Glenn Beck Boycott

Just to update you, Glenn Beck called Obama a racist which makes him a racist (but doesn’t make you a racist if you call Glenn Beck a racist), so the nutroots — who never pick a fight with anyone worth the energy, you know, like terrorists — are screeching at him and demanding boycotts of companies that advertise on his show. Now a bunch of companies have pulled out of advertising on Glenn Beck’s show, except they are still advertising on FOX News just in different advertising blocks so it’s no loss of revenue for FOX News. Most likely, after the nutroots find something else inane to screech and fling poo about (to be clear, I’m comparing them to monkeys, particularly stupid irritable ones), everything will go back to normal.

I’ve never seen Glenn Beck’s FOX News show as it’s on during the day. I don’t think he can keep getting the ratings he does and not be put in prime time, though. That will really cause the nutroots to screech, so it would great if that’s done during a time when it would be nice to have them distracted, like campaign season.


  1. Gotta love liberals. They get so touchy when anyone points out the obvious…that ever since the days when they were viciously opposing the same civil rights movement they now attempt to claim credit for, they have always been the preferred party of racists.

  2. Truthfully, I just tivo Beck, so I skip the commercials no matter what. Having said that…knowing which advertisers have pulled back from the show makes a handy list for me to know which companies not to do business with anymore. I do agree though that he needs a new time slot.

  3. I sent an email to Sargento about their boycott and they said they were boycotting b/c he said on his show that he wanted to poison someone. They wanted no part of that! I guess he did say something about poisoning Pelosi but isn’t she poisoning herself with all that Botox? Any poison GB would have probably wouldn’t have any effect on her whatsover. Apparently, Sargento has no problem with the supposed racism stuff. Good to know!

  4. I watch Beck when I can he’s pretty entertaining. He did hit the nail on the head with calling Obozo racist. I think I understand why liberals are mad at Beck, they have Keith Uberdoofus and Cartoon Mattews to entertain them. That would be enough to piss me off too. As for the companies pulling out from Beck’s show I’ll boycott them for being stupid.

  5. Other than Wal-Mart, does any one even use the others? I know who cvs and best buy are, but I would never shop there anyway because they are just not the kind of store I like. best buy can go the way of circuit city and I don’t think anyone will notice. I will boycott wal mart though, which is a shame cause they did have the stuff I wanted, and no real American shops at target.

  6. I TIVO Glenn everyday (even though I’m home….it’s more of a conveince thing). H edoes speak the truth, that’s why the libs are so crazed. Basically it’s like this: If libs don’t through poo at you, you’re not doin’ it right.

    I hope Frank has had some poo slung his way lately.

  7. It will be fun to watch the counter-boycot of the boycotters. I have a sneaking suspicion that the boycotting companies are about to start feeling the impact of alienating their Conservative customers.

    Uh, hello. By definition, Conservatives have more money than smelly hippies and po’ folks (aka liberals). And Limousine Liberals don’t shop at Wal-Mart, Radio Shack, and Men’s Warehouse, anyway.

    This is going to backfire big time. In the end, we’ll be called racist hatemongers who want to starve kids and kill old people…but what’s new?

    Mitch Rapp

  8. I think any doubt Obama was racist against whites should have been dismissed when he nominated Sotamayor, whose only unique qualification, as far as I can tell, is trying to enforce reverse discrimination at every opportunity. Don’t forget Bush also nominated for a lower court a hispanic who was every bit as compelling and educated as she is. The democrats locked it in committee repeatedly. Why? Because when he answered questions and said the constitution should be interpreted as it was written, he actually MEANT it.

    I love Glenn Beck. I hope he’s in primetime soon, but to do so would be to bump someone else popular. I’d rather see Beck than most of them in prime time.

  9. You obviously haven’t been paying attention:Blacks can’t be RACIST!

    I didn’t have time to check all 2,940,000 results to see if half blacks can be so maybe it’s the evil white half
    that is. But their whole long winded ‘reason’ they can’t be has something to do with not being in a position
    of power over whitey….well I guess that one’s out now.

    It’s amazing how much time liberals spend watching people they hate just so they can find something to
    whine about and demand other people stop listening to them. I don’t like what the douche bags on CNN
    say, therefore I don’t listen to them, how hard is that? I’m as conservative as they come but I can’t stand
    Glen Beck, he spends half his time denying what he’s saying…is what he’s saying. He’s so over dramatic
    that’s it’s hard to take him seriously but I guess the Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker crowd don’t care, as long
    as he’s saying the right ‘wrong’ things.

    Why do (did) these companies advertise on his show in the first place? You only need to watch it for 5 minutes
    to see (and predict) what he’s about. I guess they’re just like the HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT MY BUMPER to
    see I voted for a communist types, they want everyone to know how great they are by doing something stupid.

  10. I don’t watch any of these shows any more! I know what I believe and don’t need some talking head from the right or the left to tell me what to think. I get my news from IMAO!

  11. I’ve shopped at WalMart forever. Now they have joined the Negro Party. The same people who want to shove unionization down their throats. I wrote a letter to the manager and will deliver it personally today. There must be consequences when they take the side of the American haters.

  12. &. Anna, Target will not allow the marines to put Toys for Tots boxes in the stores.
    Any store that does not support the Marines is a commie haven, and real Americans do not patronize stores that do not support Marines!

  13. Too bad. Wal-Mart is just now pushing into the Peoples Republic of NJ..which I thought was going to be a good thing. Now I gotta stay out of Wal-Mart, and start making fun of them.

    I now believe that Wal-Mart executives are so dumb…they think a Mexican border pays rent.

    Burp. When the Green crazies start burning down Wal-Mart’s for their global aims at world domination…I’m going to laugh. Like “Hah Hah”. I will.

  14. To be fair Glenn Beck said, “Obama is a racist” then guys said that was hate speech and called Glenn Beck a racist. So if anyone calls someone a racist then they are racists.

  15. i too will not shop at these stores, and i buy a LOT of drugs & food from cvs. the won has proven time and again his racist hatred of all things white. i’m surprised he hasn’t painted the white house black. somewhere in xxx, kenya, some village is missing it’s idiot.

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