Obama and sex education. Listen carefully to what he says 25 seconds in. Then hear Gov. Romney’s response.
Another version. This one, Obama sandwiched around a supporter:
Obama says someone said something false about him. Then agrees with what was said.
Tell me again why he’s leading in the polls. Is it because we’re in Bizzaro World?
Yep, this is Bizarro World, my enemy 😛
Is it because we’re in Bizzaro World?
We are in the Bizzaro World under a green sun.
Max Headroom was a prophesy.
A Bizzaro World indeed, Basil. Maybe soon to be a QUANTUM Bizzaro World. The country is clearly bipolar.
More abortions ………..for liberals. Can we do Teddy Kennedy retroactively?
“In the modern social order, the person is sacrificed to the individual.
The individual is given universal suffrage, equality of rights, freedom of opinion;
while the person, isolated, naked, with no social armor to sustain and protect him, is left to the mercy of all the devouring forces which threaten the life of the soul, exposed to relentless actions and reactions of conflicting interests and appetites …. It is a homicidal civilization.”
– Jacques Maritain, Three Reformers, 1925.
It isn’t Bizarro, it is the result of a concerted effort to poison our culture. The communist infiltrators had a plan, and it worked. They infiltrated our media (Hollywierd and News), schools, unions, and civil service jobs. It just didn’t work fast enough to save the USSR.
Our only hope is that they showed their hand too soon, and that our freedom loving principles can be revived in time.