Record Stupid

We were playing around with a little game on Twitter the manly 140 character limit messaging service listing three words liberals would hate, and one of my response was “right to carry.” This caused someone going by “Smoothcrminal” to respond with “otherwise known as the right to shoot your wife”.

And I was taken aback, because that’s a lot of stupid crammed into very few words.

So, apparently, this “smooth criminal” thinks that the only thing keeping some people from shooting their wives is the ability to legally carry their guns out in public because if you’re going to shoot your wife, it has to be out of the home with a legally possessed gun. I mean, if the guy had a least a tiny filter between the synapses misfiring in his brain and angrily posting to the internet, he could have come up with a marginally logical response like “otherwise known as the right to shoot someone who looks at you funny”, but that’s probably like expecting proper table manners from a chimpanzee. Plus, he chooses the poser name “Smooth Criminal”, but his reaction upon mention of firearms is “Eww! Guns are scary!”

Yeah, I know, the internets are full of these people, but sometime I’d like a scientific study of how these nimrods even figure out how to turn on a computer.


  1. I’d like a scientific study of how these nimrods even figure out how to turn on a computer.

    Their mommy does it for them just before she goes and makes them a sandwich.

    BTW: isn’t the manly 140 character limit messaging service sometimes called “Shout Out?”

  2. Frank we don’t hate you. A lone tear trickled down my cheek when I saw this filed under “I hate Frank” We love you (in a manly PURELY platonic non left leaning way). I think Smooth Criminal has upset you delicate mental balance. just renounce/repent of Twittering. My wife has “accidentally” pointed a large caliber handgun late one night, sure glad she had a constitutional right to do that but I digress. Smooth Criminal is just a IDIOT, who ever heard of a decent criminal w/o a weapon.

  3. I am not a homosexual or any leftist like that, but i would conwider getting a twitter account just to respond to that. I really love some of the answers to 3 words liberals hate. Especisally God Bless America, Right to carry, and Bush protected us.

  4. ~~~ode to smoothcriminal~~~


    Not to worry smoothie, your 9th circus will save the day.

  5. How about:

    “Carry Concealed Permit”

    Husband and I just qualified a firearms safety training course this weekend in order to get a carry a concealed weapons permit.

    I got to shoot a .22 Berretta, a 9mm Glock, and a .38 Revolver. I am glad my husband talked me into taking the course with him because I had never fired a gun before and was had an image in my head of that scene from Police Academy when that tiny squeaky voiced black lady (and I actually am a tiny squeaky voiced white lady) fired her gun for the first time, screamed and ran off! I really thought that would be me. But it was not so bad once I was actually firing the gun. Still scared the crap out of me at first, but I actually felt a sense of accomplishment after. We already were talking about going back once a month at least to rent guns to practice with at the range.

  6. In a conversation over the weekend about the purpose of Memorial Day, I let it drift into what we would never have done in the Bomb Dump. Of course, it had to move on to what REAL soldiers would never, ever do… Face Book ( for introducing Hippie’s to books, Ouch!)
    My Space (stay outta mine, or you’ll find out what the 2nd ammendment was REALLY for) and, of course, Twitter. No explaination necessary.

  7. Ok, I tried. I really did. I placed my cursor into the Google search bar and started typing. I got to (Twit) and just had to stop. I felt myself getting gayer and gayer with each letter I typed! Had I proceeded with the full website and actually clicked, I would be full-gay today!

  8. Do you really think this was a guy? Sounds like a feminazi to me. Oh, I know. He is a guy who is married to a feminazi and has been having wet dreams about doing her in. Having a gun in his hand would be way too tempting for such a weak willed male.

  9. I’m sure this ‘guy’ isn’t nearly as stupid as he’s coming off. Not saying brilliant here, just a whiny spaz trying to piss us all off.

    Classic leftist move: “Put those dumb inbred red staters on the defensive by making absurd accusations”

    especially when it comes to what the first amendment really means, or the 2nd, or… well… for that matter having any REAL opinion other than wishy washy feel-good ideas

  10. According to a non-scientific study, 9 out of 10 Nimrods have their pet monkeys turn on their computer. If the spelling is correct, then they are having their monkeys operate the keyboard. If they make a cogent argument, then the monkeys have taken over, after ripping off said Nimrods’ faces and genitals.

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