Don’t Hide from the Message

I don’t like moderates. I’d wish they’d all get hit by buses and end up in comas until election day when they can vote for us and get hit by a bus again. That probably won’t happen, so I’ll just say don’t listen to their message about moderating what we stand for. The big advantage conservatives have over liberals is that we don’t have to hide from our message.

Liberals can never say exactly what they want because it’s scary. That’s why they don’t work on talk radio. If they say what they’re goals are unfiltered, it even scares themselves. Look at college campuses; if liberals were unrestrained, is there any doubt their final goal would be socialism and fascism? They inch into any control they can have about our finances and behavior and clamp down on it like wolverines never letting go, but they never talk about their ultimate goals except in the vaguest terms (“Change and happiness!”) because they’re well aware of how much it would freak people out. They want socialism and government control, but they just don’t want to state it that way.

Conservative ideals can be stated frankly, though, and not send people running. It can be a little scary – freedom and responsibility is scary – but it’s an argument people will accept. So while liberals dance around what they want, we need to state frankly what our goals are. Lay out a real vision for the future to inspire people.


* Government should be as small as possible and we need to take control of our own lives and finances.

* Any country that messes with us should be brutalized to the point we get world wide condemnation.

* Anyone against this is a sissy and should be punched in the nads.

Spread the word!


  1. More ideas (which I think are implied by your brilliant basic three):

    – If you aren’t hurting someone else, do whatever you want. Just don’t ask my blessing on it or for my taxes to pay for it.

    – If we get in a war, it should be for the purpose of forcing the other stupid country to realize they are a stupid country, and we shouldn’t stop until they apologize for making us explain it to them.

    – If your budget leads to a deficit, it means you’re spending too much.

  2. If this were a few years ago, I’d point out that democrats would be really angered if they read your post.

    However, in this day, I have to instead warn you that it is the GOP that will be really angered if they read your post, as the career politicians currently passing themselves off as Republicans don’t like anyone pointing out what the Republican party is actually supposed to be…especially voters.

  3. >>>* Any country that messes with us should be brutalized to the point we get world wide condemnation.

    Amen! Maybe a step further even: …brutalized to the point the rest of the world really wants to condemn us but is too scared to speak it aloud.

    Like the Gadsden snake – don’t bother us and we won’t bother you. Bother us, and we aren’t going to call for economic sanctions and six-party talks and UN resolutions. We are going to bare fang and friggin’ NAIL YOU!

  4. #6. We already know Hippies should be punched in their dumb-monkey faces. So your question has been answered already. RINOs should be treated in the same way as we are well aware they lack any trace of nads whatsoever.

  5. Liberals can’t say what they want because the government did not give them permission. To them responsibility is as foreign as morals or work. They have no concept. So called moderates know what we mean when we say morals, leadership, responsibility, and loyalty, but have never experienced them for themselves. Moderates like liberals have no spine or stomaches, and simply try to ooze through life with no sense of well being. Conservatives are optimistic and happy, moderates like liberals do not know happiness because they just don’t get it. A moderate is less likely to seek counciling like liberals, well, because a moderate can’t make up his mind if he is sick or not. Liberals don’t know they are sick either, but they do know they need a hug. This said hug usually comes from terrorists, or moon people from saturn.
    Liberals and moderates are brain and nad free. Moderates do tend to be drug free, but dependant on other substances.

  6. Why do we keep calling ourselves Republicans? Rebublicans are Democrats sans abortion, Democrats are Socialists, Conservatives are really Libertarians or Constutionalists or something like that, and Libertarians are Conservatives without a big Army.

    Everybody need to go home, take off the label they’ve had for the past 30 years, take a test and check some boxes, then come back and sit in the correct corner of the room.

    If we do that, we get rid of RINOs, clearify what Dems really stand for and end up with a majority of sensible people who just want the government off our backs and out of our pocket.

    Now someone just need to make the test.

  7. Dear God:

    Please lay upon Sarah Palin’s heart that she needs to dump the RINO party who so thoroughly trashed her, and run with the above platform on a “Conservative” or “Independent” or “Freedom” ticket so’s she can landslide her pretty red heels into the White House and sweep this country clean again and we can thin the herd and start over with what You and the founders intended for this United States of America, who is too young to die. Would be much appreciated, kthxbai and Amen.

  8. * Government should be as small as possible and we need to take control of our own lives and finances.

    I just can’t imagine all the idiots out there who are STILL counting on social security. What could they be thinking?

  9. “they’re goals”? No, Frank – remember, there are three spellings you could use here: their (possessive), they’re (they are, contracted), and there (place indicator). Remember, it’s “there goals.”

    Because the goals of liberals end up in a place that no one wants to go to – no one wants to go “there.”

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