or maybe huckabee will get his strong showing in ohio and texas. nearly 200 of mccain delegates are actually not commited, with some from washington state, and almost all from louisiana belonging to huckabee not mccain. if huckster does strong, with will be bad for mccain, and if huckabee can pull it out somehow to a convention, the ticket is his. so if mccain does get the 250 delegates over the next few months, remember that the news/media numbers arent accuarate, and huckabee wills till take it to the convention.
NOTE: the republicans have NEVER lost a general election after a convention, the DEMS always have!!! lincoln, carter and fdr are examples of republican candidates who were in 2nd or 3rd place going to a convention to get the nominee and presidency!!!!!!!!!!
go huck! if ron paul says hes giving his delegates to huckabee at a convention, the smart thing to do, is vote huckabee, to see a huckabee-paul ticket!
I’m pretty much with Phil. Exactly when and how did everyone agree that Huckabee is a RINO? He’s liberal on immigration, but that is just about it. He’s way more reliable than McCain is or Romney was on abortion, taxes, social security reform, religious liberty…and he’s a great communicator, with a real chance of beating Hillary or Obama. Somewhere along the line a lot of the mainstream republican outlets like NRO and IMAO turned against him, but I still don’t understand why.