Obama’s Ideas for Dealing with North Korea

North Korea is going to be testing a new missile capable of hitting the U.S., so this could be one of Obama’s first real tests as president. Here are some of the options he’s contemplating for dealing with North Korea:

* Send unicorns to give them hugs.

* Nominate North Korean leaders as his cabinet members to expose their tax cheating.

* Settle everything with a smile contest.

* Really listen to Kim Jong Il’s whole Communism idea.

* To show cultural understanding, get really poofy hair.

* Give them some of our nuclear missiles as a gesture of good faith.

* Bomb his own country to show North Korea he knows who the real enemy is.

* Tell Kim Jong Il he knows the hurt that comes from having a funny name.

* Fire rays of hope at them from out of his butt.

* Talk. Really talk.

* Illegally spy on North Korea and rendition its people to be tortured by proxy (I’m not saying Obama will do that, but he is leaving the option open).


  1. * Tell him he can’t have any US $CHANGE until he gives up his toys.

    * HOPE – really HOPE – through mass thought projection – that his missile doesn’t work.

    * Organize “How Much We Love North Korea” marches in west coast cities.

    * Move the western US boundary to the Rockies and forget it.

  2. Offer to sit down with the Little Leader and give him some advice. Tell him that he’s a bitch when it comes to gaming the system. Offer to fly him to Chicago and allow him a couple of weeks education in South Side Old Style Chicago Windy City Community Organizing Hope and Change! Then introduce him to Democratic vision of the Income Tax System. Then introduce The Little Leader to Democratic Pols to show him how to “game” the system. Then introduce him to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to really slime his ass before sending him back. Now that’s truly EVIL

  3. * Unnerve Kimbo by pointing & laughing at his head while proclaiming that he looks like a cross between a badly-aging bull dyke & Yoko Ono.

    * Make it clear that a harsh talking-to would likely follow any sign of aggression.

    * He could let Kimbo know that if he abandons their ICBM research, Michelle Obama will exclaim to him that “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of your country”. Then they could all have a good laugh together…we all know it wouldn’t be the first time.

    * Remind them that they still owe us a solid for China’s & Bill Richardson’s immeasurable contributions to their weapons program.

  4. Amazing. Biden was right on the money with his dire warning that within the first 6 months of this corrupt presidency, Hussein would be tested by our enemies who know what a pusillanimous idiot he is.

    Quick, email Biden and ask him for the numbers for the Powerball drawing Wednesday!

  5. The Nork’s nuclear test wasn’t that impressive. Their “Long Dong” (not kidding) missiles aren’t so scary either. I bet they go fffttt like a bottlerocket. The best thing to do would be to mock them to scorn and maybe spread a little blight in what’s left of their crops.

    But nooooo, I’m sure Prez Obeyme will cuddle and coddle these backwards commidiots and throw a big fat aid check their way.

  6. What would be really cool is if we put our COIL 747-400 offshore for the test. As soon as the pot-bellied dictator’s missile is in the air, we shoot it down. Shows Kimmy that his missiles are useless and proves US superiority. Of course with obambi in office, we’ll just talk the missile down.

  7. Jimmy! You are really starting to piss me off! I put a lot of stock in The Great and Glorious Leader Barack Obama (May He Live Forever) and I cried like a school girl the day of his anoin…err…swearing in! Now we, as a nation, are trying to pull together in the greatest threat to ever face this nation (Rush Limbaugh) and you want to sit on the sidelines and take cheap shots at our POTUS (The Great and Glorious Leader…sniff…I’m sorry I just broke down again like a 10th grade school girl or George Stephonoposyhopois…)….anyway… I’m rambling here but I’m tired of you conservative pricks who just want to sit there and HALLIBURTIN!!! take shots at our BUSH LIED PEOPLE DIED our President when we should all be coming NO BLOOD FOR OIL together at this wonderful time in our history of a race free society…

  8. I don’t get it…didn’t he pull this stunt about a year ago in order to get a stimulus check from American taxpayers?

    What…didn’t it ever arrive in the mail? So maybe the post office needs a few more billion in order to operate as well as our public schools do…after all, it’s for the children…

  9. Hey, ussjc. I was trying to formulate a retort to your “Omnibus Rectumbus Sticimus Uptimus Assibus bill” on the other thread and I couldn’t do it without being truly profane. And now I’m pissing you off?? Well, eat my (stinky dirty shorts) Biden!!! Watch out – I’ve been taking lessons from Her Roaring Thigh Tai Kwon Do-ness herself, The One Who Must Not Be Named, The Dominatrix of Doom, Hillary McClainton, your favorite sweetheart and head crusher extraordinaire!

    Plus, I’m wearing a Harry Reid butt cover.

  10. Kim Jong-il and his people would not hate the United States so much if they were not frightened by the overwhelming military advantage that the U. S. possesses (have you seen a word with more s’s in it than possesses–my word!).

    It is this fear that drives their insecurity and need to obtain weaponry that will give them the feeling of safety when confronting their enemies.

    Your president, Barack Obama could show considerable wisdom if he would share the technology and materials to help North Korea become equal to the United States in the area of military deterent. Through this equalization of force will come a mutual respect, and then and only then will we be assured that the safety and peace that we all desire will be fullfilled.

    I feel confident that B. Hussein Obama, your president, will follow his conscience and do what is right for both North Korea and the United States as well as Iran and other disinfranchised countries. Leadership requires vision and boldness. It requires thinking outside the box. Hope land Change does not just happen. It takes the kind of courage your president, B. Hussein Obama has demonstrated. I am confident that at this time in history and in this hour B. Hussein Obama is the right man who will do the right thing for the U.S. and the world.

    By ending the fear others have of the United States Obama will prove that peace in our time can become reality.

  11. I agree with everything Idaho Spuds said…..cept the part about giving the NK’s enough weapons to be equal in the military areana with the US, adn then there’s that other part about those other countries iran and such… yeah.. I disagree with that too… but other than that Spuds on the money..cept for that part about NK fearing us cause we got more weapons…. other than that spuds is right on target….. but then theres that part about equalization in force inducing mutual respect….. Ya know what … never mind….. Spuds is obviously on drugs

  12. “Prez Obeyme”

    “Omnibus Rectumbus Sticimus Uptimus Assibus bill”


    Bwahahahaha!– For the Win!

    This place seriously rawks.

    Viva IMAO! (at least for the next 4+ years; we’re gonna need it)

  13. The test of the obamessiah has already come and gone, and everyone, including him, missed it.

    Fox News reported today that iran has launched its first satellite on an indigenous booster. If you can orbit satellites, you can deliver WMDs.

    And the obamessiah’s response?

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